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The AM, Mars, the Void Dragon, and Necrons

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where are you getting your info from? i cant find anywhere it stating that the blackstones were fired upon the Dragon. i cant find anywhere it stating that the Dragon can bend the universe to his will either? more importantly, how do you know what would happen if one of the other C'tan is hit by the weapons.


i think you are drawing conclusions from fluff that is not in there. its pure conjecture my friend.


and yes the emergence of the Dragon on Mars would be very big, but what if hes not on mars? what if he is on a different planet. remember that the fluff of his where abouts comes from the eldar poem at the begining of the Necron Codex and it says "the Vaul moon". mars is not a moon.


and when Abbaddon asked the Daemon what was on mars, we never saw what was there. could be an as of yet unknown weapon. a warp blocking weapon that kills off the soul? anything. i can accept that the Dragon may be on mars but its not proven and its definitley not confirmed his abilities etc.


unless you can provide me with fluff that says otherwise that isnt just your opinion. :huh:

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The Index Astartes article for the Iron Hands predates the Necron Codex, so it may be that the "vision" of what exactly Ferrus Manus fought changed somewhere in there.


If you accept the IA article as not being totally retconned, then there are a few points made by that article.

1. Ferrus Manus fought Asirnoth, a "Wyrm" made of living metal.

2. When he tried to kill it by submerging it in lava, all that was left of it was fused with his hands, which were covered with/replaced by the living metal.

3. It is only AFTER being fused with Asirnoth, that Ferrus Manus becomes a master engineer.


Maybe they originally intended for Asirnoth to be the Void Dragon, maybe not, but it's clear from the later work on the Necrons, that the being Ferrus fought on Medusa could not be the Void Dragon itself. Still, every point about Asirnoth identifies it as possibly a construct/servant/avatar of the Dragon.


A couple questions...

Do we really know that only two C'tan are loose? In what book is that stated and what is the source of the information?


What proof is there that the Void Dragon is actually the strongest of the C'tan?


What proof is there that the Void Dragon itself is on Mars? Everyone assumes that since the C'tan are millions of years old, then the hidden vaults on Mars must have been always there, but where does it say they were always there? Is there any evidence to counter the theory that these vaults were made to house the remnants of Ferrus after the battle of Istvaan?

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My thoughts about ferrus being on mars. How could his remnants be recovered? Horus wouldnt just let his body lie there on istvaan, it would probably be destroyed or even taken as a trophy. and what if his body was recovered, what use would it have?
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its all part of the sparseness of necron fluff. where with space marines there were X amount of primarchs, then there was a big fight and the emperor = :confused: and win.


in the case of the necrons "Of the C'tan at large in the universe, two are known to many races: the Nightbringer and the Deceiver." C:N p.27


we know of the main two that are included in the model line. then there are the presumed two. one in the dyson sphere and one on mars.


who is to say that the dyson sphere is not a colony of several c'tan?


and with such clear as mud options gw might even throw out a completley unknown c'tan. something like C'tan Ophidian who takes name and form as a mockery of the old ones.

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I think in the novel Nightbringer, which I haven't read, it details the awakening of the Nightbringer.


I'm pretty sure the fluff also enforces the knowledge of the Deceiver being free, as I believe Cypher is said to have stabbed him with a phase knife.

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"Of the C'tan at large in the universe, two are known to many races: the Nightbringer and the Deceiver." C:N p.27


Hmm, that sentence seems to imply that there are more then two "at large".


If you knew nothing about NFL football and I said "Of the teams in the AFC, two are known to be from California, San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders", you wouldn't assume those were the only two teams in the AFC.


The sentence structure places the Nightbringer and Deceiver as two well-known members of a larger group, those C'tan "at large in the universe".


If that's the only proof that there are only two loose, I'd call that proof that there are more then two loose.

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ah but then we have to discuss the interpretation of being "at large". the fact that there are 4 C'tan that survived means they could be refered to as "at large" due to the fact they are a menace, despite the fact their particular circumstances are awake/asleep/eating a star in isolation.


so its not conclusive proof as "at large" can just mean alive and still around, rather than actively doing what a C'tan likes to do (terrorise/abuse people and then gobble them up!)




a nice little overview.


ah so it must have been his brother who made the Dyson Hoover!

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At large (at least to me) always has meant alive, functioning and able to exercise free will.


normally i would agree with you, but there are 2 factors that mean i will have to disagree with you.


1) C'tan are so powerful that even while in slumber for aeons they have influence over the universe around them. one example is the Nightbringer prior to awakening made people see and feel bloodthirsty visions of death and it drove people wild.


2) the 40K universe being what it is, a being of power that has escaped destruction et all and gone into hibernation for a substantial period of time is still classed as "at large" because there is very real threat that said being is going to re-awaken and go on the game again.


so for these reasons i will have to say that the matter is ambiguous as to what's going on with the C'tan. we have no proof but speculative opinion (based perhaps on educated guesses) so we can only accept evidence that is ireputable on the subject of the C'tan as gospel.


on this logic, we can NOT assume more than 2 C'tan are out and about doing their thang as we have no other evidence to counter act this. we cannot assume that the Dragon is on Mars without proof, though we know there is most certainly something there that is dangerous (or else why would Abbaddon find that amusing? why would the Necrons attempt a landing there? why is the area quarantined off, but certain members of the Adeptus Mechanicus want it destriyed).


If you don't stop with the hoover thing, physics is going to give you such a smack...


when my girlfriend gets home and discovers i havent done the hoovering on my day off i really am likely to get a smack!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as I can remember (and I'm a fan of Machine-God) Nightbringer because of Deceiver's machinations literally "ate" all other C'tan... And then there were only four of them - damn-smart-dude Deceiver, Nightbringer, Machine-God (oops - Void Dragon) and that crazy one in Dyson sphere... Nightbringer ate all those C'tan which he could - The Crazy One and Void Dragon were quite out of his weight and Deceiver - well... he was just smart and lucky. I also remember the story that Nightbringer was laid to rest by mischievous Deceiver... Which was for a long time the lone active C'tan in galaxy... Then, feeling that his nice living may be brought to an end by nightbringer and waking Void Dragon he gave Abbadon his sword and guided him to black-stone-fortresses... But he couldn't foresee that these fortresses would be possessed by demons...


And besides - Deceiver is the "Father" of pariah... Not Void Dragon...

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sorry had to do that :D

but seriously,like Sidri_cyber said there are only 4 C'tan. i know ive read thuis somewhere i cant remeber though.

il ask my buddy tomorrow if he knows, hes an avid necron fan


the galaxy is still doomed though

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But he couldn't foresee that these fortresses would be possessed by demons...



When did that happen, I must have missed that...link please?

They weren't possessed by Daemons, the Eldar Spirits inside them became twisted by Slaanesh.

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