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Vultures of Nekhbet (aegyptus astartes) painting log

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet work, thunderball. Loving what you're doing with the Aegyptus, you've made a very cool concept into a cooler realisty. One thing: no sword? Awwww... :P But I have to agree with Tubal, the custom sarcophagus is the finishing touch on a great miniature.

Looks great, man. And... two days? Gah... took me weeks, without conversion or anything... Pff. *slinks back to his prayer cell, armour's servos sounding suspiciously like a kicked puppy, glaring enviously over his shoulderpad*


An idea just hit, not sure whether its anything good, but...

The glaives are too big for HQ and sergeants

Could you use ushabti parts for a terminator conversion? I'm seeing a mix of parts from the ushabti, Thousand Sons and the new terminator kit... Might make a sweet bodyguard/retinue for your commander... just an idea.


Keep up the great work, thunder.

Adversius Imperialis flagrare in ira ab Adeptus Astartes.


Wow! Really really nice dreadie mate ^_^ Im dissappointed to see he doesnt have a sword, but I think Ill get over it...eventually... :P :D Anyway, Im sorry to say, but that vulture takes away from the entire model IMO. It looks really cartoony :P Other than that, I like it alot :D



  • 2 weeks later...


OK, No posts for a long time, but starting again.


I have procured the parts for afull devastator squad, and am beginning to work my way through the painting process. I am also working on the first of the scratch-build droppods, which hopefully I will have completedand photographed by wednesday.


The squad contains three missile launchers and a heavy bolter, which will laterbe replaced with a fourth missile launcher.


Other than that, thanks for the replies and support.


Commander Flintlock- Unfortunately, there will be no terminators in this army. The three main guidelines for the army are:


1) No terminators

2) No vehicles except droppods, dreadnoughts and landspeeders

3) All tactical squads/ command squads must take a droppod


Restricts me, but I like the restritions.

As to the no sword issue, that's only temporary until I find a cheap ushabti, or manage to make the blade myself.


-Kaldoth, The one on the plaque or the one on his shoulder?


Last thing, does anyone have any ideas on making a missile launcher more aegyptian?


Until later, thunderball44


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