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A little...unorthodox chapter

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The beam of light spins through the air and hits Varath and with a choir!




well hello everyone! ive been sitting on warseer since B and C has been down and although good, B and C is still the ultimate for me.


While weve been gone ive been thinking long and Hard about a chapter of marines myself and (although an athiest myself) i want to make the chapter based around angels.


But i dont just want it based around angels, i want it to INCLUDE angels...



















Yes!!! the chaos could do it!


now... The idea ran along like this:


"Hmm chaos codex to recreate a space marine chapter based around angels.. well...Word bearers have chaplains...VOILA!


Now...i want an archangel, ive been playing Diablo 2 too much...now i have 4 greater daemons. 2 dont have wings, their out. OHHH BLOODTHIRSTER!!


Next, a marine chapter follows the Emperor first and formost, even his sons arnt as leader..y. So how bout a major break from the codex astartes? units of 12? 15? 20! 20 marines per unit! with flamers to purge.


next..one angel isnt enough... and i dont want mine on foot..wow, furies are cool. *Adds 2 units of 10 furies to list*




I have lots of angels now..i need more tankbusting, vehicles? nah..too clumsy dreadnaught? too slow.




i have one more fast attack choice. i can have raptors..Woah...Raptors. Wannabee Angels!"


And now after my ramble, heres some fluff!


"The sound of deep voices echo through the great hall as Chaplain *filler* strode down the aisle. The morning prayer has ended and training shall begin soon. In the training hall the chaplain can do his own prayer. A song of fury, a dance of death.


Without a word the marines all turned and filed out of the hall. The chaplain looked to the roseglass window, a tear escaped his eye as he saw the scene portrayed their. A marine is hanging, holding on for his life over a fiery precipice. He is holding onto the hand of a figure, a beautiful figure. A man of bronzed flesh and muscled fiseque. With his left hand he saved the marine. With his right his flaming sword stabbed through the eye of a daemon.


The Chaplain remembered the incident. He could not forget. The White light, the soft touch of his hand.


The marine was him, he was saved from damnation by His guardian Angel, sent by the Emperor too look after him, to protect him.


With the Angel came more, hundreds of tiny figures who belied their strength with their beauty.


The fall wasnt exactly like that, it was symbolic. Although the marines should not know that, they believe the image. Not the meaning behind it.


The chaplain launched his body up onto the pulpit. Looking up he heard a siren song. Such beauty, no choir could achieve such a sound.


No choir beyond a choir of Angels, anyway.


The music echoed around the hall, the music almost had form, The fire on the glass seemed to move, to burn. The marine struggled, he struggled not to get away from the flames. But to fall in.


The face behind the leering skull felt an agony of the soul. How he fought against his savior, how he struggled from his grasp.


Every time Chaplain *filler* walks though the great hall alone, the glass taunts him. Reminds him of the fall he didnt only allow, but attempted to cause.


He ran to the feet of the glass. From this angle he could see its scale.


From the flames in the glass he retrieved his sword. He new that if he reached his hands both sides he could not even fit them around the Giant marines armoured boot.


His sword was bright today. Brighter than usual, combat must be close. The sword sung with anticipation. The choir of Angels trapped inside.


All except one.


One who is too powerful to be caught in a mere blade.


He lives in the soul. Every Marine of the *filler* Chapter's soul contains his essence, All that is required is for a group of marines to unlock it. The marine must be a veteran, to know his place with the chapter and with the choir. Like the Emperor, he must give his blood for the final stage. He will don his armour aside from the breastplate. All may see the power of the mark made from the scars cut in his flesh.


In an event of beauty few get to see, the Archangel bursts from the marines body, and joins with the marines soul as it flies to the enemy.


The body falls, dead. a willing sacrifice.


The angel then fights for the chapter, fights for the Emperor.


and we fight for him. His fiery sword destroying the minds, bodies and souls of the Emperors foes.


