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My name's flakm0nkey and I have a problem...

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Well guys I think i have found a solution to my problem, but before i get to that, let me tell you what the problem was.


When i first started playing warhammer, i knew i wanted to play space marines. But, due to my ignorence, i did not know that this army of armour clad badasses was formed into seperate chapters. I though that they were just painted different colours for no reason. when i found out that the army that i wanted to start collecting was seperated like this, i figured OK i just pick one that looks cool. Enter my first chapter the Blood Angels. I really dug em for a while, but then grew to like another chapter called the Iron Hands. I started to play them for a while, but then, yeah you guessed it, i grew fond of another more complex chapter, the black templars. I started to play them and then grew tired of the static colour scheme of black and white. So then i thought, Wait i should just pick a chapter with my favorite colour so i wouldnt get bored painting them, and a chapter that a small %age of people play so that i could maintain some individuality, The Crimson Fists (my favorite chapter)..... Well sufficed to say that didnt last much longer than the other chapters as i realized that i hate water transfers and cant freehand a fist icon for the life of me.( :lol: I know this is a terrible problem of mine, that has resulted in countless repaints of my minis and lots of waisted cash.) So i started looking for another chapter when i stumbled upon a link here on the B&C.


Now that i have that taken care of, the solution is to start a Legio B&C army led by a decorated Crimson Fist Captain. I have always show interest in many space marine chapters and i still like most of the ones i have play equally. But I think this is the way i should go because this allows me to stay true to my chapter by having a CF captain as my HQ and still have a chance to paint and use the other SM chapters in an army.


And it would be an honour to represent my fellow B&C battle brothers, and the best power armour forum ever, on the field of battle


well i wanted to know if any of you have had any ideas about doing this or are already doing it.


thanks for reading and bearing with my compulsive typing!


long live B&C


for dorn



Well you could just use all you have for a "normal" crusade amry. In short that is a big army where a lot of chapters have "donated" troops until the problem is solved. You could use the basic space marine rules and just paint the assault squads as Blood Angles and Black Templar. the devestators as Imperial Fists and Dark Angles. Use Raven Guard for your scouts.


To give it a more unfied theme you could use an army badge. These were popular in second edition and Marines had these on tanks and dreadnoughts and on their armour. If I remember correctly these were painted on the right lower leg armour somewhere on the side where if wasn't directly showing to the front.


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