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Sons of Horus - Once more into the breach


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Hi everybody, its been a while since I posted in these hallowed halls, I've been distracted by xenos and life.


As I'm sure many of you have, I've been reading the Horus Heresy series, and as I'm sure many of you will agree, its an excellent series.




Now I've decided to devote my horde of FW marine Mks to the dark gods, and do the main protagonist forces of the Sons of Horus legion. I'll be doing them in the Sea green scheme, the sort of interim scheme between the Lunar Wolves and the Black Legion schemes, I think it will look striking on the tabletop, and more importantly to me be fun to paint and weather.


This is my first WIP model:




As I hope you can see, there is alot of Imperial fist casualties going on here, one because I think the yellow will look great as a spot colour/counterpoint and it sets them at the Siege of Terra, or just after when the Sons were chased into the eye.


I will be using the SW list, because its more competitive then the regular SM one (though we'll see what happens in 6th), plus I get to run terminators as troops, and since the SoH used them extensively, I think it fits.


Sons of Horus: 1750


HQ: Logan Grimnar - 275




Dreadnought - 105 Multi-melta - 0 Drop pod - 35 = 140


Dreadnought - 105 Multi-melta - 0 Drop pod - 35 = 140



Wolf Guard Pack (9) - 162 2x Combi-flamer - 10 3x Combi-melta - 15 3x Combi-plasma, melta bomb - 20 3x Storm shield - 75 Drop pod - 35 = 312


Wolf Guard Pack (4) - 72 4x terminator armour - 60 WG# 1 - Combi-melta, Frostblade - 15 WG# 2 - Combi-melta, Power weapon - 5 WG# 3 - Thunderhammer, Stormshield - 30 WG# 4 - Chainfist, Stormshield - 30 Drop pod - 35 = 247


Wolf Guard Pack (5) - 90 5x terminator armour - 75 WG# 1 - Combi-melta, Frostblade - 15 WG# 2 - Combi-flamer, power weapon - 5 WG# 3 - Thunderhammer, Stormshield - 30 WG# 4 - Chainfist, Stormshield - 30 WG# 5 - Combi-metla, power weapon, melta bomb - 10 Drop pod - 35 = 300


Grey Hunters (8) - 120 2x plasma - 20 Drop pod - 35 = 175


Grey Hunters (8) - 120 2x Melta - 10 Drop pod - 35 = 165


Total = 1749


Any ideas on poses, themes, names, markings etc would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks guys. hope I don't disappoint!


The plan atm is to do 2 commanders, ones as just a stock captain dude, with no name or back story to the HH series, and another I'll take a bit more time on to be Abbaddon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks ^_^


So I'm taking part in the Tale of 20 gamers, a pre heresy/ heresy ploging conglomerate wth my sone, but thought I post the progress here as well. If you're interested in any of the amzing work going on there clickHERE


I've been a bit busy with a new uni entrance course I'm doing, and work, but I managed to cobble together this Sgt over the last couple of days. He took alot more time and fiddling around then I anticipated, the combination of various Mks of armour give a nice feel I think, and is something I can see happening during a protracted siege like the siege of Terra.




The arms are from the plastic CSM set, and are a nice analogue for Mk2 once your file off the extraneous detail.


So the armour parts break down is:

MK2 arms

MK3 Groin plate

MK4 helm, right leg, torso, right shoulder, backpack

MK5 left shoulder, left leg


I hope to have the first 5-10 men finished by the end of next week, but that may blow out due to my time being taken up by work/uni entrance course I started a couple of weeks ago.

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Progress has been slow, but steady, getting into the meat and veg of any SM army now, the bolter carriers, or ablative wounds for you heavy and special weapons if you'd prefer.




Guy on the end is dropping his bolter.


Nothing really exciting going on here, they just need alittle bit more work done to their bases and will have their bolters attached post paint.Still undecided on adding a chain bayonet or two, as I can't remember any actual references to them in the books.


As for paint, well it turns out I ordered 3 of the wrong colour . . . I ordered USMC tanker highlight, when it should have just been USMC tanker. Lesson learnt, so now I'll have to figure out a use for the highlight colour while I wait for the real paint to arrive, beacause I'm following the DPA tut on painting them I have no use for the highlight as a highlight.





