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Marines Hospitallier


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Hey guys, here's the rough outline of my DIY chapter, the Marines Hospitallier:


Homeworld: Naxos VII (an arid desert planet, however rich in mineral wealth)


Colour Scheme: Quartered orange and white, Black Templars' cross on white shoulderpad.


Background (very WIP):

Chapter draws recruits from local mining settlements, who prove to be strong and hardy. Founded in the 13th Founding, and are located on the Eastern Fringe. Their homeworld was overrun by Tyranids when the first fleet arrived in Imperial Space. At that time, the chapter was still building its strength, and had only 3 fully-functional companies, in addition to the first company. Thus, the Chapter is currently rebuilding, and do not have access to a lot of Imperial technology. The invading Tyranids wiped out the Equatorial Jungles, so the planet is slowly drying out completely. In the wake of the invasion, numerous marines were forced into accelerated training as Apothecaries, and the Chapter has maintained this high number of Apothecaries ever since, as a kind of homage to the warriors of the past.



Purity Above All

Suffer Not the Alien to Live

Flesh Over Steel


thanks guys,




P.S (My first post on B&C!! Yay!)

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Welcome to the site. Interesting beginning for a chapter, I just hope you like that color scheme a lot. I'm afraid they may look like cremesicles. I'd like to see some pics before I judge, though. I'd wondered when somone would use this name, but if they've been around that long, you should add something to the fluff aside from many apothercaries to have them earn such a name.
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Is it reasonable to have marines that say, helped the population of a hive post-some-sort-of-invasion? And the colour scheme looks good when its a dark, rusty sort of orange....not soft and pastely. They do loook bad when its a soft orange, i must admit.
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Do you mean the chapter was decimated by the nids at a young age, if so then your going have to make your chapter 26th founding. Nids werent around that early (bar lost fleets or what ever they are called). This seems to be the current "it" theme, :)



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Oooh ya, I'd forgotten about them! Hmm, mabe there is a nother name for the Hospitaliers. Oh yeah, the Knights Templar! Do ya think GW has used that sort of name for anything yet? *Mops up sarcasm* Sorry, couldn't resist. But yes, I think that fact somewhat invalidates your name. Maybe you could show us some pics so that we can help you pick a new name?
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Oh no, the Crimson Fists must call themselves the Crimson Gloves because the Imperial Fists don't want anyone to have 'Fists' in their name. Oh, and the Imperial Castellans better look for an alternative to 'Imperial'. ^_^


Whilst the name is taken by the sisters, I doubt marines would really care when it came down to choosing their name.


Hashut, if you like the name, stick with it, and don't let anyone dissuade you.

Edited by Commissar Molotov
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Love the name, so much infact that I wanted to use it a while ago... but then I saw that there already is a Hospitalier chapter (space marines, not sisters...) The Hospitalers was one of the chapters that was created to give people some ideas and inspiration for the Chapter Master competition...

The Hospitalers were created by John Fitzsimons and is showcased in WD299 (northern europe)... sorry to have to say this... :blush:

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Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback so far. I think i shall continue with the name, or perhaps the Marines Hippocratica? (i.e. hippocratic oath) Anyhow, i should have pics up in the next few days (which probably means weeks, knowing my painting speed). I have also decided to keep the 13th founding, and change from nids to "an unidentified xenos race", as nids seem a bit of a cliche, these days. Anyhow, im currently thinking kroot for my nemesis race, and just drop the suffer not trait, or is it impossible for an army of kroot to cause this much damage to a space amrine chapter?

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Marines are not 'nice'. They are genetically-enhanced, brain-washed, conditioned, killing machines willing to lay down their lives for a man they've never met before in the face of the blatantly obvious truth that humanity's days are numbered. That takes a special kind of person.


Now, whilst some chapters have a strong bond with those of their homeworld (the Ultramarines and Salamanders would be two) don't think that marines are a 'nice' organisation. They are designed down to the biological level to kill things and be good at doing so. Whilst they would help their homeworld recover if it was attacked, perhaps focusing too much on 'Medical Marines' will detract from the 40k mythos.


A lot of your ideas depend on when you want your homeworld to be devastated. The Kroot have not been very mobile until recently in galactic terms. Whilst they could devastate a planet, there isn't much in it for them to do so. They are hunters, much like the predator. Killing for sport isn't really their style.

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Based in a remote sector of the Eastern fringe, the Marines Hospitallier are single-handedly responsible for the protection for the vast mineral wealth of the Grekos Sector. In an unusual divergence from traditional deployment philosophy, the Chapter is not based on a single world, and is instead based on 5 different planets, and two fleets. The 5 battle companies are each based on a different world, the reserve companies based in fleets patrolling the sector, with the 8th, 9th, and 10th companies on the same world as the 1st,, Naxos III. The Chapter adopted this peculiarity out of necessity, as the Sector is constantly under raids from Orks and the ever-expanding Tau Empire. In fact, back in the early history of the Chapter, it was a force of Kroot led by the Tau who decimated the vast majority of the marines.


This invasion, known to the chapter as the Time of Woe, was the result of a massive invasion of the Grekos system by the Tau Empire, however most of the fighting was conducted by allied Xenos species. The invasion force swept through the sector, over-running the primitive defences of the agri-worlds, and mining worlds within days, and almost crippling the Hospitallier fleet. In the space of a week, the only world left in Imperial Hands was Naxos III. The Kroot were wreaking Havoc in the hives, the 8th company fighting valiantly to defend the strategic spaceports in the hives. However, by the 6th day of the invasion the company was completely annihilated. In response, an all out assault was launched upon the invaders. The Marines fell upon the defenders with rage and fury, however they were unable to breach the defences of the invaders, who were firmly entrenched in the Imperial city. After 3 months of siege, the Chapter Master finally ordered the 10th company to infiltrate the city. He had kept the 10th company out of the fighting, in case all the marines were killed in the assault, but the situation was desperate enough to require their use. They infiltrated the main lines of the Tau army, and lauched a series of raids, devastating their logistics.


Ermm...thats it so far...I think I mgiht take the battle outside the city, just for fun :)

Edited by Hashut
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This is a young chapter right? I'm guessing that the invasion is still going on or that it just recently was concluded? The Tau haven't been around for that long so I figure that this is an ongoing fight. Also I don't think you should hold back on the 10th company, they are supposed to earn their place amongs the battle brothers... A fully trained marine is more valuble than an unproven scout...
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(hasHut) I like your story line and your name. I am making a marine army with purity above all, never dispair, and we stand alone / eye to eye. Keep the name, my marines are called "Brothers of the Caduceus" :D


Where i play my army is hated due to the apothercarys. I wish i could make my captain a apothercary.


Scouts: if you use snipers and missile launcher near your apothercarys in the tac squads they last alot longer. Because apothercary heals any friendly model within 6 inchs.

Edited by Apothercary Krakus
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Krakus, that's Caduceus :D


Hashut - I like your ideas, and I agree that in some situations, it would be prudent to hold the tenth company back. It's vital to protect them.


I do feel that it would be the other way round - with the battle companies in space and the reserve companies guarding the planets. Marines are fighters, not guardians. There's not enough of them to mount a suitable defense. That's why the Imperial Guard and the Planetary Defense Forces are the anvil and the marines are the hammer, carrying out surgical strikes.

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