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1500pt DIY Marine Force


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Hello everyone.


Wow its great to see the B&C back up again. I had given up hope, which would have been such a shame!

But anyway, I thought I would set up a thread on what Ive been doing recently that I was documenting on Warseer (once Portent) but most of what I work on is so much better suited for here.


Anyway, enough of that. Although I never actually played 40k I got talked into going to a small, friendly tournie. It will be handy as an actual deadline for me to finish my army by otherwise I never will and just do little bits to it which I wont like so much. Some people might remeber a bit of the stuff I did with marines and posted here before B&C went down, but from those beginnings I will expand my marines into a full 1500pt detatchment of my own DIY chapter for this tournie.


[the first 2 members of the Chaplains terminator command squad]



It will still be slow work and I must convert every mini in it, Im just like that. I also feel marine minis dont come close to showing the bombastic nature that marines are made out to have in their fluff. The fluff says each on is an individual hero, the best shock troops the imperium has to offer, and yet I feel sad to see the marine minis as just marine with their legs astride pointing their guns in both hands.


[and also the very WIP chaplain who will lead them - his thighs are too long, below the waist I need to restart him and above the waist he is still very WIP. He will be swinging a stone hammer over his head and holding a big romanesque shield although his crozius weapon will be hnaning off hi sbelt, theey always looked more like symbols of office than anything and his storm bolter will be mounted on the top of hi sarmour on a pintle mount similar to the =][= Covenant's psycannon this mini will be more a case of WYGIITSW (What You Get Is In There Somewhere - :jaw: sorry I just made that up)]



So I wanted to convert a marine force where each squad looks like they are in combat on the same battlefield in dynamic poses suitable to their role or to work in their fluff a little. So scouts will all be crouching in cover as befits a lightly armoured squad with sniper rifles and marines will be in a variety of poses as their flexible nature and strong, mobile suits of armour allow them to do (in my opinion from reading the fluff).


[The first tactical squad, well half of it and still WIP. I alos dont like the conversion for their sergeant and will remake that too. The squad is meant to appear liek they are rapidlly changing position for some more cover]


Group shot, the missile launcher is most WIP although I have doen a little more work since sculpting more of the hand pulling a missile off the bandolier on his thigh - Bit of a close up of him:



I also like the space marines use an the way they treasure older suits of armour so I will be working in more suits of old armour, converting them as needed. I dont like mixing parts from different armour marks even though the fluff justifies it so I wont. This means having to make things like mk6 torsos and such.


[The first 3 members of the second tactical squad. this squad is themed and posed with them actually in cover blazing away with their weapons so have more static poses]


[This guy has a grenade in his right hand, having just pulled one from his belt, it isnt too clear in thi sphoto what it is hes holding without any paint. I like the look of the straight clip and will be bringing in a few more of these, the magazine variation is pictured in some fluff alongside the bolter - it might have been the 3rd edition rulebook I think.]


[The second marine I thought was in more fo a ready position, about to start firing having been keeping his finger off the trigger for reloading or some such. I like mk6 armour so just made a proper chest plate suitable for the old armour mark]



[and the third and currently last and WIP marine for this squad. He will be posed drawing another fresh magaizne from a pouch on his hip. I like the look of mark4 too]



[And an assault squad that probably posted here before the fall of B&C as well but I iwll repost. Im sorry photobucket cruelly resized these for me too but the rest of the squad too will be in dynamic poses as well as I feel a jumppack can hardly be avery stable platform to fly around on especially in the sheer weight of power armour!]




Oh yes, I forgot to mention it. i think this will be my army list for this force. Gaming is totally new to me but I talked i tthrough with some SM players to get some help with making a good enough list although primarilly I was interested in the aesthetics. The DIY chapter of mine is very codex so all squads will be either 5 or 10 man squads, lsightly more inflexible it would seem but I like the little nod to the codex astartes :)



