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Some of you may know, or may not know (depending on if you follow any of my threads that I am or was working on a Legion of the damned army. Sadly I change armies like I change underwear (once a month ;) kidding B) ). The problem often times is I think I can do an army or a color scheme and in the end it would seem my ability to paint lets me down. It has mostly to do with my needing to be perfect and not actually being perfect. :huh: A big problem as you can probably imagine. As such I often times am left with 1 mini of this chapter and 1 of that chapter. (Which bugs the hell out of me as I hate having only 1 of this and one of that.)


I was just reading NK's thread about him loosing his stuff (a shame really) and an idea caught me. What about a crusading chapter of old. I believe (though can't find it) that there used to be fluff on such things. An old friend Cyrinthicus (many of you probably don't know him but some of the oldest board members and mods would) used to have an army of Crusaders. Which basicly was a bunch of different marine chapters under one banner. The problem is, which banner? What should it look like? Normally such a thing would make sense that their armor would all be one color (say black for example) with one of their pads designating them to their parent chapter. I am thinking of forgoing this. Painting the marine in it's primary colors including it's parent chapters pad, but leaving the left pad for the uniting pad. Whatever that happens to be in the end of things.


My problems are thus:

1) What should the symbol of these guys be? Should they all be called to the emperor on a higher level? I would say yes except that aren't Grey Knights and other such sub divisions already covering something like that?

2) Fluff, I will of course consider all ideas. This includes how I should end of playing them. As BTs? Or a traited chapter? The idea I have is that after being inducted into said chapter they would be retrained or further trained loosing their parent chaptes special abilites and hindrinces. However a problem can occur here. If using FT's or BA for example how do I stop them from going nuts? Answer is I don't we just assume they don't or haven't. Not something that swallows real nice but swallows all the same.

3)Painting their bodies a variety of different colors; will thus really work? Will I be able to truly tie them together? Will their bases and 1 pad do it? I am not so sure, in which lies my largest problem. Getting them to actually look like a unit and an army, not just a bunch of unorganized troops.


More thoughts on this later.

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The idea of a crusade army is characterful an dinteresting - and most of all, allows you to fiddle with lots of different paint schemes to stop you getting bored. You might want to check out those masters of crusades, the Black Templars. This link here (Developing Unique Crusade Iconography) should provide you with some interesting thoughts regarding crusades. Each crusade has a unique identifier.


I wouldn't repaint their armour black with one pad to show their parent chapter - I don't think (m)any crusades really would do this; keeping them in their original schemes would perhaps be more characterful.


1) What should the symbol of these guys be? Should they all be called to the emperor on a higher level? I would say yes except that aren't Grey Knights and other such sub divisions already covering something like that?
Crusades are normally just temporary things. Chapters committing a portion of their forces to honour debts, pacts and the like. Even if a chapter can't afford to commit a huge force, honour is satisfied because some of them are there. I wouldn't, therefore, consider this to be a 'chapter', but rather just a crusade made up of contingents from multiple chapters.


2) Fluff, I will of course consider all ideas. This includes how I should end of playing them. As BTs? Or a traited chapter? The idea I have is that after being inducted into said chapter they would be retrained or further trained loosing their parent chaptes special abilites and hindrinces. However a problem can occur here. If using FT's or BA for example how do I stop them from going nuts? Answer is I don't we just assume they don't or haven't. Not something that swallows real nice but swallows all the same.


I'd suggest a straight Codex: Space Marines army. Just put characterful chapters in characterful slots. Blood Angel assault squads, Dark Angels devastators. Blood Angels going 'nuts' isn't as common as the rules put it, so I'm sure you'd be okay.


3)Painting their bodies a variety of different colors; will thus really work? Will I be able to truly tie them together? Will their bases and 1 pad do it? I am not so sure, in which lies my largest problem. Getting them to actually look like a unit and an army, not just a bunch of unorganized troops.


Partly basing and the like will help them to look consistent. Other than that, you can look at the colours of the chapters you pick. But their 'rag-tag' appearance is part of the character of a crusade force, I think. It shows precious cooperation and unity that is sometimes rare in the Imperium.


Hope it helps B)

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I'll raise the old Badab War Campaign that was in the WD a few years back. The crusading army had one similar shoulder pad to link them together. However, each squad was from a different chapter. This saves against the eyesore of having a 40k Bretonnian army while giving you some variety of colors.


For a Banner design, there is the aforementioned Crusade Banner, but I was thinking of a banner for the Emperor or Primarchs. The Emperor's device is the two-headed Eagle (aquilla) so that can be the primary focus. Perhaps with background split into nine sections to be painted in the colors of the nine legions.

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Good ideas thus far guys, I am not so much interested in a banner as shoulder pad design. I am not a banner guy so much, one chapter banner sure but not individual banners.


Also I am concerned about a rag tag look with so many different chapters but that is also the charm I think.

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for the shoulder pad design, how about an aquila overlaid with the chapter symbol...so for instance, you have a space wolf dude, you've got the wolves head and behind it the aquila, or the ultramarine "U" sitting on top of the two headed eagle. The eagle is designed to kind of frame or create a unifying background for the differing chapter symbols.
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Thats a fantastic idea, but I think out of my means. My freehand sucks for one, and while some of the chapter symbols I'd be able to do I am not sure I'd be able to pull off an aquila. Thoughts on how to fix this?
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the aquila is easily done... Forgeworld makes brass etched symbols, for a price. Just get a couple of the etched panels and use the smaller eagles. I'd put the golden eagle OVER the chapter's symbol, to denote that the chapter is supporting the Emperor, not vice-versa. As for the left over eagles? Easy... just let it be known you have them, and fellow gamers where you play will want 'em. One of the larger ones could be used to overlay a flag with some effect, and perhaps two, glued back to back, would make a good standard crest as well.


Just a few thoughts,



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Space Marines aren't too happy about repainting their armour so I would keep it to a minimum, ;)

I'll just quote one of my older posts:

The crusade theme is a good and perfectly fluffy reason to have several chapters in the same army. In the old Codex: Ultramarines there was a short note about them, and it was reprinted in a later 'dwarf (around 250, give or take a fed dozen). Basically the High Lords of Terra declares a crusade against a planet, a system, a sector, or whatever, and space marine chapters contribute a force as a matter of honour. It can be as little as a squad or as large as the chapter wants. A constantly crusading chapter like the templars would probably send an entire crusade ^_^

I seem to remember some more recent fluff that suggests that the Ecclesiarchy also declares crusades but I can't seem to find it ;)


All in all it's a thinly veiled excuse to field multiple colourshemes :cuss

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