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I think you have some good fluff her-wich will be even better with a bit more fleshing out, I especially like the bit about each battle barge having one squad of terminators, and one squad of scouts with them...

Having said this I was unsure about the purposes of your marines "taking" imperial guardsmen who have fought alongside them....fisrtly, as your Chapter doesnt coordinate, or associate itself with other loyalist imperial forces....from the point of view of the IG regiment...would this not look slightly strange, a chapter showing up suddenly, aiding them, and then abducting some of their warriors for reasons unknown to them? it could look like they were turning on their fellow imperial servants....


Secondly, If these Imperial Guardsmen were taken for the purpose of becoming space marines, i would say this is almost impossible...as potential space marine recruits are taken from a VERY early age, around 8-14 i would say, as the older a man gets, the more likely it is that he will reject the implants, and his body will have grown far too much by this time, so his ribs would be unable to fuse, chest cavaty would be unable to expand to incorperate second heart etc...these proceedures would almost certainly kill a grown man...


Just a few thoughts, i like the idea though, good luck ;)



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Some good idea's, but expansion is required.


The Shadow Spectres dislike to fight alongside other Imperial forces, except under dire circumstances. The Shadow Spectres follow their own path, striking out of nowhere to send out the Emperors will and disappearing the moment after battle has been done.

They don't coordinate and associate with the other Imperial forces, they don't want anyone from outside the Chapter to come to know too much about them.

Why? They have became reclusive, but what has caused them to do so? They shy away from help even if they need it, something major must had happened?


The Shadow Spectres appear out of nowhere to assist other Imperial forces in dire straits, and then disappearing from the scene

So they hate to work along side other Imperium forces, but jump to help Imperial Forces? It's all a little confusing


There have also been reports that they draw recruits from known Imperial Guard regiments who have fought alongside the Shadow Spectres
occasionally taking with them some Guardsmen or local militia-men

Unless these are youth regiments and militia, then this will be impossible. Outside the age range of 10-14, humans are unable to accept the organs required to become a Space Marines.


The First Company is the Veterans company, consisting of mostly veterans in Terminator armour

This meaning they have at least 80 suits of Terminator Armour, a number rivalling that of the Dark Angels. How have they managed to get this number of suits? Why has the Imperium decided to equip these marines who won't often fight alongside others forces.


Your combat doctrine system just seems to outline how you fight, not the combat doctrine. I would suggest you need to define their doctrine more, not how you fight them on table-top. So say they like to have a strong firebase, while forces infiltrate ahead. Extend this further.



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