5th Company Master of Sanctity - 130pts

Crozius Arcanum/ Storm Bolter/ Terminator Armour

Seconded 1st Company Terminator Command Squad - 220pts

Veteran Sergeant Storm Bolter/ Power Sword

3 Terminators 1 Chainfist/ 2 Assault Cannons





Dreadnought - 135pts

Twin-Linked Lascannon/ Missile Launcher



Tactical Squad - 221pts

Veteran Sergeant Terminator Honours/ CombiFlamer

7 bolters/ Flamer/ Lascannon/ Frag Grenades

True Grit/ Counter Attack Skills


Tactical Squad - 200pts

Sergeant Bolter

7 bolters/ PlasmaGun/ Missile Launcher

True Grit/ Counter Attack Skills


Scout Squad - 116pts

Sergeant Sniper Rifle

2 Bolters/ 3 Sniper Rifles/ Heavy Bolter


Fast Attack:

Assault squad - 316pts

Veteran Sergeant Terminator Honours/ Master Crafted Power Fist

7 Bolt Pistol & CCW/ 1 Plasma Pistol & CCW/ Flamer/ Frag Grenades

True Grit/ Counter Attack Skills



Vindicator - 160pts

Demolisher Cannon/ Storm Bolter

Power of the Machine Spirit/ Dozer Blade


Total - 1498pts


I could quite easilly change though based around the elements that I like most within it.


Comments and criticisms always welcome but please remember almost all of these are still WIP. Still, muc more to follow and I will keep psoting in here. I dont have that much time to get modelling done so it tends to come in fits and starts around work. Sorry for the number of unpainted pictures too but I want most of the conversion done before painting begins.


Photos will be of a more consistant size and quality after now too, Id forgotten photobucket resized files too large and so theyre a bit all over the place. I might even retake them all and make a nice standard 700px or so wide.


Thanks for reading. Oh, and its good to be back :ph34r:

Ill keep you all posted over the next few days


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I am interested in modding bolters as well but hadn't given it alot of thought. On my work bench is a P90 style longer combi-flamer for the sergeant of the more stationary squad. Although something like a couple of underslung laser sights now strikes me as a very interesting idea.





Just a quick little update on the bit of progress I made this morning.


Started adding the beginings of the detail to the chaplains torso here as well as making the candles on the top of his armour. They are a fun parody of the normal light cluster that termies have there I think.



The line around the top edge of his chestplate was going to be the beginnings of a large, stylised eagle wings joining at the top, which is similar to my DIY chapter's inconography - however I think I might use that on his shield instead and maybe stick with my original idea of bones laid out in the shape of wings possibly.



Speaking of which, his shield is similar in style to a Roman one, I just sketched on it a wing pattern as a plan although I might sculpt to fine ones flanking either side of the boss in the centre. Im going to have a play around with that now.



The shield is made from three laminated layers of 0.5mm plasticard. This is just a picture of it half way through that process taped to some Mr Muscle B) to hold it in a curve I liked while the glue fully cures.



Slow progress on this as I've been busy working almost all of yesterday.


Thoguth I'd also do the normally done thing and include a picture of my workshop as well ^_^



Thanks for the kind comments, more to follow.


Just a quick little update. I have started adding some details to the shield, but until that green stuff cures and I can get more on there isnt much to look at.


I also started on his helmet. Im unsure if he will even be wearing it, but it will be on the minis belt (as every helmetless marine should have I think :rolleyes:). If he is helmetless I will probably use the FW commisar tank commanders face for this guys head instead. The helmet is just resting in the helme ring rather sadly at the moment. I had it stuck on a thick wire and will return it to it when I carry on converting it, Just a dry run pictured.



Blocked in some slightly more skull like cheek bones and worked up a more human brow on the helmet so far, which I will work into a little more. Then I will rough in some teeth and a new bridge for a skulls nose. Try and make a nice chaplain's Death Mask rather than just using one from a chaplain termie already in existance, even though I will be using the old termie chaplain crozius tied to this minis belt anyway.


I do have some pictures of that sergeant in mk4 for you Lord Maggot. He was almost just a test mini, or at least I see him as one now. I was never 100% about his left arm(the viewer's right) although possible I could have done it better and more natural looking. I have also changed the way I will paint the gold for this chapter, although with the same real colour scheme. The helm is that colour just because it is the codex markings for a veteran sergeant. The chapters standard helm colour is gold too. The paint job on the gold is also pretty lumpy too, bleugh :rolleyes:



I dont like the arm grabbing the chainsword anyway so was going to rebuild another mini similar to this one for this army anyway. Probably just use this to test run the newer colour scheme some more, it will be a much deeper, richer gold rather than this very yellow colour instead.