The chaplain looked in his polished sword, hundreds of faces stared back as they sang to him.


Battle must be close, The sword is ready.


Well that was made up on the spot so mind the spelling and grammer please, otherwise tell me what you think!


thank you!


The Impaler

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So a Chapter based around Angels? Hmm. I'm generally of the concensus that basing a Chapter around real-world religons are a Bad Thing, but it could work as long as you don't get too Jeudo-Christain on us.

You could use the Chaos Marine list, sure, but the act of bursting forth from the gaping chest cavity of a follower isn't very 'angelic', as it were. I'd go with the Lost and The Damned list instead. Make your Marines a bunch of religous zealots that believe themselves to be Primarchs or something. Make the Marines the Angels, and the disheveled masses around them (Mutants, Traitors, etc, done as the Unwashed Masses and Crusaders, respectively. Big Mutants could be done as some sort of Cavalry or perhaps some sort of Servitor-Flagellators, or something) are all religous fanatics that have been caught up in the fevour. Very rag-tag feel, etc.

Good foundations, just needs a little work.

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Im sure the daemons/angels that have the marine chapter in their grasp are good actors.

Maybe they dont have to burst out in a spray of gore?


Maybe a pop, essence comes out to form daemon, marine body drops to ground, same thing as a daemon does, just more...hard to notice

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Chaplain *filler* stood in the belly of the Dropship as it Plunged through the red, orange and yellow sunset to the black ground below.


His sword pulsed with anticipation as the choir which only he seemed to hear sang ever onwards. Around him were the forms of marines. In the light he could see their pale blue and pristine white armour glow. The pair of metallic wings rising majestically off each Marines shoulders.


All the helmets were turned to the middle of the dropship where an event was taking place.


3 marines were completing a ceremony to induce the Archangel to use a marines essence to take form. The Marine in question was wearing full armour except for the breast plate. His chest had a sign carved into it, the sign was a diamond with a lightning bolt through the centre.


The Emperors heraldry.


The marines all chanted as they sliced more signs with their combat knives. The marine in the centre was sweating, restraining his body's self repair systems. He needed to bleed to complete the ceremony.


Blood is life, life is blood.


The Sword in Chaplain *filler*'s hand began to sing louder although none seemed to hear it but him.


The marines body began to pulse as it accomodated the angels form. The 3 around him, as one, pushed their hands on his chest. Holding the Angel inside his form for now. In a minute his spasms subsided and his eyes grew white. and glowed with the power. He jumped from the podium and landed gracefully in front of the chaplain.


"Time for battle"


All marines around him all stood and stared in awe at the being of power. Inside the Chaplains head he heard the beings voice again.


"I'm watching you"



More to come. Just ask if you want

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Well fine then! with no one posting ill just have to write more fluff wont i?




"The dropship rocked from an impact on its side. The Chaplain waited for his oppertune moment to strike at the Xenos tau. The sword in his hand shuddered with the power as it interacted with the being next to him. It felt warm and as he looked down flames sprung out of the blade.


"It seems the sword thirsts for battle brothers" the Chaplain proclaimed as he held the sword aloft. "perhaps we should indulge it"


The sound of ammunition cases being pushed into bolters is always inspiring.


With a signal the door dropped to the ground and the marines charged forward into the darkness like a Host. Bolters firing on full auto, each bolt hitting Tainted flesh and bursting to cleanse the planet of its abomination.

Flamers purged the area of Xenos filth with their holy fire. Soon all was char and ash.



"For the Father!" The Angelic Vessel spied a group of tall mechanical suits drop to the ground and he rushed towards them. The Marines surged with him, following in his wake. With a graceful leap he landed on the shoulders of the lead suit and broke its neck one handed. With a backflip he landed and reality seemed to blur.


"He is weakening" The Chaplain uttered. A movement on his right made him dive to the ground as a group of high velocity slugs screamed past him to impact on the dropships ramp and leave a cluster of ugly scars.

