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DA Successor's and the fallen.


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I know that it is the conventional wisdom on this board that DA successor chapters dont hunt the fallen as they are unaware of them, even to the point of being one of the dont's in the chapter creation thread;


Don't claim your Dark Angels successor chapter hunts the Fallen.

The established fluff clearly states that only the Unforgiven chapters (the DAs and their second founding chapters) are aware of the Fallen's existence. None of the 3rd founding or later chapters are aware of the Fallen. Your chapter is no exception. If you use the DA rules, there are plenty of reasons to provide an alternative fluff explanation for the

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The problems I see are


1 - Dark Angels geneseed is rarely/almost never used. Therefore the number of successors is low.


2 - If there was a successor I doubt the Dark Angels would send their men to train them. They simply don't care about anyone else and have a reputation for packing up and leaving during campaigns. So in essence they wouldn't give a monkey's as they have better things to do (Hunt the Fallen :) )


3 - If a veteran was sent to train them why would be tell them about the Fallen? They are trying to keep this a secret and the less people they tell the better. Sure the 2nd founding know but thats due to when they were created and were probably around when the "incident happened"


I do see your point but I dont think it works with the Dark Angels. They like to keep things hidden and keep to themselves.


Just my thoughts :lol:

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Your not the frist to think this you won't be the last but there's a bunch of people who well tell you why the Dark angel's don't tell new chapter's of there dirty secret. From the vet's leave once the chapter's on it's feet to the fact that the vew chapter master dose not know about the fallen at all.


Dark angel's successor's are hard to do anything with about the fallen but it is a big galaxy and 10'000 years is a long time to atone for your sins.

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I think the suggestion was the the successors to the DA (not the DA themselves) help instruct the newer Chapter ... say, Angels of Absolution sending a member of their "Inner Circle" to start the new Dark Strike Chapter.




A counter arguement could be that when the DA successors were trained the DA said, "Ok, now that you are a new Chapter we have a secret to tell you and you can't tell anyone else ... pinky swear it!!"

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The other argument AGAINST the new Chapters learning through the upper echelon is that in the DA Codex it says that Ezekiel has the final say in who joins the Deathwing for the Dark Angels. I can see this expanded to the Chief Librarians of the other 2nd Founding Chapters as well. The marines are probably well versed in this tradition and wouldn't break it.


I subscribe to the notion that the Unforgiven will not tell anyone, even in their own lineage as it is not their burden to bear but the original legion's burden. New Chapters may learn of the Fallen by the Fallen themselves through encounters on the battlefield. Then as the Unforgiven approach, the new chapter take steps to survive with the knowledge intact. That is more plausible than the DA telling anyone. GW even supported this in the BT Codex. The Templars knew and were made to disapppear permenantly.

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I have a Dark Angel sucsessor chapter, The Angels of Lament. Though when i start working on them i was also tempted to make them hunt the fallen, i saw that it was not a great idea, i don't belive that the Dark Angels would tell anyone of the fallen, not even chapters from there own gene seed. It's far far to much of a risk for them to tell anyone apart from those that need to know, which i asume in the opinion sucsessor chapters are not.
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No Unforgiven chapter/marine would tell anyone else of the fallen, they don't even tell members of their own Chapter until they reach a certain level. Why would they tell the leader of a new chapter who is not known to be trusted? DA successors are very rare anyway. A chapter is more likely to have their own fallen than be told about the DA fallen.



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You'd be better off just forgetting about the fallen, people who ask questions about them sometimes have "accidents" :blush: I think if you really want to use the DA rules and hunt the fallen then just readjust the story that your chapter keeps running into these strange marines and take an intrest in finding them to learn who or what they are. That way you can have some of the background you want. I agree with teh others that no member of the DA or successors would tell another chapter (even with the same geneseed) there greatest secret.
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The Secret of The Fallen is such a source of shame for The Unforgiven that they won't even tell their own brethren about it and they kill anyone - even Black Templar Astartes brothers - who might find out about it.


Given their extreme paranoia about secrecy, the idea that they would voluntarily spread the secret to another group, even successors, that they would have less control over than their own chapter marines seems pretty unlikely. Given their past actions I could easily see the Unforgiven wiping out a successor that somehow found out about the Fallen. :P


Using the Hunt the Fallen rules to represent something else sounds like a really good creative challenge...


+++ Still laughing about the mental image of 8 foot tall marines doing a 'pinky-swear'. :ph34r: +++

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When the Brotherhood of the Lion started having to play the "Hunt the Fallen" rules because of the DA codex, I decided that we were racing the DA to find the fallen. Why? Well, that is Capt Cornelius's secret, but i will say it was seemingly at odds against the DA.


Now, although I no longer play by DA rules, we still have at least one former member of the Inner Circle who is involved in the Chapter leadership. I have not yet figured out his reaction to it all, but since the =][= has manipulated the Brotherhood into a new role (as I move away from the DA codex and into into the DH Codex) I find we are still hunting rumors of the fallen for we seek the sword that was broken, and we seek it before the DA get to it.


That's why I wonder so much about Captain Cornelieus' reports back to the Inner Circle. To which group is he the traitor? Or perhaps he aides the brotherhood in his new role only until the sword is found?


You can take the marine out of the Unforgiven, but can you ever take the unforgiven out of the marine? The DA keep silent, but secrets always find a way out.

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