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Holy almost Nightcrawler! give him three fingers, and horns on his head, also some longer hair and voila! hahaha


but other than that, the head position is a bit weird, maybe Greenstuff some chaos iconography on him if you are any good at that



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the head is up like that because hes blind but leads his forces with his visions.. or thats the look i was going for anyways lol..


thanks for the ideas guys


I like the banner idea.. I just need to get a backpack on him ...but i really dislike the chaos backpacks.. they look corny to me.. I may use a SM one...

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The blind concept works for me, I like it!


What he needs though is a backpack, not your standard issue CSM backpack but a converted one with braziers and the whole she-bang.


My 2 kraks.

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This isn't meant to sound harsh, just consturctive. I am a decent painter, or atleast I like to think I am, I haven't painted anything of Display quality in awhile, just TT. Anyway, C&C.


I love the concept, it fits WB very well as they are probably the most religious in their practices out of the chaos legions. A Prophet fits the part of an AC. The pose is good, but as already said, the head needs some work. And you picked a good model to base it off of, and did a really good job removing the head and arm.



The paint seems really thick. I don't know if it is because the pieces were already painted or if your painting it as you go. Some pieces seem like the basecoat was rubbed off and the metallics are sneaking through. I would suggest adding abit more water to your paints and apply the paint in thin layers, use more than one layer to cover the model instead of one thick layer. I know it takes practice and patience, one of which I do not have a very good grasp of(Patience if your wondering, hence why I speed paint to TT quality instead of going competition quality that I have done a few pieces in) Anyway, just keep practicing, I am in no way as good as many of the painters here, but I have seen so much improvement in my work since I joined in 03. This board is one of the best places to seek advice. I don't mean to be rude with my crit. I am only trying to help.

Keep up the good work, your conversion is very good!



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nah you dont seem rude at all.. I let any and all C&C.. but see my problem is that that is like 4 coats of scab red... can you use to many coats or am i not thining that paint down nuff?...I try to use 2-3 parts paint to 1part future floorwax & water..


as for the head I have it cocked at that odd angel because I want his to look like hes having a vission & is looking off into the warp


anywas thanks for the c&c guys.. I plan on posting some more pics today

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Hm, did what color did you use to basecoat the model? Usually for red I would do black basecoat, and apply scab red in a thin layer, then red gore, and finally add some blood red. That way the coats even out alot and you have a brighter red that just scab red, but it can also stay on the dark side depending on just how much Blood Red you add.
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i almost always use a white primer.. I just like it better then black... I was tryingot keep the red a darker color I wanted it to look almost like old blood.. do you think a red ink wash will help?
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With my Word Bearers, I've started using bestial brown between a white undercoat and the first coat of Red Gore, works wonders. Then I work up to blood red with a touch of red gore for the extreme highlights and then when it's all done a light wash of magenta ink to level out the layers.
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its a mutie bit.. I got an extra if you need one


oh just ot update.. ive laayed down some new paint & plan on putting pic up soon.. but i just got a high box of bitz this weekend & have been haveing loads of fun with them.. so look for 2 more ASP camps in the next few days

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Well Ive started the repaint.. its not done yet but its getting there.. Im having major problems highlighting.. anyone care to tell me how & where to put them?.. I started with a white primer the added a thim layer of vomit then tercota then scab red the blood red then red ink & tryed to high light with ruby red..

the silver i wanted to look tarnished so I did boltgun over black & drybrushed silver..

the banner turnd out alot better then I could of hoped for.. my freehand sucks so I like what i got there


as always any C&C is welcomed



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At this point I'd suggest quantity over quality. Let your practice come from getting more Marines done rather than obsessing over repainting on one. You'll start to learn how much of each color you need for each stage of highlighting. You'll get a standard rank and file Marine that makes you think "hey this guy is pretty good" and you can then copy what you did with him ;) You will also likely find that the general gaming public thinks your painting is better than you do. The BnC can be a harsh comparison for the work of a beginner and leave them with unrealistic goals. (though the BnC and GW's GD and Tournament pages are good for copying 'how & where to put highlights')


Your work is looking good so get a lot of it done :angry:

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