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BT LRC wip


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Here is my Templar LRC I've decided to outfit with my concept of external Spaced Extra armor.





I think I will be adding GS weld lines to where the plasticard plates and maltese cross are joined and some plasticard rivets as well.


I am wondering about splitting the BT symbol in two though, with corresponding halves on both sides of the guns and access points.


A reason I have for doing this is because the 'theme' for my crusade is a Repentant Crusade, wherein all of the vehicles and members who took place in the horrific act display the 3rd of a crude maltese cross on their helmets and armor.


I am wondering if I should use the symbol for my specific chapter, in a large form, or make smaller maltese crosses and attach them to both the front and back portions of the armor.


Sorry for my long windedness, it is a bit late and I have much to finish still!


edit: It probably would have helped to include a pic... :blink:



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Update, here's the finished product.







I attempted to craft rivets out of gs, but the uniformity was way off and decided to scratch the idea, but I did add in weld lines just to the plates and scored them. Some miscellanious were added and I think I'm ready to prime it for painting! Finally this beast is done, I just dread the time when I decide to get more :ph34r:

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That looks really nice - do you think it took long from start to finish to make the extra armour on it ?


It might be a little late - but could you do a cross inside the outside bigger cross - using the same technique used on th weld lines - just so it loks more grand ?




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That looks really nice - do you think it took long from start to finish to make the extra armour on it ?


It might be a little late - but could you do a cross inside the outside bigger cross - using the same technique used on th weld lines - just so it loks more grand ?





Thank you!


It took me a while because I had to figure out what size I wanted to use and where to place the spacers, also I grappled with deciding to magnetize it or not, but in the end the fact that it will always be a vehicle upgrade used helped me to decide just gluing it on. I'd say it took me about altogether inside of a day to get all of the pieces measured and cut, filed and glued together.


I'm not sure by what you mean in the second part, like another maltese cross inside of the larger one, with weld lines?


I guess I could, but I've taken a long time on this one and would really like to start getting painting, I still have extra armor for 3 rhinos that I have to scratch build from 1/8 inch plasticard and that will take me probably another few weeks as I just bought the CoD Imperial Sector ^_^


So many models, so little time!

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