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MKIV Dreadnought question ?


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Hello all


I need a little advice. I am creating at present a DIY chapter called the Praetors of Legatus. At the moment I am currently concentrating on the modelling of the army, once that is finished however I would like to write some extensive fluff for them.


I have just purchased a FW MKIV dread and I would like to centre a piece of fluff on him.

I want my chapter to fight a small/medium side action alongside a first founding chapter(maybe Parental chapter) and have a marine commit a spectacular piece of bravery, being near death he is transported back to the first foundings battle barge where he is inturned into the MKIV dread as a mark of respect for his actions and then several months later returned to his chapter.


All a little cheesy I know, the question is what do you think, is it acceptable or do you have any other idea's as to why my young chapter has a MKIV dread ( I could'nt resist the model but I really want to try and justify why he's there)


Thanks in advance



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I think its workable. I know in Iron Hands one of the companies awarded another the sarchaphogus of one of their most revered dreadnaughts who fell in battle. I can easily see a space marine in a act of bravery that so impresses the ancient chapter they were fighting with that to prevent his loss they entomb him in a MK4 dreadnaught. You just need to create a dramatic action that explain it.
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Or you could make your Chapter older. The Mk IV is just an older design.


I can see it how Mrph45, but I can also see it as since the Dreadnoughts are rare machines AND their maintence is incredibely challenging at the least then would a First Founding Chapter "give" one even as a mark of honor?


I mean, whatever works for you :) - it's your Chapter and the galaxy is a big place!

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1.Possibly found on a dead world,...least likely.


2. The destruction of another Chapter,...he is all that is left. They share the same geneseed and so he comes to them.


3. A gift from a beleagered forge world. The Chapter helped to defend the world successfully although at a great cost.


Just a few ideas, hope they help.



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Didnt you say your idea was they were fighting along side their parent chapter.

This was how the chapters were created. Legions were splint into smaller chapters when they were split off they took their equipment with them. So you Chapter was fighting along side some Ultras(since they split up the most.. you dont have to use them, I am using them as an example)Well when they were origanly split from the ultras they did not at the time have any Dreads. So when your champion was mortaly wounded they gladly honered him with Entombment in a Dread that glorified his courage.


Serverus said - 1.Possibly found on a dead world,...least likely.


Actually not a bad Idea. Your chapter fought a bitter war aginst Necrons while cleaning out a Tomb they find a Anichent Dread Sarcophogus. It has been partialy de constructed, It is covered with Unknown Chapter symbols(mabye one of the lost foundings). Refusing to alow this holy relic to be destroyed or consumed by these foul Xenos. The take it. Since it can not be identafided and With non of their own they repair and recycle it.(with this fluff though you need to come up with some other chapters symbol, Even recycled Marines know to Honor your wargear, and to keep some marking of its origin to appease the Spirit of the machine).


or something like that.


Good luck with it. I love fluff armys.

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Very well said, Nicorex. An excellent idea on your part. The only part I would caution using would be finding something from the lost Chapters. Maybe a Dread from a now traitor chapter but the old MkIV was lost when they were still loyalist. Lost during the great crusade,...hmmmm,...maybe.



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Very well said, Nicorex. An excellent idea on your part. The only part I would caution using would be finding something from the lost Chapters. Maybe a Dread from a now traitor chapter but the old MkIV was lost when they were still loyalist. Lost during the great crusade,...hmmmm,...maybe.



Your right Serverus. I didnt state that clearly enough. What i was really trying to make come across in my half @$$ed way was Cursed founding. Their have been a number of them. Most chapters dont know anything about them seeing as how they have been deleted by the Inquisition or self destruction or Fleeing known space in self preservation. Since Necrons seem to live forever(untill administered last rights with a Holy Bolter Round to the skull), the Dread could have been sitting there for eons.

Or he could use a Pre-Heresy Traitor legion. either way he will need to create a entire new legion. Im sure if any Loyal marine found a WorldEater Dread(even Pre-Heresy) they would destroy it imediatly because the taint of evil would still infect it, in their eyes.

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"Or he could use a Pre-Heresy Traitor legion. either way he will need to create a entire new legion. Im sure if any Loyal marine found a WorldEater Dread(even Pre-Heresy) they would destroy it imediatly because the taint of evil would still infect it, in their eyes."


Maybe, maybe not,...I think that this would depend on who found it first. A Chaplain I would agree with you on that,...a Librarian on the other hand if he didnt feel any of the warp taint may very well spare it. Granted if there were even the slightest bit felt, found, or otherwise, that big metal box with legs is destroyed with rightous fury from the moment discovered but if not,....the opportunity for a young Chapter to lay their hands on something this old, this important. Tough call to make,...



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"Or he could use a Pre-Heresy Traitor legion. either way he will need to create a entire new legion. Im sure if any Loyal marine found a WorldEater Dread(even Pre-Heresy) they would destroy it imediatly because the taint of evil would still infect it, in their eyes."


Maybe, maybe not,...I think that this would depend on who found it first. A Chaplain I would agree with you on that,...a Librarian on the other hand if he didnt feel any of the warp taint may very well spare it. Granted if there were even the slightest bit felt, found, or otherwise, that big metal box with legs is destroyed with rightous fury from the moment discovered but if not,....the opportunity for a young Chapter to lay their hands on something this old, this important. Tough call to make,...



I guess it would really depend on who their parant legion was. If they were Ultras then they might not care to much. But if they were Fists they should freek the heck out.

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True,...possibly an even bigger variable than "who" finds it. Imagine a BT,...sheesh. Good point.



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Yet another option that's not been discussed... A venerable Dreadnought that was salvaged in parts and later re-built by the chapter's techmarines and forgemaster. The parts were taint-free, ancient, and of no known chapter. Something must have occured to the original chapter, else they would have returned at some point to retrieve their fallen brother dreadnought. One could even state that all chapter symbols were burnt/blasted/melted off by whatever cataclsym destroyed the dread in those ancient times long ago.


Just a thought,



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Thank for all the idea's :) .

I've saved this thread to my hardrive, so when I get round to writing up the fluff i'll have all all this at hand.


Your help is much appreciated :P

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