cypher_zero Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 Holy freakin' s@#t! That's sweet, man. Got any GSing tips? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayGun924 Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 Fantastic army, Rich. I really love all of the character that each of your minis has. Keep us posted! ~Ray Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shinobi_soldier Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 :eek :blush: :ph34r: :cry: my order of emotions while reading this thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ajo79 Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 Wow. Awesome work! That's some darn good stuff there. Top Notch! Makes me wanna play with my crafting knift and green stuff :blink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellChyld Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 lets see more soon rich your doing a fine job Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Posted August 7, 2006 Author Share Posted August 7, 2006 Thank you all for you kind comments :blink: Im not doing any more modelling for the next month or so as we're moving out of the house I have my workshop in and Im at my place in London. The only painting Ive been doing for the last few days has been wall painting! I dont have all that much to convert now for this army until I can then start painting them all - I thought the conversion could potentially take the most time, unchecked, so I vowed to finished it all before starting painting, which is just a formulaic approach really. There are some different pictures and close ups in my photobucket gallery too, some which I havent posted here. @ Cypher - what sort of GS tips were you looking for ? Im still getting the hang of sculpting little details, but youre constantly learning something new when you're sculpting. Thanks again Rich Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krystalmesh Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 great googley moogley! awesome excellent way to set your marines and scouts apart. i especially like the termie base idea...brilliant! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cypher_zero Posted August 7, 2006 Share Posted August 7, 2006 @ Cypher - what sort of GS tips were you looking for ? Im still getting the hang of sculpting little details, but youre constantly learning something new when you're sculpting. Ummm... I dunno. Just anything that you think might be useful. I'm always lookin for ways to get better and you've really done a fantastic job. Just, ya'know, any little tips or tricks you might have figured out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Posted August 8, 2006 Author Share Posted August 8, 2006 Alright then. Alot of people on Warseer said they liked the way I sculpted hair. How I sculpt this long hair. Its easiest to use a bald head but its just a case of shaving off the fringe and other prominent bits of hair to leave you with a bald head. Stick a blob of Gs on the head and roughly shape it to cover the area you want to have hair. (sorry for the blurry picture!) then I also mark out a parting as well as you can just about see here, this helps give you a guide to keep the hair realistic - I learnt this over some time! Give it about 10-15 minutes to cure slightly and use a blunt knife blade or somethign liek that and drag it down in strokes, starting at th ebottom to keep it laying realistically - the length of each stroke will look like the length of the finished hair. Something like a beard such as this I would do the same thing as above but I would do the whole beard first, without moustache and then once that had fully cured do the moustache so I wont damage the GS of the beard. Sorry, I dont have many photos for this but when I get a moment next Ill type up a better tutorial for cloth which has more pictures. If you'd like me to expand on something I will, just ask! Thanks Rich Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Primarch16 Posted August 8, 2006 Share Posted August 8, 2006 Totally stealing the terminator bases dude. Awsome stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloodthirster90 Posted August 8, 2006 Share Posted August 8, 2006 aye, i've many spare bases lying around and it's an awesome idea. It's like steps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Puppet Master Posted August 8, 2006 Share Posted August 8, 2006 Rich just wondering what parts did you use to make your techmarine? I can see the new techmarine in there, though there are some parts I dont recognise, did you construct the soldering iron yourself? I want to build one of these for my Dark Mechanicus army :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JaM_TW Posted August 8, 2006 Share Posted August 8, 2006 They all look very nice... Good luck on your move, and please resurrect this thread when you are settled down again. Cheers ! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grey Knight Posted August 8, 2006 Share Posted August 8, 2006 The Scout sergeant reminds of corbec(from gaunt's ghosts), in a good way. the assault marine on the top right of the first post is brilliant! and the whole army is very characterfull and very well done. Two thumbs way up :P, and if i had a tird thumb, It'd be up too. cant wait to see more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother of Fortitude Posted August 9, 2006 Share Posted August 9, 2006 I am in love with your green stuffing, and your poses are simply stunning, just wanted to say, keep up the good work! Kudos, ~BOF Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Posted August 10, 2006 Author Share Posted August 10, 2006 Thank you for all your kind comments. @ Grey Knight: I was ina bit of confusion how I would do the scout sergeant head. All of my marines have long hair but I wasnt sure what to do with that. After seeing the Corbec mini I knew thats what he needed so well spotted. It was actually inspired by the Corbec mini :P The rest of the scout squad will have varying length hair (from total skin head with the bolter scouts to slightly longer/more ragged with the more experienced scouts - those with sniper rifles and the heavy bolter). @ Puppet Master: I used alot fo bits from all over for that techmarine. Ill try and give you a littl break down here. Rider- Boxed set