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Codex Doom Scorpions - an ALL Scout SM Army!


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Hey guys, I have created an "All Scout" space marine chapter called the Doom Scorpions.


If you have seen my website already you might have noticed that the fluff and some of the rules have been through a complete overhaul.


Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.





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Here is the cut-n-paste from my Website.





The Doom Scorpions Space Marine Chapter

This later founding chapter of Space Marines is especially known for its stealth and agility. The chapter commanders will most often employ an entire battle-force of marines in scout armour. This site explores the background histroy and battle doctrines of the "Scout chapter" known as the Doom Scorpions. For comments and suggestions feel free to contact me at vingonzalez@hotmail.com.





After the Horus Heresy each of the Space Marine legions were broken up into smaller Successor Chapters according to the dictates of the Codex Astartes. The Salamander legion, belonging to the noble Primarch Vulkan, was reorganized to follow the Codex. However, their sparsely populated home planet of Nocturne generally produced too few recruits to require the Salamanders splitting into Successor Chapters. Not until 717.M40, when a long period of stable climate on Nocturne produced a major population growth, had there ever been cause to create a progenitor chapter. The High Lords of Terra becoming immediately aware of this unusually high number of male infants on the planet, hastily set out to cultivate Zygotes for the formation of a new chapter of Space Marines. Using Salamander gene-seed the High Lords were able to create enough Zygotes to implant nearly 500 of the new young males by the time they came of proper age. An experienced company of 100 veteran Salamander Space Marines were to join and train the young recruits. In the following years the Sons of Nocturne Chapter was created and 1st Company Captain Guile Rodrigo, of the Salamanders

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Some good stuff, but a few problems:


After the Horus Heresy each of the Space Marine legions were broken up into smaller Successor Chapters according to the dictates of the Codex Astartes. The Salamander legion, belonging to the noble Primarch Vulkan, was reorganized to follow the Codex. However, their sparsely populated home planet of Nocturne generally produced too few recruits to require the Salamanders splitting into Successor Chapters. Not until 717.M40, when a long period of stable climate on Nocturne produced a major population growth, had there ever been cause to create a progenitor chapter. The High Lords of Terra becoming immediately aware of this unusually high number of male infants on the planet, hastily set out to cultivate Zygotes for the formation of a new chapter of Space Marines. Using Salamander gene-seed the High Lords were able to create enough Zygotes to implant nearly 500 of the new young males by the time they came of proper age. An experienced company of 100 veteran Salamander Space Marines were to join and train the young recruits. In the following years the Sons of Nocturne Chapter was created and 1st Company Captain Guile Rodrigo, of the Salamanders
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It wouldn't happen. The second founding was the only time chapters were broken down into successors like that. Why not just have them founded like a normal chapter? Also 100 veterans would be the entirety of the sallies 1st company, the salamanders would never take a loss like that voluntarily.
Originally I had the Doom Scorpions formed from Salamanders that 'broke down into a successor' chapter... but its really not that way now. I don't quite understand what is different here from those "founded like a normal chapter"? ...especially considering its the Salamanders. They have a source for lots of recruits and the gene-seed cultivated by the High Lords - just like other "normal chapters" isn't it? ...and a small core of veterans from the original chapter. But please explain in detail if you would. I have every GW publication (I think ever) and have recently read many times the Index Astartes I passages regarding forming a chapter.


As for 100 veterans you are absolutely right... wasn't thinking about how much that number really is haha. I shall make it 15 or 20 instead.


I think that you need to go into more detail here, why were the mechanicus there, how were they tainted, etc.


Your absolutely right . I am a slow writer. But that is first section that really needs some improvement. I would like to add to the 'combat doctrine' and 'beliefs' as well. As for the placement of the mechanicus I hadn't even noticed it was missing. ^_^ ...thanks I will fix. The taint I wanted to leave kind of vague but it does need a little more explanation.


Just get a normal army- use scout bikes and scouts and have the command squad + HQ choice wear power armour (because they are important enough)

not many people let you use unsanctioned rules...


Nah... I already have several 'normal armies'. :) ...I really could care less if only a few people let me play it. Its just for fun anyway. That goes for all my 40K involvement in fact - I don't do it for the money or powergaming glory - just for fun hehe.

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