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February 2025: Thanks for visiting! 2025 updates start on page 20. What you'll find before you is my one and only thread collecting my works in progress in chronicling the travails and travels of my Adeptus Astartes Chapter, the Sentinels. Unfortunately some of my older photos have been lost to the ravages of time and Photobucket, so if you're a new visitor to my pile of shame... Welcome! Feel free to skip to the last page for my most recent stuff, and then backtrack as far as you care to from there! Trust me, it's easier...

Edited by Disruptor_fe404
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OOOOHH, Well I'll be sure to check on this thread somewhat frequently.  I love the old metal-plastic hybrid LRC kit on a visual level, and I'm interested to see what you'll do with it.  The terminator sergeant is off to a good start.


Looking forward to more from you *hopefully* soon!

A quick shot of the Venerable Dreadnought:




I might finish this one off soon since I've also completed the plasma cannon and powerfist for it (photos tonight I guesss?).


Also made some progress on the first Tart Termy.


So actually, yes, more photos soon!

KBA: It sure is! It will take time, and it will be difficult, but I will persevere.


Okay, so the difficulty has more to do with time and less to do with the actual working on models...


Anyhow, blu-tacked the venerable dread together:




My photoshopping washed out some of the detail on his sarcophagus, but he's named Cale. The photos definitely come out better when I've got a proper background on them like I do on my completed pictures.


And yes, that is a little thumb-thing that he has on his hand!

Hehe, I like the thumb-talon.


If I was going to make one bit of constructive criticism, it would be that (based on your earlier thread) you seem to be a master of the ornate 'look' of Space Marines - all of your Honour Guard + the Chapter Master are really, really outstanding in their baroque, ornate armour and weaponry, and each one looks like his armour and wargear was hand-crafted by a master artificer - but the Dreadnought is a little bland. I'm well aware he's only blue-tacked together but I felt I should say it now rather than later on when he's finished. Because he's a Dreadnought, he (IMHO) should look ancient and have wargear and armour that is much, much more ornate and unique than that of the Honour Guard. There are plenty of ways of doing it (whether you want to convey it via paintjob, bits, or both) but just thought I'd share what popped into my head at first glance. Specifically, his 'shoulders' and the top of his chassis were what stood out to me. What you do with the base will also have a big impact as well.


Hope that gives some food for thought. Looking forward to seeing the FW stuff put together :)



The Chapter Master and the Honour Guard are purposely ornate at a level above-and-beyond the rest of my Chapter (as befits the 'too awesome to use' concept I had by creating them as a unit that likely will never see play at all), and (in my headcanon/mindmovie) will never be matched on that front elsewhere in the Chapter. Plus, this particular dreadnought has to 'sync' up (visually anyway) with his 'brother' dreadnought, and I also need to do a third at some point to finish off that list (which is admittedly from last edition and the previous Dark Angels Codex) that will fit with both.


I definitely agree that the shoulders and the top of the torso are too bare though. And that I need to do something good with the base (my weakness at the moment). I definitely couldn't quite put my finger on what it needed, so that helped a lot actually!


And unfortunately, units that match my Honour Guard/CM will be few and far between. That being said, the Chappy I'm making for Grotsmasha's conversion challenge is meant to be my Master of Sanctity, and he'll need a Reclusiam Honour Guard too.


Of course, once that's done, I very well can't leave the Librarium out of the fun. And they'll all need rides...


The Armoury and the Apothecarion are getting shafted though.

  On 4/4/2013 at 10:20 AM, Captain Cirrius said:

ive been waiting for this thread :smile.:


Have you now? Well then, I had better reward your patience...




Sword Company Command Squad, to follow this guy around:




Some of you might (maybe...) remember him as my entry into the Golden Bolters many turns ago.

Slow going, owing to other priorities, but here's the first Tart, assembled.




The hammer is the weapon for the next one, and he'll be holding it in that exact position, striking a badass pose and leaning it against his shoulder.

Thanks! Some of the extra detail that went on him is there to obscure casting flaws. Not the arm though, that's there because I wanted a wrist-mounted weapon due to how cool they are.


I'm basing him soon, and have painted up the hammer too, so those will be up soon.



Quick and dirty phone photo of the first Tart after basing.




My first time using static grass (it's the dark tufts in the photo), so it's actually a bit of a fail on that front. Next time I'll be really generous with it.


And the parts I'm using for grotsmasha's Chaplain Conversion Challenge:




First order of business is to get rid of the brush on his head!

Bam! Update!




Not the best photo ever, strictly speaking, but it conveys what I'm going for. More work on my Master of Sanctity this week, since I have a deadline of 2nd May for it since I don't want to fail the Chaplain Conversion Challenge.


  • 3 weeks later...

Fell off the face of the Earth for a fortnight! Been focusing on my Master of Sanctity (originally planned to work on him much further down the line, but the Chaplain Conversion Challenge was a good excuse to get stuck in).



Synod-Marshal Hector Mord, Master of Sanctity to the Sentinels (counts-as Thulsa Kane):








Back to painting Tartaros Terminators now. The fellow with the thunder hammer has been glaring at me angrily. Or would be, if I had already chosen a head for him...

He's very good. Look forward to seeing him painted. Nice 'flowing' stance. I'm keen to see the whole Tartaros squad painted as well!


I will say though that his right foot (from his own perspective) looks a little 'floaty'. Some GS beneath the boot textured to look like the base would cure that no prob.

As I said when I posted in your special-character thread... I love these.

Always been a fan of metalic paint jobs and with the added Dark-Angel iconography from the new models - fantastic looking!

Going to be doing the same to my Chapter with the DA stuff, can't wait to see more of yours. :)

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