Techmarine torso >Plastic Biker legs reposed with layered armour sculpted on >Axe arm from the Mail order only techmarine (I preferred the shape) >Left arm and hand from the plastic biker with the commander sprue bionic arm spliced inbetween (the arm and axe were seperated and repinned and I sculpted a new appropriately shaped hand) Servo Arm Backpack- > The servo arm itself was made from the old metal servo arm backpack which I reppined into a 'standby' position > It was built around a plastic backpack of course whcih I bulked up with plasticard and used parts such as the bolter scope to hold the wiring. > The light cluster is from the plastic command squad apothecary. > The solder welder idea came from the techmarine concept art and is one of the old tactical marine banner poles before they started adding the sculpted banners - I dont know if you can still get them. But I just cut that off beneath the cross bar at the right angle for a soldering iron and stuck it in place of the original servo arm head. I felt it looked the part and was a bit different. Bike- This had different parts used from all over my bits box to just try and recreate the feel of a techmarine's personal bike. > There are parts from the palstic Cadians and catchans for some fo the stuff at the back of the bike over the cut down exhausts > Things like the light bulb servo arm are a tecmarine servo arm from the servo harness with the lightbulb from the terminators teleport homer thingummy, which I cut down a little. >The bolter on the front cownling is the techmarin ebolter with a new grip and a holster sculpted. >The headlight is from the Cadian comm link and the storm bolter is from the plastic termintors. There are plenty more bits involved with this bike, and the techmarine himself I think, just shout if you'd like a more complete run down. I basically just picked bits from my bits box that I felt fitted the feel of what a techmarine would need on his bike close to hand. So an alternate servo arm head for grabbing stuff on top of the solder welder. Hope this helps a little! Ive also been thinking and sketching what I could do with the two servitors. Ive basically refined the idea to two servitors built in to mini tank hulls of similar patterns. Other than that each will be a different layout as one will be mor eintended for storage/transport with hull mounted weapons and servo arms runnign down his spine. Mechandrites and stimm injectors will be in place of his amputated arms. The other will have the multi melta attatched to one shoulder (taught skin nailed to the weapon and wring running into his body with the ammo feed poking through the skin down his spine) this one will be more up armoured for his defensive role while the other will have the better toughness and armour save represented by ionics and a mini bull dozer blabe attached to the fron of his hull/body. Thanks for your interest! Rich Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warcrafter Posted August 10, 2006 Share Posted August 10, 2006 Just simply awesome stuff! I hope some day my conversion skills will be at least near the level you have gained... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rat of vengence Posted August 12, 2006 Share Posted August 12, 2006 Rich, you have an impressive degree of 'cool' to your painting and sculpting. It's not often I see stuff that leaps out as different and good to the eye so well. (Insert regional rude word of endearment here). :P I particularly like the work you have done in reposing the marines. Can you tell me how you get a smooth transition from existing plastic to new GS work without leaving a lip or uneven join? I am having great trouble with that in a conversion I am working on now. Also, is the a general amount of time you let GS cure or set before working detail? Thanks for sharing your WIP stuff mate! RoV Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
revmatt Posted August 13, 2006 Share Posted August 13, 2006 Rich - inspirational stuff keep it up. rev Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abael Posted August 14, 2006 Share Posted August 14, 2006 Excellent, it must be said. Although you do not like your sergeant (who's discarding his bolter), I absolutely love him (sword's kinda funky though)! Would you mind sharing how you did that? As for your Terminators, somehow jumping doesn't convey their lack of mobility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Posted August 14, 2006 Author Share Posted August 14, 2006 Thank you for all your comments and compliments! @ RoV: I always use a bit more GS than I need so there is a slight excess on the mini to help smooth and blend the transition into the existing piece. Another handy trick is just to shave the corner off the existing piece of plastic/metal, so that when you're green stuffing there is no lip to overcome, you just need to smooth the GreenStuff into the piece. For smaller sections I normally leave GS for about 10-15 minutes to cure slightly, after having roughly shaped it to stick, after that time I start to properly shape it. I always burnish a green stuffed surface (by using a sculpting tool and keep gently rubbing it in circles over the GS with lots of water (although some people prefer oil, I use water to lubricate) and this will gently smooth out the GS. Do this last when its had about a full half hour plus to cure. @ Abael: Its not that I dislike that sergeant, its just the pose of his left arm annoys me as Im better at reposing and sculpting in general since I built that, the first mini of this army. I intend to strip this mini and rebuild his left arm with a bend in it to make it look a bit more natural. I devised a better way of painting the gold armour since I painted that and his paint job is wrong too - in the current list he isnt a veteran sergeant so he just needs a plain red helmet (very codex chapter!) The terminator sergeant was also the first new terminator Ive built and I wasn't prepared to cut the elgs enough to repose a true jogging/running pose. I intend to rebuild a new pair of legs for him with a pose a bit more like this image. His knees need to be closer together to avoid the sort of RiverDance look he has now :) I wanted to make running terminators because Ive always pictured them as the ultimate shock troopers, although they lack mobility one of those