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Blades of Deliverance - IA

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Index Astartes; the Blades of Deliverance


Far out on the eastern fringe, the Blades of Deliverance Space Marine Chapter stands defiant against threats of Tyranid Hive Fleets and other unnamed horrors that dwell beyond the gulf of known space. Descended from the line of the Blessed Rogal Dorn himself, these proud warrior-knights patrol the endless void beyond the eastern fringe and stand ready to answer the call of war from the Imperium, to smite the foes of the Emperor wherever they may hide.





Very little is known of the exact beginnings of the Blades of Deliverance, the earliest mentions in imperial history of the Chapter can be traced back to approximately 200 years after the death of Rogal Dorn. It begins with the liberation of Cordanus III; the human population had been under invasion from Ork raiders for approximately 50 years prior to imperial discovery.


Cordanus III was a very technologically advanced empire with no knowledge of the Imperium or the Emperor himself, and the population was corrupted by its own greed and ignorance of external threat. The empire had seen very little of war and conflict for many, many years and its armed forces were starting to show the signs of weakness that this age of peace had brought, historical evidence suggests each military institution was based in the same way as a knightly order, with ideals of honour, and dignity, but, it was thought that each one was slowly dieing out as the populace looked at each one in scorn at what was thought to be a needless paranoia.


Records indicate that when the Orks did arrive, many of the military orders collapsed; under manned, under funded and unable to defend against the threat. As each of the remaining battle worthy orders were destroyed by the crushing numbers of the Ork Waaagh! it became apparent that Cordanus would be destroyed in a matter of years, the last remaining order to be recorded; the

Edited by Lucas Van Gallieon
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Having started my own chapter fluff, I know how much work and dedication you have put in here.


Your chapter has a civilized knightly aire. Great flow to your story...




Very nice!


Warprat ;)

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Having started my own chapter fluff, I know how much work and dedication you have put in here.


Very nice!

Cheers Warprat! :) I've also had the advantage of this being the only army i've owned for just over 5 years, and its gone through5 incarnations already, this 6th one being the (hopefully) last one, i'll see if i can get some pictures soon, because its between incarnations at the moment, not much is painted, but i'm really pulling out all the stops with these guys.


Your chapter has a civilized knightly aire. Great flow to your story...


Thats exactly the theme i was looking for :wub: i'm glad its finally apparant!


Printed out, I will have a read tonight. Expect an edit later


I'm looking to make a website for this chapter some day this year (prolly after year 12), so i want everything really well written. I'm looking forward to it Ferrata...


Anymore comments? namely wat i'm looking for is anything on the actual chapter organisation itself, i made it up from scratch, basing it as much as i could on the Teutonic Knights (hence the Grand Master/Masters, Orders, and Chapter council), and took ideas here and there from different sources, (Space Wolves, Salamanders, Black Templars, and Dark Angels), plus spicing it up with my own additions.


May the Emperor Protect,

Brother Lucas

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Seems pretty much ok, a few points though. Firstly, the whole founding of the chapter seems out of line with most GW fluff about how chapters are created. Chapter Masters don't petition for new chapters to be created, they don't ask the HLoT for extra help. I like the idea your trying to get across, but I think your method fails it. Something along the lines of "As part of the xth founding, a new chapter was being posted to the area around Cordanus. With their current position and recent actions, the HLoT instructed the remains of the IF detachment to become the training group for this new chapter."


How has the gene-seed managed to grow the new implants? To create the implants, they would first need to create the DNA structure of them, something which they would not be able to do. It's not that the IF could use them if they had better technology, it's that their gene-seed does not carry the data required for the omplants.


Something seems to strike out from this article, *you* don't like the Ultramarine's chapter. Unfortunately, you have pushed this onto your Chapter, which makes them look immature. Chapter's are not meant to respect the Ultramarine's because the created the Codex, they are meant to respect the Ultramarine's because they are another force of the same arm. Personally, I think you should drop the whole first paragraph in "Organisation", and replace it with "The Blades of D have taken many elements from their homeworld, most promonently, the organisation of the chapter." Plus, how would the new chapter know much about what happened after the heresy? Yes, their veterans could have told them, but the IF chapter has never held a grudge, so why would a small chapter who never really had a direct link to Dorn.


Your beliefs seems a little out-of-line as well. I can't think of any chapter which venerates a Primarch as a God, just their fathers. Why do your chapter see the Emperor as a god, when every other chapter (bar a few) don'?



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I enjoyed reading this :ph34r: But I have a few technical details I think should be considered.


First off ... Homeworld development is one of the more difficult aspects of DIY Chapter creation and I think you have some cool ideas ...