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Thanks gents :D


So heres all the completely assembled models before primer.




I hadn't realised until I took this pic that the contemptor and Sgt model were in such a similar pose, guess I'll have to add some more variety to the future models.


The basing was done with a mix of cork, crushed slate, glued down with superglue, before adding some secret weapons razor wire.


So more assembly of the rest of the squad to follow, and waiting for paint to arrive. . .

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  • 1 month later...

These boys got put on ice for a while due to the nids getting some love, but I put paint to model today and came up with this




As you can see, hes not as clean as DPA's SoH, I just couldn't get excited by that style of painting, hes in the middle of the seige of terra, there isn;t going to be time to reapply paint to chipping.


This is obviously still PIP.


Let me know what you think, and any suggestions you may have.

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Very good work so far. You've got a great shade of green there.


Agreed, and I'd love to know how you did it, it's beautiful.


The conversions are spot on too, this has just entered into my top ten threads ever. What else you have planned?

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My only critique is that it should be on the ground destroyed or falling to the ground :D

aside from that its really cool how you made it look grubby and not pristine.

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To add to the others, what a fantastic paint job. Really captures the magnitude of the Siege. Very realistic and gritty. If the rest of the army can be held to such a high standard we're all in for a treat. :D


How'd you do the Legion markings?

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Thanks everyone :lol:


This looks fantastic! That there is Grim Darkeness!



On a side note, I am overcome with a sudden urge to just give you my minis...


I won't stop you ;)


Very good work so far. You've got a great shade of green there.


Very good work so far. You've got a great shade of green there.


Agreed, and I'd love to know how you did it, it's beautiful.


The conversions are spot on too, this has just entered into my top ten threads ever. What else you have planned?


The green is done a similar way to the way DPA did his. Its a mix of Panzer aces USMC tank crew, and GW astronomicon grey (70/30) highlighted with a 50/50 mix, then edge highlighted with pure astro grey, only the first 2 layers are through an airbrush.


As for whats planned, well I keep being distracted by my nids, so these guys are on the slow burn for now. I want a bunch of tacticals and some terminators though. We'll see how the new DA changes things, deathwing as troops without having to pay a premium for Logan might be cool.


My only critique is that it should be on the ground destroyed or falling to the ground <_<

aside from that its really cool how you made it look grubby and not pristine.


Ha, bring it imperial lapdog ;)


As I've said before sheep, amazing work!

Great choice on using the Space Wolf list.


Cheers :) Like I said above I'm thinking of waiting for the DA codex and finding out if I can take relatively cheap terminators as troops before I go nuts with painting SW specific stuff.


To add to the others, what a fantastic paint job. Really captures the magnitude of the Siege. Very realistic and gritty. If the rest of the army can be held to such a high standard we're all in for a treat. :)


How'd you do the Legion markings?


All the symbols and numbers were painted free hand before I started weathering it. Some I'm really happy with, some not so much.

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Oh yes, excellent! Slow or fast, progress in this is going to be fun to watch. Painted to that level, the care and consideration you're putting into the pose and placement of the models will just put these over the top. I have was never a fan of what I call toothpaste-Green for the Sons of Horus, but if you're going to make it this gritty, dark, and worn, it makes it much easier to like not hate.
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Fantastic weathering ! I really like it. Great work on the sergeant, can't wait to see him painted.


One thing bothers me a little though. The yellow on the melter and the enemys. I can't explain it, but it just "feels" wrong, it hurts the eyes. Maybe you switch to White Scars or Blood Angels.


As the novels are not yet at the siege, and we dont know if the Sons of Horus are visibly corrupted at this stage of the war. How do you plan to handle that. Without any mutations or "real" Chaos marines ?



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Thanks mate, I'm just hoping FW don't do anything like say they all start wearing black, other wise I'll just have to say "warband" and do my own thing. There won't be any mutations, I see that more as a word bearers thing, and in the novels the Gal vor beck (sp?) change back to normal after battle anyway.


Boom sauce!




Two months after starting him, its finally done. I lost a bit of traction painting him when I fell out of love with the scheme, but the weathering really brought it back for me, turns out I can't paint anything clean with armour.


Here's a couple more pics. The rest can be seen on my blog if you're interested.






Thanks for looking.

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