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The Storm of the Emperor's Wrath


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Well, here we go: gathering all my thoughts and whatnot on my purple marines and posting a brief yet informative article on them.


Chapter Name: The Storm of the Emperor's Wrath (BTW: I relaly need a new, less lengthy name for these boys.)


Colours: Dark purple armour, gold trim and devices. Silver weapons. Chapter symbol is arcs of lightning agaisnt a dark purple field.


Created for: To help police the areas of space around the Ghoul Stars, the Maelstrom, and the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath. This was in intention, knowing full well that their primary adversaries would be traitors, tau, eldar, and orks.


Created when: Roughly 400.M37. Exact founding date was lost in the inter-chapter war brought upon by the heretic librarian Kalvin Cerevus.


Homeworld and operating zones: Homeworld is the system known as Astra Ultima, a formerly lawless frontier system a mere 100 light-years or so from the Ghoul Stars. Their fortress-monastery is on the world Galvinicus, a forgeworld which is constantly repairing or innovating the marine's armoury: a fact frowned upon by other members of the Adeptus mechanicus. FOr the fleet, the battle-barge Righteuos penitence is the main ship. Also active in the Maelstrom, the Storm of the Emepror's Wrath, the Ghoul Stars themselves, and frequently in territories contested by tau.


Major personalities: The arch heretic Kalvin cerevus, who in 956M39 turned the entire libarium against its brother, assasinating many officers, sackign the armoury, and nearly devastating the chapter. This rebellion was quelled, and all tainted marines purged. Cerevus himself was never located, and is believed to be hiding in the maelstrom.

The current Chapter Master is Gregor Strumm, a charismatic and somewhat flashy indicual, who has recently enforced a loose emphasis on style over all-out efficency in his marines: a trait many disagree with, as it is coutner to the purpose of Imperial Marines: fast, efficient killing.

Backing Strumm is Captain of the Marches Viktor Salvador. He usually leads lightning raids with his assault bretheren, and is key in the current heraldry.


Major Engagements: The Cerevus Heresy. Soon to be deployed to Medusa V. Countless expeditions to the maelstrom and Ghoul stars.




Combat Doctrines: Tactical flexibility. In short, tactical squads never carry heavy weapons, as they merely slow the marines down. Tanks are often seen when advisable, and assault marines and speeders are nearly a staple. Psykers are never utilized except to guide their warfleets: the Cerevus Heresy has only cemented their belief in all psykers being tainted in the worst ways. Terminators and veterans are rare, but present when necessary: again the heresy of Ceverus elimnated much of their greatest assets.


Beliefs: The marines view the Emperor as a great warrior, on par with their Primarch Rogal Dorn, but do not believe that he is in fact a god; he is simply a greta warrior traped in a machine and guides them thusly. ON their occupied planets, the marines mingle freely with the local populace, teaching them faith, and sometimes combat tactics: all for the sake of reinforcing the marines existance, and even demonstrating the fate of heretics and traitors if need be.


Gene-seed: Rogal Dorn.


Battle-Cry: "The Storm of the Emperor's Wrath descends, and His enemies shall know no mercy, nor respite, from his fury!" This is used typically only once per enagement: right at the deployment of the initial forces. In heat of battle, or in other engagements, it is simply: "The Storm descends!"





Army Rules:


Codex Space Marines with the following traits:


+ Cleanse and Purify (Stern): Chapter Master Gregor Strumm teaches felixibility, mobility, and style. Thus, tactical squads always carry two plasmaguns, meltaguns, or flamers as the situation needs. This is to ensure they can always cover ground, and never need to espose themselves for a single shot of a heavy weapon.


- Have Faith in Suspicion: Epistolary Ceverus lead his librarium staff and marines against their former brothers in a bitter civil war. While defeated, his damge was done, as evident in the lack of specialist equipment. In addition,t he marine never wish to risk such a heresy again, for next time they all may be purged, nto just those lured by Chaos. The chapter does not use any psykers, book-keeping and records now performed by the chaplains and captains of the marines. Such is their distrust,t hat even other allies that dare risk their souls to psykers will never share the same side of a battlefield as the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath.

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Alright, there's a few decent ideas here. It needs neatening up and you could have a really powerful chapter here.


I'll be flat-out honest - I don't like your chapter's name, and I don't think the majority of people who read this topic will. It's simply not fitting for a marine chapter stylistically. It's a long name, and it's not right. It'd be like you calling your chapter 'The Right Hand of the Emperor'. Can you imagine a Marine saying "I'm Brother-Marine Bob from The Right Hand of the Emperor"? No, not when "The Emperor's Hands" would work far better.


Plus, there's the obvious point that The Storm of the Emperor's Wrath is a warp storm that's been raging since the Age of Apostasy (when it destroyed one of Goge Vandire's warfleets). Basing your chapter near the warp storm's quite cool. It could lend a lot to your chapter - this constant reminder of the Emperor's power.


