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painting comp.

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hey guys on friday i found out that my local Games Workshop was having a Heavy Support painting competition so as soon as i found out i went home and started painting my already primed Predator, so i started painting at 3 PM and then finished around 10 PM, woke up at around 8 finished the little details and brought it to Games Workshop, at 6 they picked out the winners and i came in second, and won a new Tau Piriahna. sorry no pictures yet ill post some tomorrow


ill also post some WIP buildings and my first Iron Warriors squad finally ink washed, also i think im going to get the Cities of Death Imperial City










yeah sorry for being real slow, i got grounded, effing math tests

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Nice Pred :wub:


My only suggestion would be to make it more battle worn, such as more weathering/bullet holes, etc ^_^


yeah, i was going to do that but i didnt have time if i was going to enter it into the painting competition, ill probably just dry brush some Codex Grey or some other grey by the treads since my Iron Warrior have urban bases

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