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Help in naming DYI chapter

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Okay, I have a theme(shooty chapter), have the successor chapter(Imperial fists) even have a color scheme and Heraldry(black wolf totem from the space wolves) but I can't decide on a name. have multiple names but can't decide here is the list so far-


1)Black Wolves

2)Iron Wolves

3)Argent Wolves

4)Brotherhood of the Wolf

5)Imperial wolves


help me decide plz!


Using the trait system I have chosen Suffer not the works of Heretics for advantage, with the disadvantage of the Imperial fists(can't remeber what it was).


I want to leen toward Black Wolves, but not sure...


armour colors- Black with silver shoulder pads, and a silver aquilla... squad marking would be that of the dark angels, and the heraldry being Ragnars totem from the Space Wolves.



Just a Reminder- Shooty themed army! all squads eligable have tank hunters veteran skills.

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I believe that the Imperial Fists are somwhat more CC oriented than shooty - on the topic of succession, but it still could work with proper justification.


As to your name, is seems that you're pretty fixed on the wolf theme. I like to have names that reflect the progenitor chapter at least in some small way. Thus the Imperial Fists would lead me down the path to

  • Imperial Wolves
  • Paws of the Wolf (you could use the paw-print decals this way as well)

By adjusting your progenitor chapter slightly, using the Crimson Fists for example, you could also go with:

  • Crimson Wolves
  • Crimson Paws

Of course, I've just given you more choices rather than narrowing them down :wacko:

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I like to have names that reflect the progenitor chapter at least in some small way

Wouldn't this lead to nearly 60% chapters being called "Ultra-something" or "something-Marine". :wacko: OPf the names you've suggested -


Black Wolves, Iron Wolves, Argent Wolves - Not sure. They're alright, but something seems a little off.

Brotherhood of the Wolf - To close to the Wolf Brothers (because if you reversed the name you would have Wolf Brotherhood)

Imperial wolves - Don't like this one really, somethings just wrong with it.


With the colour scheme, something like "Night Wolves" might go. I can't think of many words which say "Shooty" to me.



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Lupine Brothers, Imperial Canis, Wolf Claws, Grey Fangs, Scions of Lupine, Wolf Consuls, Lycan Brothers, Emperor's Pack, Wolf Hounds.


Add in some weapons, and you have:

Wolf Scythes, Lycan Blades, Axe Wolves.


Just some ideas.

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If i were you, I'd suggest something a little mroe original. Those ones seem to me like everyone chooses those names. Anyway, Crimson Claws sounds like fun to me.


If you could contribute some fluff than perhaps we could get a better idea of what your chapter is like and make it easier to name it.

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Meh, 'Crimson Claws' sounds a bit cheesy to me. But yeah, some more background info would be useful. Like, why exactly they've got this thing with wolves. Are they the dominant predator on their Homeworld, or do they follow a Shamanistic belief system? Totemic?
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storm wolves, wolves of Tyr, void wolves, wolves of the abyss...


Storm Wolves was at a time a thought..... an to be honest it still is.... but not sure a stand and shoot army with the name sounds that well, but however I'm not hardcore on the tank hunter army idea anyway.... on the other hand. with a trait with to advantages in the place(Cleanse and Purify, and No mercy and no respite) is a hell of a combination.... just not sure which major dis to use.... possibly eye to eye since I only have one LS tornado anyway.... possibly a second in a two LS squadron.


but since I like the idea of a mobile shooting squad any.... it works... 10 man squad with twin plasma guns with Vet sgt. with storm bolter and power fist. my likey very much!

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I've made my decision... it came to me while I was reading the Empire army book for fantasy.... since my fav templars are the White wolves... I've decided to make the Knights of the Black Wolf space marine chapter... main stay of my army is a terminator assault squads with all storm shield and thunderhammers either mounted in a LRC or teleporting down. with the rest of the army shooty!


so thanks for the suggestions but this one I like the most.