C&C always welcome


Nice stuff as always Rich! Really nice stuff!!


[and the third and currently last and WIP marine for this squad. He will be posed drawing another fresh magaizne from a pouch on his hip. I like the look of mark4 too]


Do you have a back picture of mini? I want to make a modified Mk4 armour for my Chappy Thu'Ook but I dunno how the back part of a Mk4 armour looks like.


As for the chappy, that torso looks pretty cool! I can't wait to see how that model will look once finished!


What happen to your WIP Techy on bike?


Keep on the good work!



Thanks Mr Thu'Ook! Its good to be back.


My techmarine will get painted up as and when I have a chance to, but I dont think he is that suitable for this force. Although I was having a think at including a second dread, so that many vehicles may just justify me including a mobile techmarine like him. Ill have to think.


I made up what I thought the back of mk4 would look like. Seeing as it is basically the same armour as mk7 but with the front brought down to the groin and the sides raised higher. All I did was score a horizontal line around the armour at the same height as the top of the abdominal section of it and cut that away to same width as the interior ab section all around. Except of course leaving the backpack stud as is. I hope this is a clear enough shot for you to understand what I mean!



The belt is only at a different angle, because crouched like this his hips would be angled and to keep his torso vertical he is bent at the mid riff. Not because of any mk4 related reason :rolleyes:


The chaplain seems like it will be a major job, I kind of got a bit more carried away with it than I originally intended, so I might just make a marine or two instead for a break.




Thanks for the pics. They helped me see what was going on :rolleyes: I really like the model actually. The arm grabbing the chainsword does look a bit odd but I think it's more to do with Games Workshops proportions. Great idea though. May add it to the list of others I've already stolen from you :rolleyes:
I made up what I thought the back of mk4 would look like. Seeing as it is basically the same armour as mk7 but with the front brought down to the groin and the sides raised higher. All I did was score a horizontal line around the armour at the same height as the top of the abdominal section of it and cut that away to same width as the interior ab section all around. Except of course leaving the backpack stud as is. I hope this is a clear enough shot for you to understand what I mean!



Thanks! I'll sure try that!


Keep us updated!



Oh yes, I havent posted anything - sorry to let people down who were following this!


Not much progress today, I sanded the detail I had done on the shield off, it wasnt satisfactory. I will work a different desgin up and have to think of another way to work the shield boss in.


Other than that, I finished the skull mask his helmet and had a fiddle starting his right arm and the hammer he will be holding. The thing is with the much broader armour his arms will be more set into the body of the suit. It will give it a really squat bulky look which i quite like with, what apppears to be even bulkier shoulder pads now - which I will bulk up some more as well. All of that is really just dry fitting it right now.


I will post up some pictures of the small ammout I have done today, later :)

Thanks for the interest and kind comments,


Last update for a while Im afraid, as I have uni again soon and with my end of year exhibition to do I won't be spending time modelling as Ill have more enough on my plate with that.


Not that I cant post this stuff and answer some questions that have come up :jaw:




[i got one arm pinned now having spent a while trying to line it up as best as possible to suit human proportions in terminator armour - especially this bulkier suit, which is why his upper arm is slightly shorter now. The shaft he is holding in his hand will be shorter and is the (very) beginings of his main weapon, a hammer]




[started on some of the detailing on the back although some of the green stuff also needs some smoothing still. Also sorted out the exhausts some]




[Appears a little rough as I just gave his forehead and cheekbones a little fine sanding and should have washed off the dust - my sculpting ability is coming along but small details like this Im still a quite shaky with :P I wont be using the helmet here, its just a placeholder. I will be using the face from the FW commissar tank commander, its such an arrogant expression and the bionic left eye ties in nicely to the pintle storm bolter on his left shoulder]


Thanks for your comments thus far, Ill continue checking on the forums even though I wont be working on this force any more for a little while now, so any questions you may have just direct them straight here anyway ;)



Certainly. I hadnt posted one yet because it is still WIP and actually was also going through a redesign even before it was finished.




