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Truely amazing, I love you writing style Ferrata

This is compareable to Horus Rising


"Yes it is!!" :tu:

If any of you disagree with me your a 'greenskin!'


There is 'one' error I picked up, just a spelling mistake at the start, and that alone is very good

Acacius should join the World Eaters, love the name by the way

Thanks Ferrata, for the best read today, no, this week, yep, this month


This Months W40K fluff writing award goes to... Ferrata!

*Galactic cheer for Ferrata, from Terra to the Warp*

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Good stuff! :P

The way you described Acacius losing it was pretty graphic. I especially like how you handled him seeing Sanguinius: seeing what was happening, hearing what was said like it was coming from his own mouth but not. Very cool. I think this sentance pulled me out of the action a bit:


The traitor had long since been dead, thus the loss of his jaw was followed by no screams.

I think it was fairly clear by that point that the traitor was very much dead. Having it stated in such a way just doesn't sit right (with me anyway).


On a side note, I wonder if it would be better to end the story with Acacius' death. I remember hearing that all marines who fall to the rage die after battle. I'm not really sure if their injuries catch up with them or they're killed by their brother marines because they're beyond saving, so it may not be appropriate here. If it's a side-effect of the Black Rage, then I think it would fit nicely and could add a lot to the emotional impact of the story on the reader.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
The Black Rage is a condition that the Blood Angels suffer from, along with any chapter who share their gene-seed. The death of Sang. at the hands of Horus left a terrible impact on the genetics the chapter. Due to the rituals required for the Blood Angel gene-seed to take (the drinking of the blood of Sang) each member inherits some of this memory. It times of high emotional stress (on the eve of battle usually), marines may fall to the Rage. The basically lose control and urge to revenege their fallen father. And thanks :D
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  • 1 year later...

Yeah, I never fixed all the errors in it with the change in language pack. Lucky for me, the guys in the Librarium did here.


Good portrait of sanguinius. My only concern is, why is Acacius fighting a 1 on 1 fight? Where's the rest of the squad? And the traitor? Who was he? No Marine, good or bad would be alone except there either in charge, MC, or a patrol gone awry.

Questions never thought of for the good of the story. Why was he alone? Well, maybe they were clearing out a building and he was told to empty a corridor. The old AoD's were all 1 v 1's, so it just worked. Sometimes the bigger picture is ignored for a good story.

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