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DIY Traits

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You can do either one or the other, but you can't combine the two options. Of course you don't have to be a successor to a Chapter to use their rules (Although it makes sense in a lot of cases, like the Blood Angels), but you should make sure you tell people so they know.


Or you could use the traits to custom-tailor a Chapter, if none of the others suit you. Such as if you wanted to do a Chapter like the Blood Angels that has a lot of close combat elements, but you don't want a Death Company or you don't want to have to deal with the Black Rage, you could develop a Chapter with traits like Take the Fight to Them, No Mercy No Respite, or Blessed Be the Warriors.


However, you couldn't do something like take the Blood Angels then give them a trait from the Codex: Space Marines ontop of their normal rules.


Aside from that, you're pretty much free to do what you want. ^_^

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