The thing is though, that you've got your chapter doing far too much. Look at the 40k galaxy map. The Maelstrom, the Ghost Stars and the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath are incredibly far apart. I suggest you pick one. (Personally, the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath), and focus your marines on it. It would add a lot to your chapter. Also, the Tau are very far from any of these three galactic anomalies - and the Tau are a very, very, very recent threat in the Galaxy. They've only been around in the last ~300 years. They've certainly not been around since .M37, four thousand years before current time.


I suggest that the forge-world thing is dropped. You can have them having close relations to the AdMech, but I suggest that you not let them base themselves on a forgeworld. It goes against the separation of power that keeps the Imperium strong (or weak, depending on your point of view).



Kalvin Cerevus - as you mention 'Epistolary', was he a marine in your chapter? Why did he turn traitor, and how did he manage to turn the entire Librarium against the rest of the chapter? If all marines were purged, how did Cerevus escape? Also, note that Epistolaries are not the highest rank of Librarians - the highest is 'Chief Librarian'. What happened to your chapter's Chief Librarian?


Explain why a Space Marine is focused on style at all? And how is he focused on style? How does this style manifest itself? I'm really not sure what you're trying to say in this paragraph, so an explanation might help.




You have a strong potential theme - gatekeepers patrolling lawless space around the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath. If you were to work on that theme and how that theme affects the other aspects of your chapter, your chapter could be really characterful. It's certainly got a lot of potential.

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Hmm, some good points. I had always thought the four were a lot closer.


As forthe name, it's really just a placeholder. I'm personally very terrible at names... maybe Stormbringers? (Unless that is, of course, taken.)


Kalvin Cerevus - as you mention 'Epistolary', was he a marine in your chapter? Why did he turn traitor, and how did he manage to turn the entire Librarium against the rest of the chapter? If all marines were purged, how did Cerevus escape? Also, note that Epistolaries are not the highest rank of Librarians - the highest is 'Chief Librarian'. What happened to your chapter's Chief Librarian?
I simply forgot that there was Chief Librarian, and went for the more powerful of the two libby's in codex for title. ^_^ Consider him formerly Chief Librarian Kalvin Cerevus. Hmm.. with your specifics, allow me to flesh out his history.


For those of you short on time, I will first give an abridged version as long-wined fluff that somebody made up can be quite boring to some. In 987M40, most of the chapter goes to pruge a suddenly massive cult in their system. During the distraction Ceverus leads an amalgam of his tainted marines and human cultists gainst their own chapter. He returnedhome and took voer the monstery, but he was folowed by captain fot he Marches Strumm and two companies. The chapter master Stern followed a day later,and was slain in desperate combat with Ceverus. Strumm sought to avenge the detah of their leader, and defeated Ceverus, although eh vanished,a nd the chapter was in tatters. A thousand years later, a daemon prince beleived to be ceverus was slain in the ghoul stars, ending the chapter's penintent crusade...


It is the year 987 of M40...




Chief Librarian Cerevus, while a space marine in body, was unfortunatley still a man in mind and ambition. As many others have done, he proved a nearly textbook example of corruption by chaos. Tired of the strictures and bans on materials that delved too deeply into the works of chaos, the warp, and psychics, Cerevus began to lead raids agaisnt those who were known to create or retain such materials. However, instead of desroyignt he heretical and sanity-blastign texts, Cerevus took them away, and began to study them on his own. Slowly his insights began to change: Chaos, to him, was not an all-present evil: it was a reflection of themselves, and slowly he began to dabble in heinous ceremonies, and use the dark powers for his own ends.


Deluded into thinking he was doing a great justice, he began to fund small pockets scholars and the like to study and acquire illegal documents and knowledge. All of this was kept in secret, and how he acquired the funds is still a mystery. SOme one hudnred years later, others in his chapter began to be suspicious, as he grew more gaunt, more reclusive, and venomous. It was during a the purging of a world-wide Cult of Change on the world of Belphon, in the chapter's own system of Astra Ultima, did Ceverus finally show his brothers his true intentions. The cult had manisfested itself so suddenly, and so forcefully, that the majority of the chapter was called upon to save the world form itself.


At the end of a brutal seige, a detachment of marines (close followers of Ceverus, mostly of the fifth company) located the Arch-Magister of the cult; an impossibly potent psyker named Saberis. Rather than engaging in battle with the heretic, Ceverus offered the twisted man a place at his side, to addhis legion of followers to Ceveru's faithful. Saberis accepted, and together the marines and human marched back to the extraction site for the crusade. They caught the still-faithfull marines off-gaurd, and slaughtered the lot, their ride to the homeworld secured. Ceverus estimated it ould be a day or two before the others on the planet relaised the trouble, and departed for Galvinicus.