In the first "Homeworld" paragraph you mention only one planet. That planet has three moons but only two are listed? Am I wrong? (Btw, numbered items less than ten have the number spelled out ;) ) Later you mention Cordanus II and III as planets. Can you clarify this?


In Star Wars:RotJ the Endor fight is on the forest "moon" which can support life, which was ruttin' BIG btw. Is this similar to what you were going for?


I'm having a hard time imagining how Cordanus I ejects huge chunks of itself into space without losing it's mass over time BUT the universe is a big place and I liked the imagery after suspending disbelief :wub:


Ferrata hit on what I was thinking as well but no need for me to add to it.

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Yes Yes YES!!! This is what i'm looking for!!! :D


Answer all the Questions time!!! ^_^


Firstly, the whole founding of the chapter seems out of line with most GW fluff about how chapters are created. Chapter Masters don't petition for new chapters to be created, they don't ask the HLoT for extra help. I like the idea your trying to get across, but I think your method fails it. Something along the lines of "As part of the xth founding, a new chapter was being posted to the area around Cordanus. With their current position and recent actions, the HLoT instructed the remains of the IF detachment to become the training group for this new chapter."
Good point, however, it spawns another question: What founding number is/was during that time? All i need is that info, so i can get to making the change...


How has the gene-seed managed to grow the new implants? To create the implants, they would first need to create the DNA structure of them, something which they would not be able to do. It's not that the IF could use them if they had better technology, it's that their gene-seed does not carry the data required for the omplants.


Well, the Imperial Fist Gene-seed is the way it is because it hass detiriorated (misspelt that) over time, what i'm getting at is, being somewhat more of an "advanced" society (but not overly) the Cordanian Medical Practices don't ritualise the whole gene-seed procedure (see IA vol. 1 to see what i mean) so therefore, The Blades haven't lost as many minor enhancements as their founders (the article i wrote says "near-uninhibited" - not perfect, leaving the chance that despite the more modern treatment of the gene-seed, it make still detiriorate slightly). It has nothing to do with "rebuilding" the structureal makeup.


Something seems to strike out from this article, *you* don't like the Ultramarine's chapter. Unfortunately, you have pushed this onto your Chapter, which makes them look immature. Chapter's are not meant to respect the Ultramarine's because the created the Codex, they are meant to respect the Ultramarine's because they are another force of the same arm. Personally, I think you should drop the whole first paragraph in "Organisation", and replace it with "The Blades of D have taken many elements from their homeworld, most promonently, the organisation of the chapter." Plus, how would the new chapter know much about what happened after the heresy? Yes, their veterans could have told them, but the IF chapter has never held a grudge, so why would a small chapter who never really had a direct link to Dorn.
I don't suppose you've read "Warriors of Ultramar"? It features the Ultras and their successors (Mortifactors) as they fight the Tyranids. Anyway, the Mortifactors don't follow any precepts of the codex astartes anymore (aside from bear basics like company structure, etc...) and as the campaign goes on, what starts as extreme dislike between practices almost erupts into a full on feud (Uriel, the Ultra captian actually strikes the Mortifactor Chaplian at one point). And it all started with the UM just simply assuming that everything their Primarch had involvement in, would naturally stay like that/be the same as Ultramar (not just chapters, but even worlds which Robute influenced/rebuilt aswell) despite the fact its been 10 000 years, they were extremely offended when the Mortifactor Chaplain casually said something along these words: "Unthinking adherance without learning brings stagnation, and stagnation dooms us".


There's also the Space wolf/Dark angel fued, its millenia old, but they still won't forget and forgive.


Plus, the Crimson Fists are seen by the rest of the chapters as =][= "lapdogs", thats also immature in itself when you think of it, yet its actual GW Fluff.


Also, as is hinted in my article, The Blades really take dorn as an example to the extreme, plus, most of the veterans of the IF chapter were die hards who didn't want to leave the legion in the first place (again, referencing the IF IA). These were the guys who trained the first real Blades, and due to the fact that Cordanus was an entirely new system at the time, the Blades would have been extremely baised towatds the first story they every heard of anything outside what they knew for certain, including any ill-feeling from these veterans about being forced to spilt, just cos another primarch said so. And yes, i don't like the UM, and no, it was way before GW began to overuse them as poster boys, i don't like bandwagons, i've even defended them from noobs who jump on them just cos everyone else does - just incase anyone is/was thinking i'm like that (don't worry, I know that ur not accusing me off it Ferrata).


Your beliefs seems a little out-of-line as well. I can't think of any chapter which venerates a Primarch as a God, just their fathers. Why do your chapter see the Emperor as a god, when every other chapter (bar a few) don'?


