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From Old IW to new IW.


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I thought it might be a good idea to post this here for some feedback...


So here's an old snapshot of the 'old' Iron Warriors I did. Guys with green trim bases are REALLY old. Guys with black trim bases are newer, but still probably 2years old:




As you can see, the painting is pretty clean. Not much 'dirty armour' especially on the old green figs. The newer ones have a few more washes on them, but they are still fairly clean. Now here's what I've been working on this weekend. These are new figs, not repaints. I'm obviously going for an even dirtier, gritier look. But does it look better?




Here's a second shot:




So I thought this would actually be faster, but it's not. It's actually a few hours slower. :blush: But I'm not dissatisified with the results. I wanted more chevrons this time around. And more black/gold shoulder pads. I also wanted the armour to look seriously old, and fairly weathered. And finally, even though it's really not noticeable in this example, I wanted to do more 'siege warfare' type bases with broken bits, and less grass.


The idea is I will be retouching some vehicles but otherwise I'm basically rebuilding from scratch. The old IW won't see action unless I'm short some models or for Mega-battles. So if I stick with Chaos, I feel it will be this or I redo my old DeathGuard army (sold on ebay).


Any comments?


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much better i've always loved :blush: the look of dirty armour. The iron warriors are a gritty siege chapter who spend their time in trenchs. Leave the shiny armour to the grey knights.


More chevrons is a good idea and all in all i much prefer the new ones ^_^

I definately prefer the new to the old style. It looks far dirtier, grittier, and all around cooler than the old style, and it better fits with the "new" Chaos style, if you care, that is. And I can't quite tell, but are those eyes blue? If so, I think they're even better :)



Prot, got to say it great seeing your Iron Warriors again :) I see your useing the new Urban base kit as well.


IF you keep with the Iron Warriors, I can not wait to see the fully painted army :blush: Go on, you know it right to re-do the Iron Warriors.


Again they look great.



@IP thanks for the compliments. Again for right now I have a few projects going. I am painting what I want to as we speak. For now that is the Iron Warriors.


Some people have some scores they'd like to settle on my BT's so I have to do my Forgeworld BT Dread too. And as well I (re) started up my eldar project.


@Phil. You like the BT better still? Funny these guys take quite a while. Maybe I could shorten the process...




You like these guys better than my new IW?





Prot: What are you plans then on the army front??? & will you be keeping us updated??? As said I really like this new effect than the oder version, as you painting has been improveing since the older IWs. Also will you be re-doing the Daemon Prince, or just starting a whole new background with new Warsmiths & everthing.


Again keep us updated, as it alway good to see a cool painted Iron Warriors army.



@Aquilla- Thanks. You're right about the old pit fighter arm. The left stabby arm I believe is an old ork arm. I made a 'bionic' bitz order about 3 years ago for a bunch of this sort of stuff. I typically used the really bionic IW's as Possessed (otherwise they blend into normal squads nicely)


@IP- thanks again. Honestly, I don't know how far I'm going with this IW 'redo' thing. I mean, a few weeks ago, I literally just crammed like nuts to finish my Templar for that tournament. For now I'm honestly just painting whatever I feel like for once. It's a strange feeling but I like it. Currently I've got about 10 Iron Warriors + 3 Oblits on the table along with a Black Templar Forgeworld Ven Dread, and a ton of Eldar designed after my own craftworld.


For my IW, I really don't think I'd re-make the history of my Grand Company. They've been around a loooong time and I've harassed many an imperial force with them, including several mega battles and the GW Eye of Terror kick off mega battle (those are fun). So no, the fluff definitely wouldn't change. I've always liked my IW Daemon Prince, but his armour would absolutely get a re-paint to match this 'new' burnished look. If I keep going the army plans would be to design something around CoD. After that, who knows? Do more havok squads? (I rarely used them til now).


I like my vehicles, and would just touch them up. I worked on my vindicator and forgeworld IW dread (seems like a good idea for CoD).


I'm glad you approve of the look. I'm sure many still like the look of my Templar better, but I'm not sure if I do. Both take about the same time.

Well thanks for the cenobyte compliment. Here's a better shot of them:




And a termie sporting new forgeworld bling shoulder pads:





And as far as bionic bitz, here's another OLD shot of some more troops and my Warsmith and Daemon Prince. You can see a few more bionic bitz including one of my favorite guy: Pizza Wheel!


Pics of IW a little too large to post here.


And here's some of my old vehicles which are probably getting a re-touch. (Yup, even the Black Legion rhino you see is mine too. One of two I have painted up)


Old Iron Vehicles

Okay finished some more Iron Warriors and I'd appreciate an honest look at them.


Here's two troops, freshly assembled and painted:





And I did a repaint on my Vindicator:




And I did a _partial_ repaint on my Dread before I burned out. (the golds and blacks aren't finished):





Now I do like these better than my old IW, but do you think they look better than my current Templar:




My tournament army:





So that's a lot of pics to look and I'm a bit burned out from painting IW this week. So that's it for updates for now. :P

Your new Iron Warriors are really great there, Prot. The updated Vind look cool & on the baseic Troopers the line of lighter silver look cool as well (been trying that myself)


I say both your Templars & new Iron Warriors do look cool (as did your Death Guards)



Wow, this is an unexpected change.


So things have swung to the Iron Warriors winning the popular vote? Or is it just chaos guys saying 'yea the new IW are better' and the loyalists saying the opposite? lol


I was pretty sure people were going to think the Templar had a better paint job. I mean regardless of time spent, some people might find the new IW 'burnished' look to be inferior to cleanly painted line work... but I seem to be wrong on that one.

prot Posted Today, 06:04 PM

Wow, this is an unexpected change.


So things have swung to the Iron Warriors winning the popular vote? Or is it just chaos guys saying 'yea the new IW are better' and the loyalists saying the opposite? lol


Well my favourt army, as you know is Iron Warriors, so I am being, what ever the word is??? & also I am telling the truth. I truly can not tell a lie, all my friends will tell you :P Also Templars "use to" be a old favorut army of mine as well.


But jokeing aside, as said the new Iron Warriors do look cooler & I do link the new effect, why it because of you & Chronophague that have made me want to re-do my current Preds, new models of course, just to try a few of that "line" of lighter metal.


Your painting surly has imprive since the older IWs in my view :cuss



Like your Dread lots I've startid painting my own FW IW Dread today, he's a far bit darker (mainly due to my brown/flesh/black mix ink wash applied over the boltgun metal as the base colour is built up. My gold is more 'brassy' in colour than gold - as I use on all my IW. Liking that TL H.bolter too... might have to get one of those.


Great weathering details on all your IW, love the scrapes on the dozer blade. My only criticism (and this is really nit-picking) is the yellow is a bit too bright for my taste. Although the banding effect on the yellow on the Vindy dozer blade is excellent.


As to the BT's still like them :lol: Nice clean, well executed paint jobs. Totally opposite to those ancient and 'grubby' IW (that's a compliment by the way ;) ).



Not bad, but the "running" IW's pose strikes me odd.


His centre of balance is off, but that's a fault of the Berzerker model, not yours.


When someone runs, their legs are underneath their centre of balance, and that one guy has his ground-leg wayy off balance, and his other one looks like he's mule-kicking something.


All in all though, I echo everyone elses sentiments in that dirty IW are good IW, and these are fabulous!






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