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The name is a bit long for my liking, but as long name's go, its pretty good. The shortened version would be the Black Wolf Knights, which doesn't sound good at all :D How you've just described them quickly, you could have some use looking at the Deathwing rules. This way you could have loads of Terminators (Assault or Tactical), should suit the idea.



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Arrrrgh more choices! :D though all are good ideas... the night wolves idea has promise.... but along that lines how about the Nightstalkers?

You're not hunting Dracula in Blade Trinity. Nay, faith let not the name beith Nightstalkers.


Oh, you already chose one. Quite lengthy indeed. Any fluff for us to view though?

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From the sounds of things, you should go with these traits: Cleanse and Purify and Trust your Battle Brothers. Good Shooty army that can still hold their own when charged.
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From the sounds of things, you should go with these traits: Cleanse and Purify and Trust your Battle Brothers. Good Shooty army that can still hold their own when charged.


More like Cleanse and Purify and Suffer not the works of Heretics. disadvantages being eye to eye and faithful till death.



An for NINmaestro, to answer your question NO! no fluff yet.... damn writers block! :)



Plus at one time I did think of the name DarkStalkers, but then I thought about that video game and the stupid cartoon.... and the idea popped! :)

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Iron Wolves has a better ring than the others. They are a bit to SW for my DA tastes.

I would have to agree with this good gentleman here. Iron Wolves sounds far better IMO. Sorry to hear about the Writers block. Anything I can do to help (me and my lesbian elves :))?


EDit: have some suggestions; these guys got their ideas from a bunch of SW long fangs who just happened to save their ass at one point in time and thus they adapted a shooty style of warfare similar to that of the longfangs of the SW? Corny but just a thought

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Iron Wolves has a better ring than the others. They are a bit to SW for my DA tastes.

I would have to agree with this good gentleman here. Iron Wolves sounds far better IMO. Sorry to hear about the Writers block. Anything I can do to help (me and my lesbian elves :D)?


EDit: have some suggestions; these guys got their ideas from a bunch of SW long fangs who just happened to save their ass at one point in time and thus they adapted a shooty style of warfare similar to that of the longfangs of the SW? Corny but just a thought


The Iron Wolves does sound better for a chapter name.... so I guess I'll use it! :)



plus that's a start for fluff.... but usually my idea's come while I'm asleep for fluff and stuff.... eventually I'll remember to right it down from memory!

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Iron Wolves has a better ring than the others. They are a bit to SW for my DA tastes.

I would have to agree with this good gentleman here. Iron Wolves sounds far better IMO. Sorry to hear about the Writers block. Anything I can do to help (me and my lesbian elves ;))?


EDit: have some suggestions; these guys got their ideas from a bunch of SW long fangs who just happened to save their ass at one point in time and thus they adapted a shooty style of warfare similar to that of the longfangs of the SW? Corny but just a thought


The Iron Wolves does sound better for a chapter name.... so I guess I'll use it! :)



plus that's a start for fluff.... but usually my idea's come while I'm asleep for fluff and stuff.... eventually I'll remember to right it down from memory!

cool. I helped someone come up with a name for a chapter (rather I helped encourage so, damn it, i did nothing once more). Oh well. :)

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Iron Wolves has a better ring than the others. They are a bit to SW for my DA tastes.

I would have to agree with this good gentleman here. Iron Wolves sounds far better IMO. Sorry to hear about the Writers block. Anything I can do to help (me and my lesbian elves ;))?


EDit: have some suggestions; these guys got their ideas from a bunch of SW long fangs who just happened to save their ass at one point in time and thus they adapted a shooty style of warfare similar to that of the longfangs of the SW? Corny but just a thought


The Iron Wolves does sound better for a chapter name.... so I guess I'll use it! :D



plus that's a start for fluff.... but usually my idea's come while I'm asleep for fluff and stuff.... eventually I'll remember to right it down from memory!

cool. I helped someone come up with a name for a chapter (rather I helped encourage so, damn it, i did nothing once more). Oh well. :P



I guess we can split the glory of helping to name a chapter ;)

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