"Emperor save us!" He screamed this as he pointed his sword towards this new foe. His blade glowed and Gout of flame burst from the tip of his blade. It burst the bodies of three of the xenos and the rest hurried to retreat. Screaming as he ran, the chaplain held his plam out to his foes and another burst of flame streaked out as if from a holy flamer.


The Ashen Corpses twitched in their death throes. The chaplain stared at his polished blade and was suprised to see ihs angelic choir serene and peaceful still. They still sang to him and he was immediatly prepared for the Xenos.


Bursting from the Dark forest, a hoard of green skinned, thin creatures leapt towards him. The choir's song turned into a horrifying shriek as his sword glowed red them burst into flames although the blade seemed not to melt or be weakened.


Truly the Emperor with with the Chaplain today. He slashed through the masses of green aliens like The wheat to the scythe. Cutting and melting flesh and blade. The aliens, faced with the might of the Chaplain, ran as if they had seem the Emperor himself.


Rejoining his forces, Chaplain *filler* again found the vessel. His skin had a hole through it, probably from a knife wound. The Vessel didnt appear to notice.


"are you close, my lord?"

"I am close"

"Then to battle once more! there is nothing to stop us now."


The marines cautiously stalked the forest, awaiting the invariable ambush. Suddenly there was a rustle. It was hard to hear but a marines hearing is not what it used to be. Again, another rustle. They were close. The chaplain readied himself for the final part of summoning the Emperors chosen spirit.


The marines waited.


And waited.


The aliens were all around them now, all marines new that. But it wouldnt make sense to let them think they know.


With a final rustle another horde of green aliens leapt from the tree's


"FOR THE EMPEROR!" The chaplain shouted and plunged his blade through the Vessels Chest. Directly through the rune.


His skin grew pale. His eyes, his mouth, his nostrils. Light, blinding light. The marines essence poured out into the air. It grew into a being. Skin of a new born. Muscled and strong, oh so strong. The power was felt just by being near the being.


It took form. Wings sprouted from its back and a sword materialised in his hands which was lit with an ever constant flame. Identical to the Chaplains own just much larger.


The form appeared. The Purging began."



This installment may not be as good but i never seemed to be good at writing actual combat.


thanks for listening PLEASE POST!

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The Pixie Angels (hehe its not their real name, i just havnt got any ideas yet)



The Pixie Angels are a chapter who have come under the scrutiny of many an inquisitor in their time. This is due to their continued disregard for the organisation template laid down by the holy tome the codex astartes and also by a phenomenom that is often attributed. This phenomenom is one of holy visitations by Angels of the Emperor himself.


The Pixie Angels Primogenitor chapter has been lost to time as no records have been found to prove their true parentage although many speak of the Imperial Fists or the White Scars. Although this mystery remains unsolved the Pixie Angels do not research as they see themselves in direct contact with the Emperor. Although it is forbidden, many hushed whispers talk of their many writings on the history of the Emperor.


The Chapter followed the codex astartes to the letter until an event during the dreaded 13th black crusade. The Chapter was sent to pacify an Ork Kroosade at all costs. The campaign was going brilliantly. A drop pod strike destroyed the Leader of this section of the Kroosade and the now rampant ork tribes were being cleansed.


Something happened during an assault on an ork stronghold. The attack was lead by Chaplain Rembrandt. A shrine was found. An ancient shrine to the Emperor it is said although the shrine had been touched by the corrupting hand of chaos. The Librarians said they saw great Evil masking great light in the shrine. The Chaplain said that the evil must be cleansed and the Light unharmed.


Days on end, the chapters librarians used litanies of cleansing to remove the Filth from the Holy shrine. After almost 3 years of constant preaching of faith, the Shrine cracked down the centre. It beheld the Emperor in the most unspeakable position. He was kneeling in front of a great birdlike craeture. The creature held a great spear to the Emperors heart.


