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A New Chapter is being born...


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Hey all, first time poster here.


Well, I have been playing 40K since the 2nd edition and ever since I started I have mainly been building a SM army. Over the last few years now, I have been struggling with the fact that the vanilla marines which I have been playing have just been considered Ultramarines with a different colors and markings and nothing truly my own. Since the new SM codex came out I have been working on by own chapter. And finally I thought I could bring some of my ideas and bounce them off you.


The basic outline of the fluff so far is a chapter of marines that at some point been based near if not in the eye of terror. Over the years, these marines have become adapt to fighting chaos. They have the following traits as "trust your battle brothers" and "No respite, No mercy" or "Bring the fight to them" (still trying to figure out what would be best for the fluff. Seeing they fight chaos more then most other groups, I figured this would fit the theme of hard bitter warriors fighting the good fight against chaos. I wanted to give them the preferred enemy skill to chaos SM, but it was pushing that rule "suffer not the alien to live" a little to much IMHO.)


The Disadvantages would be "flesh over steel" and "have Faith in suspicion" This would be that seeing they are so near the eye of terror, they would not have much access to forge world items like land raiders and the like. And not having access to Liberians would reflect the fact they are to close to the powers of the warp that they don

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Sounds good, bar your traits. I know many people pick them for fluff reasons (including myself), but yours dont make sense on table top or fluff.


Trust Your Battle Brothers - Urges marines to be defensive and recieve the charge. Changes weapons lay out


Take the fight - Changes weapons, different to trust your battle brothers


No Mercy No Respite - Urges marines to charge.


So your going to have some squads wanting to charge armed with bp + ccw, and some marines who want to recieve the chare armed with bolters + ccw. Seems a little wierd?



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On second thought it does. It wont really let me take full advantage of my troops seeing they wont really be a shooty or an assault army. My idea with the chapter is that they will be a primarly on foot with little or no heavy tanks and such.


I wanted to be able to with be good at fighting hth and also shooting, but that set up kind of limits me at both. Seeing, i would have to start on foot on the other end of the table. So, to allow me to get what i want which is a tough hard hitting army willing to engage Chaos on a whim, i figured i will now set the traits to "see, but dont be seen" and "Trust your battle brothers" This will allow me to set up closer if need be to my opponent, and have a hth counter punch if i get to close or charged by the screaming hordes of chaos.


The infiltration rules will fit nicely with the fluff of being a group of warriors who set up and work deep in the eye off terror much better. But the counter attack rule will help fit the fact that my troops will happily engage chaos warriors in hand to hand combat, when ever they are challenged.


That should fit a little better dont you think?



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I could use some help in trying to devlope a good name. Its very hard to find one that hasnt been used already but based on the fluff and the color scheme my army. I have come up with a few of these ideas... But i can sure use some help.


The Brazen Company

The Dark Company

The Forgotten Legion

The Forsaken Legion

The Overseers




I know, pretty boring stuff (not boaring really, but most likely in use somwhere)... But i am at a serious loss for names...


Any ideas at all?



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Well, based on what you said here are my views on traits:


TYBB: Yes. Certainly yes. From what I know, Chaos tends to be a very assaulty army. A trait that makes taking a charge good would be very fluffy.


Flesh over Steel: ABSOLUTELY take this. If your chapter is mainly on foot, this is the perfect thing to represent it.


See, But Don't Be Seen: Ehhh, I don't like it. Fluffwise it makes no sense. I thought they were good at holding the line, not advancing? Ruleswise it makes no sense coupled with TYBB because it gets them in charge range more and TYBB makes your charges less effective.


Purity above all: I know Ruleswise it's not a really big deal but Fluffwise it seems perfect.


Have Faith in Suspicion: If your two traits aren't from the same group (and TYBB + Purity above all aren't) Then you need a minor disadvantage too. I would suggest this one, as fluffwise it makes total sense for Chaos-haters.


As for the name, I came up with Arch Reapers the other day and hey, I have nothing to use it on. You can have it if you want. Remember, chapters are named when they are created and not after they develop their fighting style. When the chapter was created, the High Lords would have no idea they would wind up in the EoT so a generic name is probably the most accurate.


Welcome to the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes. May we never meet in battle.

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Thanks for you comments!


I'll do some more thinking about the other trait to see what would be best.


But just a note, I already did have faith in suspicion as a disadvantage. So i think i am coverd on that part ;)


Now, i am going to try and add a pic or two to this post so you can see some of the WIP's. I have the main colors on some of them, just have to do the highlights and smooth out the flames ( <-- If anyone knows of a few tips for painting flames, let me know please)


WIP - Chaplin

WIP - Back of Terminator Capt

WIP - Capt with scratch built LC - I am really proud with my LC. Seeing i had to make my own.

WIP - Chapter Master with basic troops.


Now, i know the painting is not the best so go easy on me. :)




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Trying to come up with the basics of a DIY chapter is not as easy as i would like. (That is if you want to do a half decent job on it). After some more thought on what trait would be best to take.. Here they are.


With the fluff in mind about the chapter and their location in the EOT. I really wanted to have these two disadvantages

1) No Pykers

2) Few if any tanks and heavier equipment.

These fit perfectly for what i have in mind, so thats a given for me.


So, to keep with my theme, the traits i pick are


1) TYBB - In regards to their willingness in engage chaos in arms. (which i am determined to have)




2) Cleanse and Purify - This will help with the obvious shootiness of my army, plus it fits the theme of wanting to send the servants of chaos back to the depths of hell in which they came from.


Now i hope this should satisfiy the all the real pro's out there who know the Fluff inside and out. Everyone was telling me, if i want to make a good DIY chapter, to come here and flesh it out. Because everyone here really knows their stuff when it comes to the 40K universe. And i want to write one dandy of a story.


I just want to get the very basic stuff ironed out first. Before i start writing the history of the force. They are very much a decendent of the "Ultramarines" gene seed. But save that for a later date.




"Frater in Telum, Frater in Nex"

"Brothers in Arms, Brothers in Death"

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