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Starting a Noble Chapter.


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Edit: new fluff added.



Imperial Nobles chapter.



Founding: Yet to be decided (Maybe some help here?)

Gene-seed: Ultramarine Founding, (Perhaps Nova Marine?)

Planet: Sakal, Ultramar Sector

Disadvantages: Flesh over Steel. Have pride in your colors.

Traits: Be swift as the wind, Have faith in your wargear.

Battlecry: "Burn in the name of the Emperor! Burn!"


Colours: Both golds, Sunburst and Bad moon yellow, Chaos Black, and their respective inks.

Colour scheme: Helmet will be gold with chaos black visor and lenses (To prevent the shine and block the three suns glare on their homeworld). Shoulder and Knee pads will be gold, the rest of the body yellow. The Imperial wings will be gold, they will have a tripple yellow sun symbol, (think of the mark of Nurgle, upside-down and yellow). Their guns will have a gold outlining, the trim and mags.




The world given to them has a history of civil war. The many 'nobles' faught for supremecy among the land, not to unite but to eliminate and even exterminate their neighbors. The eldar came and ravaged their planet before the great crusades came and purged the alien menace from their planet. Ever since their turn to the Imperium, they have become righteous and are renown for their headstrong approach into batte. When the high lords of terra gave the go to allow their planet become home to the new Imperial Noble's chapter. Each family, among each former kingdom are closley picked hence their children be given to the chapter to undergo chapter training. Only the noble families are allowed to give their children to become space marines. Their planet governor, upholds a sizeable armadda of imperial guard. Few guardsmen, and officers are allowed to train with space marines every year once a year during the celebration of their liberation from the eldar. The Imperial Guard are righteous, and headstrong such as are the noble marines. They see war as a test of rights to uphold their honour. They will try to exceed their fellow brother in combat. This attitude to war lead by example has brushed off to the local regiments of Imperial Guard on Sakal.


(Imperial Guard Doctrine included below)

I know this is a power armour thread, but I though I would include them, so that the background of the Imperial Nobles are better given depth.


Drop Troops: They arrive via Grav-chute to perform missions alongside drop-pod marines in aid.


Close Order Drill: They wish to outshine their fellow guard by hunkering shoulder to shoulder, courage meaning more then guts.


Veterans: Some are lucky to train alongside marines on the great holday, and only the best do so.


Chem-Inhaler: Represented by their bold colours and pride, they will run when it seems impossible to win. (They have masks on, just arent induced by chemicals)


Xeno-Fighters (Eldar): After the long fight with the eldar, from generation to generation the eldar tactics have been passed down, and they emit their hatred with their skill. (They have anti-eldar tatoos and soulstone fragments as trophies)




Homeworld of Sakal


A world with three suns, one static star roughly the distance of mars, and two adjascent smaller stars caught in its gravity encircling it opposite of the planetary rotation. The only livable planet, Sakal, is constantly in the light, sometimes of all three stars depending on the time of the year. This makes for a perfect agari world, with many farmers taking advatage of half-year crops in abundance. The planet has a history of war, with the eldar and the orks. Tyranids have yet to find the planet and Chaos has never touched the Imperial Citizens of Sakal. There are a number of providences and countries (Planet not made out yet), whitch each govorned by a noble family. The planetary govorner depends on who is acting Chapter Master of the Imperial Nobles, those related to the current chapter master are eligible to become Planetary Govorner, or Master Noble. The people have slightly evolved to take advantage of being in the sun every hour of the day, they are dark toned skin colour and dark brown to black eyes. They have no hair, are slender and carry 4% more water in their bodies. They sweat minimaly during the day, and have little chance of illness given by the suns.




Unique Weapons


The weapons, tech kept closley guarded by the techmarines of the Imperial Nobles Chapter upon Sakal. Tri-Beam Laser Rifle, 3BLR. Basicly three lasguns pinpointing the three beams to one target. Roughly as effective as bolter tech, the charging and one type setting makes them un-appealing to other chapters. The 3BLR comes in three sizes. Size A, modern boltgun equivilant. Size B, Heavy bolter Equivilant. Size C, Assault Cannon Equivilant (Six laser focus beams). The long Las takes place of the Scouts Sniper Rifles. Due to lack of resources from the planet Sakal, and an abundance of Solar Power generation makes these weapons ideal for long term campaigns. Due to these weapons emitting light, and is direct fire able to be traced back to the firing unit, makes it impossible to infiltrate.




Combat Preferances


The large number of weapons and bikes makes the use of vehicles less important. Since they manufacture all their tanks for their local guardsmen forces they prefer to fight using smaller vehicles to evade danger and strike the enemy where it hurts most.


The Hammer, bikes and many other fast vehicles used to strike the enemy as quick as possible. Reducing their firepower before pulling back or advancing forward upon another target.


The Anvil, heavy weapon units are common, if not a backbone unit to reduce all the opposition to piles of burning corpses. They protect the bikes until they reach their target, and then slay everything else.






The nobles enjoy their allies within the imperium. They hate the eldar to the point of assaulting them in a losing battle rather than fleeing. To fight along side other battle brothers of another chapter is great honour. Failing their brothers is to take their honour, to fail is to lose everything.






For a common guardsmen to be allowed into a noble house, they must first pass a rite of war. They must become battle hardened veterans that have faught in numerous campaigns along side the Imperial Noble Chapter. They will be hand picked by the marines, a veteran per marine may be chosen. The veteran guardsmen will then be promoted to noble, and allowed within the noble house of the marine who chose him/her. The first son eligible by genes will be sent to become a Imperial Noble Marine. Each noble family may consist of dozens, to hundreds of individuals of noble status, each assigned a specific task and riches depending on the house. Each house rules over a land, the larger the house, the more land they are provided. Wars of Faith are for the righteous battles not of land, but of word. Noble wars among the houses are set in a precise manner. both houses will declair a certain number of troops, weapons and vehicles to the battle, the one who wins with the least number of soldiers, weapons and vehicles declaired will win a portion of land from the losing Noble house. There has been incidents where the last bit of land has been taken from a noble house, and they have been absorbed into the victor house. The largest house cannot participate in a noble war on the offence, but must sustain their land on the defence only. This prevents one house from becoming a juggernaught and taking all the lands. The number of noble houses cannot reach below 300. Noble wars are allowed on the tide of tradition and because they see it as a right to fight for the Emperor.

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