Once arriving on Galvincus, the traitors began a ruthless attack on the few marines that had remained to defend the Fortress Monastery. With horrifying ease the traitor Ceverus and his new minions cut through the defenders, in a manner reminscent of the Seige of Terra millenia ago. Upon blasting apart the Monastery gates, Ceverus was greeted warmly by his fellow members of the Libarium; they were bloodied and tired from combating the Reclisiarch and his gaurdians, as well as many of the neophtyes and scouts in training, but had triumphed. Thigns were looking grim for the Emperor's loyal.


Fortunatley, Captain of the Marches Gregor Strumm had been monitoring the suspicious Librarian for soem time now, and had readied most of the fourth and second companies to stand-by a few planets away in case of treachery. Even as Ceverus left the war-torn planet of Balphon, Strumm had began his return to their homeworld to prevent disaster. Whether Ceverus had somehow not known the Captain's intentions, or was too cocky to consider hima threat, nobody knows. All that is known is that as Strumm and the fourth and second companies made planetfall in a terrific "Death from Above" assault, the current Chapter Master Xander Stern had realised the deception and removed the first company from Balhpon; they would go check in at home while the rest of the chapter continued their supringsly easy task of pruging the planet of chaos.


Stern arrived a day after Strumm to find their homeworld a wreck, and as cultists has dispersed to cause havok among the populace, most of the mariens were engaded once more in a bitter and nearly-hopeless seige against their own monastery. Enraged, Stern and a handful of his terminators made a daring eleport attack into the heart of the monastery, itnent on destroying the Arch-heretic. Once inside, they all too easily found their Chief Librarian, who was waiting inside the Great Chapel. One-by-one he dispatched the fearsome temrinator gaurd, and finally he descended upon Stern himself. It is said by some it was bloody battle that weakened both combatants and lasted hours, others say the Chapter's Master was killed swiftly, with little effort on the side of Ceverus.


Whatever the result, Ceverus was soon seen atop the battlements in the midst of the seige, holding aloft the body of Xander Stern... moments later it was consumed by a raging purple fire and cast down to the ground below. Captain Strumm had bore witness to this blatant defilement, and charged the battlement, his jump-pack burnign itself out just as he landed. In a flurry of blows, he attacked Ceverus, weathering countless psychic attacks, his own lust for vengeance and faith in his Emeperor is said to be the only thing that saved him. Before the killign blow was struck, a stray shell smashed into the balcony, sendign both fallign several stories. When the dust cleared, Ceverus was nowhere to be found. And he would not be found, nor would several of his closest followers, or the cult leader from Balphon. It seemed fate, or something more.. powerful had cheated the marines their victory.


In the the weeks following the re-sanctifyign of Balphon and Galvinicus, millions of the two world's citizens were purged in connection to the cult; fifty-seven marines were executed for the same. In terms of casualties, nearly five-hundred marines in total had been killed, and a masive portoin of their vehicles had been desteroyed, looted, or vanished. Gregor Strumm was promoted to the position of Chapter Master for his heroism and planning: had he not put his faith in his suspicions, the whole of the chapter might have been lost. His lieutant, Viktor Salvador became the new Captain of the Marches.


The chapter now begins a massive recruitment drive, and even the most obscure equipment begisn to be commonplace as the adeptus mechanicus starts to innovate and repair what's left of the armoury. The chapter begins a penitent crusade that persisted until 992M41, when a daemon prince beleived to be Ceverus was destroyed on a daemonically twisted world in the Ghoul Stars, following a millenia of harassment and treachery brought about by the heretic. Time will tell if the threat from Ceverus is truely over...






Explain why a Space Marine is focused on style at all? And how is he focused on style? How does this style manifest itself? I'm really not sure what you're trying to say in this paragraph, so an explanation might help.


Well, i tend to field shotgun scouts, predators with hb sponsons, and have a flashy (if dark) paint scheme... not sure how to translate that fluff-wise.


Ok, that's enough from me for now.

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Well, for a name, I was going to suggest "Smite", but given the lack of psykers this may not be appropriate, unless you fancy a rather ironic name (in case you don't remember: the psychic power "smite" became "Storm of the Emperor's Wrath" in the 4th ed codex).

Stormbringers seems familiar, but it works better than SotEW; possibly something along similar lines... hmm, stormcallers, storm warriors, storm riders, storm lords...

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As you seem to one those who are bothered by the concept of using a "taken" name, I'll take another off the table for you. Brother Sergeant Alasseo suggested Storm Riders. That's the name of my 90% bike/LS chapter. Now, if the name does it for you and you want to use it anyways, go for it. I won't be the least bit offended and odds are we'll not be across the table from each any time in the near future so it doesn't really matter. :blush:
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