The chaplain was appauled at the image and smashed his crozius into the image. In a great hail of sparks the Crozius split asunder while the rock was unmarred. In his rage the Chaplain shouted His own Litanies of faith joining the Librarians as he strode up and down looking at the image.


By this time the Kroosade had moved on and the Entire chapter was watching the spectacle. (there is no record where the masters were at this point) soon the chaplain leant agains tthe rock and started to heave, he looked close at the stone and saw the spear the creature held. Placing his hand upon it he pulled and the tip of the spear seemed to come out the stone. In his hand the Chaplain held alot a great sword from it emitted the sound of an angelic choir.


The figures on the stone moved. The Creature dropped down onto its knees and the Emperor tore off its head. The rock spilt open and from it Came a being of light. It had the muscular body of a marine. Its skin was white as a new borns, it was beautiful. In its hand it held a larger version of the sword in Rembrandts hand. From its shoulders there were 2 wings, white and like an eagle.


Around the being roved smaller creatures. They were female, each had wings off their shoulders and they held swords in their hands.


Every marine knelt in believe that this was the devine incarnation of the Emperor himself. Each took off his helm too look upon their great father. The being looked at the throng and then Faded into mist. The mist entered the lungs of every marine there and all were invigorated in faith, Mind and body.


The Librarians though, faired poorly. Their mutation couldnt last with such a beam of power. Their Psychic hoods shorted out, the mist forced itself into their lungs and they grew cold and died.




The Angel Pixies are a crusading chapter who do not have a homeworld as such. They're recruits come from the strongest of faith and strongest of arms from those planets they meet.


Combat Doctrine


The Angel Pixies do not follow the Codex astartes as they believe they are above all but the Emperor from their exeriences. Scrutinising their way of battle shows that they adopt massive units of usually 2 marines led by a veteran called Mortis Angelus. These may use the bolter or even the bolt pistol and chainsword. Their favoured weapon has to be the flamer though. To purge the ground before their Angelic Masters.


The Angel Pixies has certain castes attributed to them. The highest would definatly be the Angelus Humanus. These troops use jump packs and are seen as the closest a marine can get to be to their Angels beyond being an Angelic Vessel.


The Marines large battlegroups are used to hold the enemy while the angels they worship join them in battle. Whether this is true or an illusion is subject to speculation.




Contrary to popular belief the Angel Pixies Gene seed is quite stable although it does give greater access to the marines self healing capabilities allowing the Angel Pixies to sometimes speed up and sometimes halt completly their self repair organs.




The Angel Pixies adopt a battlecry which is a variation on a often said Phrase.


"For our Emperor"


Theres the IA folks

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Oh man are you going to get bashed for this one! :tu:


Nah seriously though, I think the fluff you've got there is pretty good, and it's certainly an interesting concept. Funnily enough I have a character in my own DIY that experiences stuff quite similar to what you're putting across after taking a spear from a destroyed cathedral.


The only real problem I see with this is the fact that a Chapter showing this kind of behaviour and manifesting any kind of otherworldly presence, even if it can't be proven, would still probably be annihilated by the Inquisition just on principle, if not other Space Marine Chapters.


My suggestion would be to maybe incorporate in something like them being very careful not to show any outward signs of this stuff, refusing to fight alongside other Imperial forces, etc. Maybe having the "protection" of a cell of radical Inquisitors which has allowed them to avoid too much scrutiny at this stage, but who may be planning to destroy them once they learn the truth behind what's happening?


You could always work it that they see this as being a very private and personal gift, one that they refuse to share with anyone else. This could also prove to be justification for any battles with Imperial forces.


Other suggestion, and this would work with the above point, would be to have them be declared traitors, but they still fight where they can for the Imperium. However this would also justify them fighting off all comers, for why should they not kill the "unbelievers"?


Just my 2 cents AUS

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Wel... hmm i was thkning this would be a rather recent event and have it that the beaurocracy dosnt know how to respond. The puritan inquisitors say that the creatures are not human the therefore should be exterminated while other puritans say that it is a devine manifestation of the Emperor.