suits must weigh about 3.5 tonnes so they must be able to build up some amazing momentum especially going down a flight of stairs... that's what I thought at least ! Cypher zero wanted some more tips earlier in this thread and I was going to follow this up soon wtih a tutorial for how I sculpt cloth, which I always find quite fun to make :) Thanks for you compliments! Rich Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cypher_zero Posted August 15, 2006 Share Posted August 15, 2006 Yea, I'm really looking forward to the cloth tut. I've got a guy I'm working on now that I'd like to do cloth on, but have been holding off till you did the tut for me. Thanks again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Posted August 15, 2006 Author Share Posted August 15, 2006 Hello again, Well got this ready for Cypher_zero and any others interested. I really hope it can be forgiven that this tutorial isnt on a power armoured mini! How to sculpt a greatcoat (and cloth in general). 1 - I don't buy those tiny blisters of GWs green stuff, its far too overpriced. Although incedentally they don't make it - a company called Sylmasta make green stuff (and a number of other putties all under their catch all brand name of Kneadatite - such as brown stuff which is better for sharper edges). They sell it in the normal ribbon and also in two separate tubes like I have (this way the two halves never touch like with the ribbon so there is no wastage. There was much more green stuff in these when I bought it all for about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cypher_zero Posted August 16, 2006 Share Posted August 16, 2006 Thanks! That seems so simple, even I can do it! Really appreciate the tut. Keep up the good work; hope to see more stuff in the future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Posted September 27, 2006 Author Share Posted September 27, 2006 Well, hello. Sorry it's taken me a while to update this thread but I've been keeping a project log on Warseer and, while I was at my parents I was pretty busy with packing stuff up for their move really. Back at uni now and although I'm busy with stuff of a whole different nature (namely, work :D) I thought I'd update you all here. Some pictures of the army as it stands first and then Ill add some more close-ups following it all Army Currently: Just need to make 6 more assault marines, another terminator and then a Dreadnought, not much left now! Chaplain and Terminator Command squad: (you've probably seen these alot lately if you've been following the thread as I was working on the chappie. Techmarine with Cain.147 and Abel.845: Just as I left the package from GW with the parts I'd needed to finish the two servitors arrive. Typical! Vindicator: And for the more conservative amongst you, here it is with a nice closed cupola. Scout Squad: Tactical Squad 1: I have since decided I don't want any sergeants on 40mm bases, so these will need changing - as well as this guys paint job as he isn't a veteran Sgt in the current list and I can paint the gold to look better now. Tactical Squad 2: The guy in mk4 armour with the bolter is going to get a lascannon now as I forgot to make the squad's heavy. I need to dig up another plasmagun for one of the marines as well. Assault Squad: Needs the most work yet really, the conversions need working into as well as needing anther 6 members made. Now, Close-Ups. The chaplain at the moment. He is still slightly WIP but nearly finished. Of course he needs a second foot and I noticed some sloppy squished green stuff on the back of his thigh that needs sorting as well. I ended up mounting his Crozius behind the candles, making a sort of mini shrine look. It was going to be hanging on his belt but just looked outrageous as it would clatter about every step he took. His shield which, on the front has big renditions of the chapters iconography and on the back there are the power feeds and, of course, a book open for him to chant prayers and what not. The Techmarine's Servitors: Both of these will count as attack bikes games wise to make the tech a bit more survivable and bring some more anti-tank weapons in. Cain.147 (on the left,a more combat orientated/personal defence design) and Abel.845 (on the right, a storage locker/utility vehicle more). It took ages to get an order from GW for the remaining bits I needed for these two. Abel still needs the hull mounted MultiMelta alone really. Cain is still very WIP, the servitor will be a torso mounted to the top disk with the melta more traditionally grafted to his arm for a greater field of fire. Someone on Warseer came up with a great way of fitting the bikes two bolters to Abel by suggesting sponsons. So I made tiny ones for individual bolters in a similar style as the predator ones. Abel still needs his hands to be built. He will have both hands burried in wiring for the controls of each track, why he is posed like that. Though its not too clear without paint really, there is a hole in the skin on his back and the bare muscles have been stretched and used to power the first stage of the servo arm. The terminators still need another final member with the ever present second assault cannon. This one will be left handed though for some nice symmetry. I need another box of termies for that and to rebuild the sergeants legs into a better pose with a new pair. Other than that there is the assault marines and then a dread to do as well. The dread will have lascannons and a missile launcher and modelled marching steadily through a statue of some forgotten guardsman's achievement. Typical of the arrogant Astartes and means I can have some fun modelling a statue breaking apart around a dreads knee. The converting is drawing to an end and so its time to start painting again when I next start back on these guys I think. I've just started my third year at uni so bit too busy for too much modelling but I should be able to fit in a weekend or two of painting during the next few months at least, Im sure (though they sound like famous last words!). C&C is welcome and I'll help explain or dig out some more close-up or earlier WIP pictures of minis or shots of individual squad members if people are interested as well. Thanks in advance! Rich Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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