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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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Sons of the Lion,

Last year you have wrestled the big prize from the Templars and brought it to the Rock – its rightful place. However all is not over, not yet… Our rivals now gather in strength, ready to deprive us from what is rightfully ours. Will they succeed or the combined might of the Unforgiven will step up to meet the challenge? The real question is:





Welcome to ETL III and the Dark Angels Strategium! Here is the home for those who want to participate in the ETL putting their weight behind the Codex: Dark Angels!

This year, the Inner Circle is extending a special Challenge to the proud Wolf Lords! In the context of the Bellum Aeternus series, The Shadow Guard is inviting you to measure your Deathwing against the Wolf Guard in Titanas Bellum! So if you intend to paint Deathwing and/or Masters in Terminator or Artificer armour for the ETL you may also enter them (i.e. use the same vow) in Titanas Bellum and support the Deathwing against the Wolf Lords and their retinues!

The rules of ETL III can be found below:





So what purpose does the Strategium serve? Well, its official function includes the following:

  • Post vows & declare completions. This is very important as placing the vows elsewhere will create unnecessary confusion and lead to mistakes. Also if you do not report the completion here, I will not update your status.
  • Participation tables. Here I will be updating the rosters of participation so make sure you see your name listed and that your status is correct - and if not, notify me.
  • Post your pictures. Remember, we need two – one “before” and one “after” but feel free to post as many WIP pictures as you like!
  • Weekly updates. This is where I’ll be posting every week an update of the event in general so the frater can keep track of what is going on in the wider picture.

You are also welcome to use this thread to encourage each other, devise strategies, discuss the developments of the ETL and of course ask questions. For the latter you can also PM me.



So with no further ado, let’s begin!





The list is alphabetical.


Adper | Vow 1 (620)

Anaziel | Vow 1 [575]

Aradiel | Vow 1 (480) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (794) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (686) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (1,235) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (745) COMPLETE

Belial83 | Vow 1 (1,905) COMPLETE

Biggabertha | Vow 1 (280)

Bmseifer | Vow 1 (735) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (560)

Brother Bahram | Vow 1 (905) COMPLETE

Brother Bethor | Vow 1 (1,084) COMPLETE

Brother Erekose | Vow 1 (545)

BrotherSammael | Vow 1 (400)

Bryan Blair | Vow 1 [520]

Cactus | Vow 1 (260) COMPLETE

Captain Semper | Vow 1 (245) COMPLETE

Carthage | Vow 1 (525) COMPLETE

Cerroneth | Vow 1 (1,145) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (315) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (140) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (395) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (375) COMPLETE

Chaplain Lucifer | Vow 1 (640) COMPLETE

Cod_lover | Vow 1 (320) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (140) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (220) COMPLETE

Cyfax | Vow 1 (560) COMPLETE

Dark Master | Vow 1 [2,942]

Dark Rage | Vow 1 [495]

djgoldsmith | Vow 1 (963) COMPLETE

Elmo9141 | Vow 1 (1,305) COMPLETE

Erren | Vow 1 [619]

farfromsam | Vow 1 (291) COMPLETE

Greenz | Vow 1 (675) COMPLETE

Grotsmasha | Vow 1 (2,070) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,440) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (140) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (880) COMPLETE

Hoots | Vow 1 [1,225] COMPLETE | Vow 2 (595) COMPLETE

Interrogator Chaplain Kamjin | Vow 1 (2,400)

Jack of the Pelt | Vow 1 [460]

JeffJedi | Vow 1 (805) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (995) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (189) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (140) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (70) COMPLETE

JGeils81 | Vow 1 (635) COMPLETE

JJD | Vow 1 (195) COMPLETE

Larhendiel | Vow 1 (628) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (140) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (190) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (655) COMPLETE 

lemarshall87 | Vow 1 [tbc]

Liberame | Vow 1 (125) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (2,265) COMPLETE

Master Avoghai | Vow 1 (635) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (520) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (255) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (720) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (250) COMPLETE

marvmoogy | Vow 1 [894]

Mc_luhvin | Vow 1 (355) COMPLETE

-MFT- | Vow 1 [375]

mirage 20059 | Vow 1 [1,160]

Mr Bill | Vow 1 (321) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (450) COMPLETE

Pbenner | Vow 1 [2,215] COMPLETE | Vow 2 (355) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (1,515) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (995) COMPLETE

Plasmaspam | Vow 1 (1,470) COMPLETE

Politix | Vow 1 (655) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (185) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (245)

