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renegade chaos ?


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brothers imagine a space marine chapter preparing to turn to chaos but within their ranks a number of brothers still wish to worship/follow the emperor , they turn renegade? and form a loyalist chapter . how does this concept sound and assuming chaotic equipment/weapons etc have been issued how would you model it. please comment or criticise , any feedback would be appreciated :lol:
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The Imperium is a harsh place. It has to be, in a sense, in order to survive in what is a harsh universe. One of the cornerstones of the Imperial mindset is that there is no solace offered to those who betray the Emperor and the Imperium.


If your chapter went to chaos, there's likely two things that'd happen. One, the Imperium would make no distinction between 'good' and 'bad' portions of your chapter, and would likely hunt both down quite gleefully. Or two, they might be offered a penitence crusade. That's the least likely of the two, but still entirely possible. Any such marines would likely be beholden to the Inquisition, and their priorities would likely involve hunting down their traitorous brethren as soon as possible to erase the stain on their honour.


There's suggestions that one of the companies of the Blood Ravens turned traitor, but the Blood Ravens are still loyal themselves. There's one example of a portion of the chapter turning chaos. However, you seem to be suggesting that the majority of the chapter would turn to chaos whilst the small section stays loyal. Any loyal chapter would probably have to prove their loyalty quite thoroughly. Perhaps this is through direct military action. Perhaps the Inquisition subjects them to brutal (I mean, BRUTAL) interrogation ceremonies and the like. A comparison could be drawn with the ancient witch-trials. Perhaps the marines are subjected to all sorts of arcane trials, torments and ceremonies in order to prove their loyalty.


Regardless, they may well be forced to change their chapter colours - note the Relictors, whose grey and black livery is noted in their Index Astartes article as a 'penitence scheme'. However, it's not entirely necessary - they might wear their colours proudly, ashamed of the way that their traitorous brethren would despoil the heraldry of a once-proud chapter.


The Inquisition and other chapters may well take an interest in the chapter. The Scythes of the Emperor were assigned to watch over the Lamenters whilst they were on their penitent crusade - perhaps another chapter - willingly or not - is called in to watch over the chapter for any further sign of taint. Perhaps an Inquisitor is - or several are - assigned to make regular reports to the Inquisition.


If your marines rocked up after a while of being chaos, effectively saying 'We didn't really like the looting and pillaging much, we'd like to be loyal again', they'd probably be killed by the Inquisition. If they stayed loyal whilst the rest of the chapter turned, there's perhaps more indication that they're loyal, and the Imperium might be inclined to 'reform' them.


Perhaps your chapter had a vicious and bloody civil war - the image of brother-marine fighting brother-marine in the halls of the chapter's fortress-monastery is an incredibly powerful and evocative one. Strike cruisers and battle-barges exchanging broadsides and sending boarding parties as the chapter tears itself apart. Chaplains murdered for their loyalty - Librarians executed for their heresy. Brothers fighting brothers and comrades of centuries turning on eachother. If the loyalists managed to escape, or call for Inquisitorial help (or perhaps the help of another chapter), then perhaps you've got a situation where they might be able to hold onto their positions as defenders of the faith - however tenuously.


EDIT: Further to my previous post, it might be an idea to consider shame. Shame would be an over-riding theme in your chapter, I think. They would be ashamed that their brothers feel. Ashamed that they didn't stop the fall, cut out the cancer and leave it to wither and rot. Ashamed that heretics still draw breath. It might be interesting to see how shame affects your chapter.

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There is presedence for such a thing. The 70 Marines that tried to warn the Emp during the Horus Heresy. The DA's shame and their relentless pursuit of the "Fallen". I like the idea of a inter-Chapter schism, a vicious little war out in the middle of nowhere that ends badly any way you cut it. If the loyal survivors step forward after a victory that could spell the difference between life and death. If they admit to failure and having to retreat in order to survive, that could very well be the deciding factor for the powers that be: kill them all, the risk isnt worth it. Just a thought.



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Uh, the Liber is geared more around quality rather than quantity. Most of the posters here work under the assumption that two well-reasoned, thought-out posts beat thirty-five "OMG KOOL!" posts that don't help you out at all.


In the end your chapter is your choice. Severus and I are simply aiming to spark your creativity - we post in the hope that something in our crazed ramblings will inspire you. :ph34r:


With regards to modelling, you might be better off posting in the Painting, Conversion and Artwork forum. But it depends on your fluff. If your chapter is in a penitent scheme, they might have muted or subdued colours, symbols of shame and the like. Your chapter might have Inquisitorial symbols, trophies of chaos marines. It's up to you in the end.

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