So much conflict that the Chapter can hide behind Inquisitor backing and on the field of battle who would try and take on an archangel? (who is using bloodthirster rules)


But the Marines of the chapter would believe themselves to be better than other chapters anyway only listening to the orders of their chosen prophet, the vessel.


So what fluff would people like next? what do you want fleshed out? (please try not to have much actual combat, im not as good at writing that)

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I'm afraid I'm not sure exactly what you're going for with your Chapter.


1) Are you going for a traitor Chapter that has been unwittingly led astray by demons portraying themselves to be angels?


2) Are they a traitor Chapter that's just bat@$#% nuts?


3) Are you going for an actual Loyalist Chapter that is just using Chaos daemonic rules to represent your angelic inspirations?


The first two seem easy enough to do, but the third would be pretty tricky. It would be difficult at best to play a Loyalist Chapter that is using Chaos rules. I mean, regardless of how a person could visually interpret these rules, it seems that these "angels" are really just pretty daemons. And Daemons tend to pop up on Inquisitor radar. Not to mention, if they're on the field with another Space Marine Chapter that witnesses the Pixie Angels lacerating each other and sacrificing each other to summon these great winged entities...well, sometimes it's better to shoot first and ask questions later. The worship of Chaos takes many forms, and the Chaos Gods are wise tricksters when it comes to hiding their true identities. Slaanesh teaches us that a beautiful tree can hide gnarled roots.


If you wanted to have them be a Loyalist Chapter, however, it would be wise to keep them as tight-lipped as humanly possible. The less people that know about their unique experiences with the divine manifestations of the Emperor, the better. Maybe they see others as being unworthy to share their secrets. Maybe they fear misunderstanding. For whatever the reason, I think your Chapter would be best served if it didn't advertise their unique beliefs. Let the Inquisition be in suspicion, or some be fearful while others applaud their faith which shines so brightly at face value. But I would say actually getting Inquisition support might be stretching it a little, and indeed getting any kind of outside Imperial support would be stretching it. These kinds of secrets are best kept when there aren't any others around to stumble across a ceremony, you know? Let people see their winged heraldry and listen to their songs of holy purifying flame...but don't let them any closer than that, lest they think ye tainted.


I like the idea, and I admit I've toyed around with the idea of using Chaos rules for Loyalist marines, but it was way out of my league. I hope you have more luck than I did.

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Well i want them a Marine army who have been enslaved by pretty daemons but they dont know they are enslaved.


The ceremonies they do are concealed and done just before battle in the comfort of their own starship. The Chaplain would have instigated this and has become powerful from the events. The Librarians cant exist near the angels, the Masters i dont know what to do with yet. The Chaplain is in charge. He is their downfall and also their saviour.


Im thinking of writing his death as he tries to kill the angel once he see's who they are. He would have a slow decline of watching them and finally he would try to kill the vessel during a summoning the angel would then grab him, pop out and kill him.


The event catches the eyes of the inquisitors as the chapter is left with no leadership.


Would this sound like a good conclusion? (i also plan that my army would be placed in between the chapters creation and demise obviously)

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Well the conclusion to that story would be the Inquisition purging the remaining marines (if the Inq found out). "Honest we didn't know it was chaos, we where just following orders" doesn't cut it in the 41st millenium. Having your chapter lie and say it was all a "terrible and tragic accident, the chaplain must have been using unblessed oils to maintain his plasma pistol, who knew they could explode like that during a command meeting?", is the only way for them not to get purged. Under 2nd ed fluff they used to mind whipe marines just for having fought against demons (which was why the Grey Knights had to be specially selected).


"Radical" Inquisitors can protect you covertly. But even Inquisitors are judged by their peers, and most Inquisitors will purge you for slurring the Emperors prayer (the ones who torture you for signs of heresy first are the nice ones).

