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IA: Sons of Oberon - Revision 1


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Ok, so here's my first revision on my chapter IA. (They were originally the Helljumpers, if you want to search and see how they started.) Sorry for it being so long... I just felt it took all of this space to tell their story. ;)


Check it over for any fluff errors/problems, please. Any C&C or advise is welcome. I'll also list where I need some help:


1. Logo and Color Scheme - I seriously have no ideas here; any thoughts?

2. Motto - I listed two; give me opinions on which one.




The Oberian Moor Cats are very slightly modified from the Fensrian Wolves (SW Codex); their only difference is they are solitary creatures, and have the 6+ Invuln and Infiltration added as a result of their chameleonic abilities. These rules additions were approved by my GM, and they don't seem to be too "out of whack" even for tourney play, but just FYI. The bit in italics is just background fluff on the cats themselves.




- John

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Welcome back, Demaroth. ;)


It's good to see the Sons of Oberon back. I really like them, and there's not many problems with them.


One thing that could be good to connect your chapter and the planet - perhaps the Emperor's Tarot brought the chapter to Oberon. That would give the impression to the marines that the Emperor had chosen the planet for them.


I really think that one of the strongest themes you have is the incredible connection between Space Marine chapter and their homeworld. As such, I imagine that the marines could have an image of Oberon.


I think that Nunquam Alieno would be a more fitting motto - their oath is to never forget those who died in defense of Oberon.

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That was a long read ,but it was worth it.I really like how you portayed the marines as still human and not unkillable.I think your symbol should have something to do with the planet itself(like commissar molotov said).I would love to read more about them and the people of the planet.Reading this has helped me alot,for my diy chapter.
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Thanks, guys. Yeah, it was a bit long but I'm glad to hear you think it was worth it. :ph34r: I could have left out a lot of the details, but I really think it fleshes out the chapter a lot more and makes the story better... Leaving it out just wouldn't be the same. Also, I didn't mean to be gone writing that for so long - my muse disappeared in the middle of it, and I had to go find her again! :P


Yeah, I've been trying to think of how to do a planet, because I'd like to try doing my logo by hand - I want to use as few decals as possible. ;) So, that's a concern, because although I'm getting good at painting, I'm not sure I'm that good yet. heh I was thinkiong maybe a crescent-shaped moon at and angle with two small moons opposite... maybe, gotta see how that could work out.


I'm also still struggling with the colors as well. I would like to stay away from the black/greys, as I just moved from RG, so I'd like to try something different. I've been thinking of using blue or green as a main color; possibly copying the Salamanders' scheme, maybe (or not) with a small change or two.


I think I scared everyone else from reading and giving me opinions by making it so long tho... :P


- John

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No, not everybody. Although apparently any longer and you start having problems.


Anyway, I like it. I agree with what Molotv said, but I have one problem. You mention that the Marines started implanting organs in a bunch of random citizens. The problem with this is that geneseed is a rare and treasured resource. Each Marine who dies in battle has material to make two more, and those must be harvested. They simply wouldn't have enough geneseed to do something like that, especially because witholut screening a bunch would die and you'd have to replace them. Add in that only some of the organs were being used, meaning that the geneseed is not being used to its full potential and probably not generating any more, and you have a situation that's a huge costly drain on a vital resource. I just don't think it would work.


Other than that, though, I love it. Maybe you could do a crescent-style planet in the top left and a moon partly inside it on the bottom right. That might be really hard, though.

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I could see the necessity behind the actions the marines took. The organs weren't implanted into random citizens - they were implanted into the inhabitants of Oberon - males of the appropriate age, who were noted as being healthy and strong. Perhaps they wouldn't have passed the most stringent of tests to become a marine, but they were passable and the Sons of Oberon were trying to increase their fighting strength.


Desperation can lead a chapter to doing lots of peculiar things they never wanted to, Neo... your chapter should know that. :D


Anyway, there will have been side-effects from the actions the chapter took - I'm guessing that even know the Sons of Oberon are slightly smaller. But even so, they could get more gene-seed from the Adeptus Mechanicus. Index Astartes: Raven Guard makes reference to gene-seed being transported from Mars to Kiavahr for the Raven Guard. The Sons of Oberon could replace any of those losses now the threat of the Orks has gone.

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Nice bit of writing, I like it.


Here's an idea I've just thought of to tie the Sons of Oberon into the population even more. Why not have the Sons responsible for the training of the PDF? Maybe not the whole PDF since I suppose genetically engineered killing machines are probably better employed killing things rather than being trainers :) How about one of the PDF training centres run by the Sons of Oberon and as part of the Lasarian Games PDF recruits compete for the honour of being trained at the Sons of Oberon barracks.


Just an idea, so do with what you will. ;)

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Neo: You bring up a valid point, and Molotov came very close to summing it up for me. :devil: It's not that they weren't screening at all - it's that they weren't as stringant, and not screening for acceptance of all implants. It was like slightly loosening the requirements to become scouts - they needed more soldiers, so they allowed anyone who could fight to join up, and not all of them got implants. They weren't trying to make full Marines out of these guys, but rather just give them an edge (any at all) to help them fight and defend their world. So if one guy is 20+ years old, but can still accept the second heart, or lung, he can get it and it might help him last longer to kill more Orks. Also, keep in mind that they were likely losing a lot more Marines (and thus "gaining" more implants) faster than they could implant new "scouts" and get them out onto the field. Plus, they (like most chapters) also have a backstock of geneseed so there would have been extras if they needed them. And yeah, it's definitely a drain - but when you're in an all-out war where the worst case is the total annihilation of your entire chapter, you pull out all the stops, I'd think. (I mean, if they lost and were destroyed, sure - they'd have all those "saved" geneseed implants. But who would be left to use them?)


StormDragon: You know, in my "original" revision, I had added a bit about the Oberians being trained by the SM, and then manning defense platforms and the moon/orbital bases, but I cut it as it would have made my IA *really* too long. :P Maybe I can figure out a good way to one-sentence add that, but I'm right there with ya - a homeworld PDF trained by the SM, but not initiates themselves.


- John

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Sounds good


If a planet/moons for a chapter symbol doesn't work out, how about a moor cat?


I've actually given some thought to that - a profile of a tiger/lion's head, like in the back of the How To: SM book... the problem is, I'm trying to increase my painting skill, and I'd like to avoid decals... and I don't think I'm good enough to paint on head, much less a full army's worth. :unsure:


I could always make it something somewhat generic if it came down to it, like maybe a skull or fist. If I did go with the fist, I was debating on using GW's Imperial Fist shoulderpads, and then changing from UM to IF successors. It probably wouldn't change too much, I don't think - but certainly possible, I suppose.


- John

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