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I have DisPleased the Blood God!


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Since I began this project of making a New Marine army I have been fourtunate not to injure myself untill today!

The Godz of Chaos are angry with me for starting a Loyalist Army I guess.





Okay Still way way way WIP! But i have gotten the basic shapes made now, next will be clean up and GSing.

This is my 2nd troop squad armed with BP&CCW. I should have armed them with bolters and a heavy bolter but fluff wise I needed another CC unit.








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Ahh the guy carrying the pipe thing.. is doing exactly that, he has grabed a peice of rubble to use as a makeshift ccw(it wil get a bit more detail as soon as I get to that point). The other guy has gotten his sword stuck in an I beam so had to let it go and is drawing his knife to continue fighting.

First off, you haven't displeased him at all! If anything, you have pleased him with your (albeit small) contribution to him!


Second off, you don't know paint until you get a pin vice underneath your fingernail at high force. :tu:


Third off, fine minis so far, can't wait to see 'em finished!





A quick thought... How about an empty sheith for the blade stuck-sword-guy is drawing?


Thats a good idea. B ut better yet a sheath for the knife he just drew since he was already carrying his sword.




My good sir, your converting skills are second to none.


Excelent looking minis!




Though I truely apprecaite your praise, I must bow to the true masters of conversion.

I just happen to be able to create effective yet simple conversions.


I would love to be able to start lighting guys up, I just have no idea how to do it.


I luv this peice, the driver/sacrafice for my Defiler. He would look truely awe-inspiring if I could light him up.




The origin of this army.. humm well lets see.....


It all began with this model.

After seeing Boltmans Orgasmic Khornate Dread, I wanted to try my hand at making a Dread in motion.

After making him, he sat on my shelf for 6 months, then I tested the waters with the new squad of plastic termies, seeing how far I could make them to look in motion.


They then sat next to the dread for a few more months.

Finaly after getting my hynie kicked once agin with my Wordbearers at a Tourny a few months ago. I decided to build a new more competative army. Well I sat down and thought about what race I wanted to build, I seriously considdered making a Dark Eldar army. Poking around my desk, I looked at the Dread and Termies and had no choice but to build a Marine army. Since I had built the Dread and the Termies on city rubble bases i had to keep with that theme for the entire army. So began my Void Hunters City Assault Army.




Well actually Final construction needs to be done by Wensday. My local GW store is starting a campain/GT(basicly 5 games over 5 weeks). I have an understanding with the manager, he knows that the army is still under construction, so he is being cool about it being painted(that will take a whole lot longer to do that the construction).

Sounds like alot of fun!


Dont get discouraged, and keep the models flowing.


(long as it doesnt hamper those all important family moments)


It has been!


I never get discouraged with this kind of stuff.


I dont have any family.. I had to kill them all for the inheratence to pay for my GW habit!



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