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Why dont the blood angels get purged? they run around shouting "I AM SANGUINIOUS!" or the space wolves with their blatent disregard for the codex astartes?


We say that we follow the Emperor and see him as devine above all others.


The inquisitors can only agree.


We say we see his angels and our librarians die due to it.


Ordo Hereticus is happy, less psykers the better.


We say that we do not follow the codex astartes as such as we follow the Emperor and not his sons they are human, he is not.


If an inquisitor comes to either the vessel or the chaplain and attempts to execute him there is a good chance the inquisitors neck would break due to some horrible accident.


The angels dont want us to die. With us they have power. If any of you caught on this i have insinuated that the daemons are tzeentchian and that means they would know when an inquisitor dosnt like us and wants us purged.


I think you are all overestimating the power of an inquisitor while you are underestimating the power of a chapter who REALLY wants to keep what it has.


please keep the replys coming

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The Flame Falcons burst into flames. They hailed it as a sign of the Emperor. They were eradicated by the Grey Knights. The Astral Claws rebelled. They were decimated and then forced into the Maelstrom by a Coalition of Space Marine chapters. The Sons of Malice were revealed to be heretics. They were forced into the Eye of Terror and the Imperial Guard eradicated nearly all human life on their homeworld. The Steel Cobras were determined to have an inacceptable religious belief (note: they weren't heretics or disloyal) and have been forced under the ocean of Tukaroe VII. (A planet that may well be exterminatus'd simply to eliminate the Steel Cobras). Just four examples. The Inquisition can bring to bear just about every single military force in the Imperium if they want. That includes other Space Marine chapters.


Any Inquisitor or Librarian worth their salt will recognise these 'angels' for what they are. Sure, one Inquisitor might get his neck broken. But other Inquisitors will get suspicious when that Inquisitor doesn't report back. And then action will get taken. Simply on the suspicion of heresy.

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Then we run.


(also the soul drinkers still live dont they? they are supposed to worship the Emperor and not the imperium)


An Inquisitor confronts chaplain Rembrandt about the angels. after a heated discussion the chaplain attacks and kills the inquisitor.


For some reason the archangel possesses the inquistors essence and when the chaplains marines arrive they find the chaplains sword stained with blood and the angel holding the corpse of the Inquisitor.


theyre not welcome here anymore


Then we run.

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"The chaplain stood in the hallowed walls of the chapel. He stared upon his image in the glass and watched as it struggled against the flames. His sword sang as the angel looked into the pitiful marine it held.


The chaplain saw in it's face a moment of Cruelty. The glass moved as the angel dropped the chaplain into the eternally burning flames.


"NO!" The chaplain cried.


"Is everything alright Brother-Chaplain?"


Looking behind him the chaplain saw a marine who had stuck his head through the door of the chapel. Looking back at the glass the chaplain saw the angel was holding him once more, his smile mocking the small figure who stood in front of it.


He knew that the chaplain needed him


The chaplain knew it too.


"No i am fine, what is the matter?"


"An Inquisitor has come. He has ordered that he see's you"


The chaplain swore under his breath. "What ordo is he from?"


"Ordo Malleus sir"


The door burst open as a man in a powered breastplate slammed it open. He walked up the aisle to the bottom of the stairs and the chaplain looked down at him.


"Greetings Inquisitor, we had no idea you would honour us with your presence, Close the Door let none enter"


The marine nodded and pulled the massive doors closed. The chaplain looked again at the inquisitor who stared back.


"We have had reports of certain...practices your chapter indulges in"


The Chaplain looked puzzled and asked "What practice do we do beyond destroying the foul xenos the emperor commands us too"


"A number of things chaplain" The inquisitor stared unblinkingly at the chaplain, hoping for one small slip of the tongue "Your organisation is odd, you seem to completly disregard the Codex Astartes."


"That is correct Inquisitor."


"Why?" the chaplain had the uncomforatable feeling that his mind was being read and that the inquisitor knew the answer.


