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Dark Apostle W.I.P

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To answer to both, i think im going to go from a metal haft o a fleshy crozius, ill post pictures up soon, but it does actually look like the haft and top are one part and the top piece with the daemonic faces is "growing" up out of the haft.


@ Master_Aerethos I think you mean like a glass container holding the daemons essence sort of thing?


@ Commander Trask Maybe a fleshy sort of green, going from the metal of the haft to a sort of roting flesh colour maybe? Im not sure how'd id do this with blue, maybe build from regal to ultramarine then add flesh tones to the ultra as highlights?


Thanks for the input so far guys :lol:

I did wonder about the head but ive decided to make him look more chaosy with the paintjob, im hoping to have the armour finished within a week, minus scripture, ill post up pics as soon as. :D


For the mods: Once ive started painting does this have to be moved to one of the sub-forums?

It's been moved to WIP already. Go ahead and add to it with your painted WIP shots as you please or start a new thread for WIP paint, I think that'd be fine.


Once you have painted *done* pics those would belong in the HoH section. You can link to that from your WIP threads if you'd like so folks can follow along.


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