My chapter is part of "that few" :P Ok, Seriously, that AND if you read the IF's IA, after the heresy, as there became fewer and fewer primarchs, each gains unhealthy respect, and it is quoted that dorn himself believed that only the Emperor was worthy of such devotion. Plus, Dorn's sacrifice in the end was supposed to be an example of the commitment expected of a Space Marine, to wat? it'd have to be to the Emperor, Cos i don't know anyone who'd risk that much for a man, superhuman or no. Plus wat isn't mentioned, but hinted is the Chapter's unusally closer relationship to the Elceissiarchy and =][=.


In the first "Homeworld" paragraph you mention only one planet. That planet has three moons but only two are listed? Am I wrong? (Btw, numbered items less than ten have the number spelled out ) Later you mention Cordanus II and III as planets. Can you clarify this?
Yeah, #III ain't worth mentioning ;) nah, i was gonna write about it, but i forgot :D i'll just change it to two moons, to save effort.


In Star Wars:RotJ the Endor fight is on the forest "moon" which can support life, which was ruttin' BIG btw. Is this similar to what you were going for?


In a sense, slightly tainted with the idea of the sallies moon being huge and screwing around with the main planet too.


I'm having a hard time imagining how Cordanus I ejects huge chunks of itself into space without losing it's mass over time BUT the universe is a big place and I liked the imagery after suspending disbelief


Well, i didn't say the planet wasn't losing mass, did i? ;) its kinda like the rumor that our sun is dying slowly and in god knows how long, we'll end up like the Nostramo system.


But tp stave off the feeling off "omg! the planet will fragment into nothing and we'll be sucked into a black hole/our world will spiral off into the depths of the eastern fringe!" We can assume that once th main planet gets to a certain smaller size, the gravity damage from the moons won't be so bad, and it'll stop breaking up, but that'll still be a long way to go...


Wow, what a workout, those were very good questions, are there anymore? after i've taken this all onboard, I'll have a completely unpickable IA! awesome! :D


The Emperor Protects,

Brother Lucas

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Firstly, the whole founding of the chapter seems out of line with most GW fluff about how chapters are created. Chapter Masters don't petition for new chapters to be created, they don't ask the HLoT for extra help. I like the idea your trying to get across, but I think your method fails it. Something along the lines of "As part of the xth founding, a new chapter was being posted to the area around Cordanus. With their current position and recent actions, the HLoT instructed the remains of the IF detachment to become the training group for this new chapter."



Good point, however, it spawns another question: What founding number is/was during that time? All i need is that info, so i can get to making the change...

Soon after heresy would be 3rd or 4th.


I'm having a hard time imagining how Cordanus I ejects huge chunks of itself into space without losing it's mass over time BUT the universe is a big place and I liked the imagery after suspending disbelief



Well, i didn't say the planet wasn't losing mass, did i? its kinda like the rumor that our sun is dying slowly and in god knows how long, we'll end up like the Nostramo system.


Stars can actually spew quite a lot of matter to space without losing too much mass.

And the rumour about sun dying is quite true. :D

After 5*10^9 years it will start to expand and then blow off spectacular way. ^_^


And we don't end like Nostarmo system. We end crisp like British Bacon :D


Unlike most of the other chapters of the Adapts Astartes, the Blades of Deliverance venerate the Emperor as a God, and his works nothing less than deeds of legend. While many chapters praise their Primarchs as Gods in themselves, the Blades
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Good point, however, it spawns another question: What founding number is/was during that time? All i need is that info, so i can get to making the change...

The 2nd Founding was M31.021 (soon after the Heresy), the 3rd Founding was on M32 (First Day).


As the three chapters from the original Legion all have the missing gene-seeds, the degeneration would have happpened before the heresy, so all chapters will have this fault. There's no getting around it.


I never said you chapter couldn't see the Emperor as a god, but asked why?



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Sure you can mention that they voluntary partake crusades organized by ecclesiarchy and fight alongside, but not directly under them...
I didn't say directly under them, they do exactly what you just said, they're far more responsive to calls for aid/to arms than most chapters do to largely similar beliefs, thats what i meant.


The 2nd Founding was M31.021 (soon after the Heresy), the 3rd Founding was on M32 (First Day).


Soon after heresy would be 3rd or 4th.
I'll see if i can find when abouts Rogal Dorn kicked the bucket, then make my decision there, where do you guys find out these dates? :P


As the three chapters from the original Legion all have the missing gene-seeds, the degeneration would have happpened before the heresy, so all chapters will have this fault. There's no getting around it.


Fair enough, if thats the case, so be it.


I never said you chapter couldn't see the Emperor as a god, but asked why?
My bad, well, i've answered that already, so yeah, mainly because of Dorn's own teachings and his extreme examples.


And we don't end like Nostarmo system. We end crisp like British Bacon


Oh well, at least it won't be all that bad; I like bacon! :P


May the Emperor Protect,

Brother Lucas

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