"The Emperor is devine i know you'll agree"


"Of course i do! i am an inquisitor of the Emperor dedicated to keeping his citizens pure and his armies...Clean"


"Then i say that the Emperor is devine above all others and that we must stand united among chaos"


"Among chaos? what is the meaning of this?"


"The Imperium is in Chaos, inquisitor. Order is but a shade in the shadows. You yourself, Inquisitor, are a product of an establishment trying to keep order and failing"


"Why this is Heresy to the highest regar-"


"Why is it Heresy? I follow the Emperor whole-heartedly. None other can stray me from his path"


"Others have. These 'Angels' you seem to induce are nothing but the misguided imaginations of a heretic"


"Oh no inquisitor they are so much more" The chaplain walked slowely down the steps "They are the true sons of the Emperor. They need us to live as our essence empowers them, but they are so much more than us or even you Inquisitor."


"True sons of the Emperor? The only sons of the Emperor are the holy primarchs!"


"As we have based our organisation around. 20 sons of the Emperor, 20 marines each unit."


"There are only 18! it is writte-"


"It is wrong. The only way to combat the enemies of the Emperor are to ally ourselves with his sons. Can you do that inquisitor?"


The chaplains sword began to sing once more. The Inquisitor looked down at it and recognition sprung into his eyes. "daemons. You are corrupted by a force much more powerful than you! I order this Chapter Excommunicat Traitoris and i will destroy your Marines and your geneseed to keep the Emperors armies Clean!"


"Inquisitor, you have forgotten." The chaplain stood directly in front of the Inquisitor, staring down into his eyes. "The Emperor works through me, how can you destroy that which dictates your life?"


The Inquistor pulled his Plasma Pistol out of his holster and fired it with perfect accuracy at the Chaplains face. The Chaplains Rosarius glowed as the energy was disspated. The inquisitor pulled the trigger again but the pistol failed to fire.


"You see? Nothing can kill a TRUE servant of the Emperor" The Chaplain lifted his sword and looked at the Inquisitors reflection. The Angels were holding him hungrily in place. The image disappeared as the sword was engulfed in flames.


The Chaplain charged at the Inquistor and swumg his blade at his throat. The Inquistor ducked and retrieved his own sword.


Both stood there, daring each other to move. The Chaplain swung his blade wide, the inquisitor parried with textbook skill. The chaplain reached out an armoured gauntlet and held the Inquisitors head in it. "Goodbye Inquisitor, im glad we had this chat" Violently twisting his wrist the Inquistors neck snapped with the sound of a wet tree branch breaking. The body fell to the floor twitching in its final death throes.


"Brother Marine!" the Chaplain hammered on the door pulling the corpse with him. The door unlocked and swung open. "Tell the Navigator to take us out of the system. We arnt welcome here anymore"



How do you like it? sound good?

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I'm a little unsure as to what you mean by 'Worship the Emperor and not the Imperium'. If by 'Imperium' you mean the Imperial Creed, the religion propogated by the Ecclesiarchy - 99% of Space Marine chapters don't believe a word of it. They don't think the Emperor is a God, simply a great man. Most chapters venerate their primarchs over the Emperor. The Ecclesiarchy hates it, but they can't do anything about it.


We're making the point about these daemon-angels. To most Inquisitorial representatives, it should be pretty obvious what they are.

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Hmm. I always wonder how an inquisitor would get the chance to find out about these things.


Chapters dont fight together very often. They are usually alone.


Unless the Inquisitor was with them theyre wouldnt be much of a chance to find out if achapter cleaned up properly.

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Hmm. I always wonder how an inquisitor would get the chance to find out about these things.


Chapters dont fight together very often. They are usually alone.


They are? Thats not what the fluff and rules say (if this where the case there would be a trait to allow marines to take allies, not a disadvantage that removes allies).


I think you will find that Inquistors monitor most chapters quite a lot. And trying to hide from the Inquisitors generally just brings down more Inquisitors.

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