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Creating a chapter of sartrian/roussellian marines

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I like your idea, as it goes along with a post I made on the Amicus board about why can't Space Marines be seen as good guys in the dark future of the universe (A lot of people put this title on the Tau). It's a pretty dark story, balancing the good nature and intentions of the Marines with the dark, gothic nature of Warhammer 40K. Definitely an inspiring story.


However, I do have one question. Why were the Space Marines stationed on Liberty itself, instead of on a planet nearby? Space Marines tend to hold a complete autonomy from the Imperium, so it would seem a bad idea to risk losing access to an agriworld like that (Especially one that five other worlds depend on), not to mention the governor would undoubtedly not want to lose such a cushiony seat of power. Assuming an explanation for that, why didn't the Space Marines just kick the governor out and do whatever they wanted to anyway? That's their own discretion, from what I understand of the nature/role of Space Marines in the Imperium. They could kick the Ecclesiarchy, Governor, and whoever else off the planet and they wouldn't be able to do very much about it. They wouldn't be happy by any means, but ultimately, their hands would be tied.


I think, that aspect aside, you've got a pretty solid story behind your Chapter. Although it always saddens me to see "good guy" Marines forced into the arms of Chaos. But that's certainly not a negative comment on your part...any story that conjures emotion from the reader is a good one. :wub:

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Glad you liked it.


Yes, I realise that the bit about settling on Liberty was probably a bit shady. The intent is that the marines grab it as their base, but the means were badly executed. My original idea was this: Imperial seers and such predicted the coming of a terrible chain of battles that would entirely ravage that system and its neighbours. This could only be prevented by installing a marine chapter there. Since Liberty was the only defendable planet in its system as well as one of utmost importance, it was chosen as the marines' base, and since they were on the same side as the rest of the Imperial authorities and had no reason not to cooperate, the governor and Ecclesiarchy weren't kicked. Why kick them when initially, you have every reason in the world to benefit from their presence (i.e. not organising taxes, so you can get your tithe straight from the governor's coffers, or keeping the peace)? At least, that's my version of it - it sounds logical from my point of view.


And I'll just add - these marines never fell to Chaos. They just rebelled when they'd had enough of the fascist nature of the Imperial r

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