The on on the left was the first version but I didnt like the way the flamer was working slung under the bolter. So I started on it again, the one on the right. Not much at all has been done with this one as I got distracted with other memebrs of this squad before spending time on the sergeants weapon then stepped up work on the chaplain before I leave.


I think this layout is far more workable, with an extended bolter and the flamer mounted on the top surface of it. The psitol grip is still in its original position and there is no magazine yet either. The longer bolter I feel will give me more room to work with and feels appropriate as it isnt just a P90 bolter ut with a flamer attatchment. Practically it also gives me more room to fit the flamers gas cylinder and add some controls for that. I was going to have a play with adding a smaller cut down trigger for it similar to ones used now on underslung grenade launchers.



wow dude nice posing, i love the srg. droping his bolter and grabing his chainsword, great idea.

i like how you get a dynamic pose in like every one of you models,


( looks at his standart assembled ultra's and still loves the way they look, to buisy looking at his command squad to finish his post and completely in love with his models)


:) the rick

I'm very impressed. You are doing an excellent job of converting and making the standard marines unique and original. I really like the pose of the vet. sgt., especially the part where he is throwing the bolter away as if he ran out of ammo. It is one of the more original poses that I've seen in a long while.


Keep up the good work.

  • 3 months later...

Hello again everyone.


Using arcane skills in threadromancy I have resurrected this to sho wyou the last progress I have made with this force - I have been keeping track of this army in a project log on Warseer. As Im building a marine force I want to show it to the quintessential Marine forum!


I would post my current army list but its in a .pdf and I can't attach files to a post here on the B&C it seems.


Here is a picture of the whole army as it currently stands (and a slightly wider one http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v399/ric...erGroupShot.jpg]here[/url]






The DIY chapter's iconography on both sides of the tank, I was planning on painting this as white marble for a nice contrast to the green of the tank (green as it will be eventually):





And the tank commander/tech adept, The cupola is reomvavble so I can swap in a closed cupola as well:












Tactical Squad 2-

Veteran Sergeant with a combi-flamer:








Group shot - second from the right still needs a right hand (he is in the process of pulling a fresh mag to reload):




I need to add another marine with a lascannon and take one away (as this will be a 5 man squad until I max the army out to a final 1850 points later when they will get another 5 marines - codex chapter, eh? :))


Scout Squad-

I made them all kneeling as befits a squad with some sniper rifles in, only one pair of kneeling legs?! What were they thinking!

Group Shot:



The more ragged looking sergeant:




The others need varying length hair sculpted on (ranging form skin heads to medium length growth on the more experienced members (such as a sniper or two and the H bolter guy)


Command Squad-

I made another termie for this and made bases for the finished ones. I need another box of termies to finish of my chaplain conversion make another termie with an assault cannon (a left handed one this time) and to also build a new set of running legs for the sergeant (these ones just dont look right)

Current group shot:










A close up of one base - there will be latin inscription running accross them all meaning 'Our deeds reflect on our god emepror'




Continued ...




I had a project log for this mini on the B&C for a while and recently I tweaked the pose and make some of the edges sharper and a bit better defined. I will do the same for the bike and do a bit more to the base but thats about it.


















Whats next?

I was going to include a tornado for this army but I changed my mind to 2 assault bikes with multi-meltas to accompnay the techmarine. They will actually take the form of two accompnaying servitors Cain.147 and Abel.845. One with a multi-melta in place of his arm with the body of the =I= scale enforcer's cyberdog for a highmobility version. The other built into a mini tank body - I have a chimera I realised that, when cut up and rebuilt would make a perfect chassis for some all terrain/storage servitor. A hull mounted multi-melta and storage compartments would be handy for a techmarine on the move as well as clear tubes for keeping living samples in as well.


Then need to finish the termie chaplian conversion and his squad, make another two scouts with sniper rifles and sculpt some new cloaks for some fo the other, currently cloakless ones. Then need to build 6 more assault marines - which will porbably take the longest time converting. The last simplest thing will be to build a tank hunting dread. So probbaly just make him walking straight through statue and putting some big wing pieces either side of the sarcophagus will be that for him.


Then onto getting them all painted for the Carnage Tournament in March. Painting should take considerably less time - heres to hoping ;)


Comments and criticism is always welcome :)

Thanks Rich


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