Polythemus | Vow 1 (868) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (660) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (770) COMPLETE

Prot | Vow 1 (235) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (180) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (435) COMPLETE

Rajden | Vow 1 (1,215) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (945)

RedMoon | Vow 1 [669]

Res Ipsa Loquitur | Vow 1 [435]

Retaliation | Vow 1 [235]

Shubniggurath | Vow 1 (881) COMPLETE

SnaRf.za | Vow 1 [1,365]

Spaced Hulk | Vow 1 (1,200) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,200) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (1,200) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (400) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (180) COMPLETE

Stobz | Vow 1 (1,105) COMPLETE

SvenONE | Vow 1 (480) COMPLETE

Tanhausen | Vow 1 [200]

Tanyr | Vow 1 [1,600] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [1,755] COMPLETE | Vow 3 (4,004) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (2,259) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (665) COMPLETE

The Shadow Guard | Vow 1 [1,445]

vijok | Vow 1 (1,160) COMPLETE



Out-of-competition entries

Galthan Ironsturm | Vow 1 (630) COMPLETE




BLOOD OATH: I will double the points I have pledged in the first vow by the end of the ETL!


Aradiel (will triple the points of his initial vow)

Captain Semper: if the Dark Angels forum scores less than the Chaos forum I’ll paint Cypher!


Dark Master



Master Avoghai

Mr Bill






Blood Oaths are unofficial - there will be no penalty if you fail to fulfil them.

I, Grotsmasha, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete;

3x Belial

=> 1x Storm Bolter and Sword of Silence

=> 1x Twin Lightning Claws

=> 1x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

@ 570pts


6x Company Masters

=> 185pts - Perfidious Relic, Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Power Fist, Foe-Smiter (Relic)

=> 180pts - Perfidious Relic, Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Power Fist, Plasma Pistol

=> 135pts - Artificer Armour, Power Fist

=> 145pts - Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Lion's Roar (Relic)

=> 175pts - Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Shroud of Heroes (Relic)

=> 125pts - Artificer Armour, Power Axe

@ 745pts

Interrogater-Chaplain Seraphicus

=> Plasma Pistol

@ 125pts


3x Contemptors

=> 230pts - Heavy Conversion Beamer, Plasma Blaster

=> 200pts - Plasma Cannon, Meltagun

=> 200pts - Kheres Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer

@ 630pts


for a total of 2,070pts from Codex: Dark Angels by August 1st. Success will bring glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame til years end.

!!!!!! Glory to the First !!!!!!

In addition to the vow above, I take upon myself two penance vows, firstly, if the Dark Andels do not lead in completed points by the Sign-up cut-off date of June 1st, I shall paint a Special Character from each sub-forum ahead of us. Secondly, should The Dark Angels not claim the title of Primus Inter Pares, I vow to paint one Special Character from the winning Sub-Forum.



EDIT: Spelling

I, Elmo9141, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete


Deathwing Command Squad (5 , 325 pts)

Deathwing Champion (Halberd of Caliban)
Deathwing Apothecary 
Deathwing Company Banner
Power Fist (x2), Storm Bolter (x2), Chainfist (x1), Assault Cannon (x1)
Deathwing Knights (5 , 235 pts)
Knight Master (Storm Shield, Flail of the Unforgiven)
Deathwing Knights x 4 (Mace of Absolution, Storm Shield)
Deathwing Terminator Squad (5 , 245 pts)
Deathwing Terminator Sergeant (Lightning Claws)
Power Fist (x3), Storm Bolter (x3), Chainfist (x1) Assault Cannon (x1)
Deathwing Terminator Squad (5 , 250 pts)
Deathwing Terminator Sergeant (Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield)
Power Fist (x3), Storm Bolter (x3), Chainfist (x1) Cyclone Missile Launcher (x1)
Deathwing Terminator Squad (5 , 250 pts)
Deathwing Terminator Sergeant (Power Sword & Storm Bolter;)
Power Fist (x3), Storm Bolter (x4), Chainfist (x1) Assault Cannon (x1)
Grand Total: 1305 Points


from the Dark Angels Codex on or before August 1st.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels and the Lion and failure will doom me
to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


WIP linkey


Beaten to first by grotsmasha but I will be ahead alphabetically on the listing Bahahaha

I, Anaziel, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux III and vow to complete;


5x Deathwing terminators (1 squad) - Equipment: storm bolter, power fist, chainfist, assault cannon, power mace, thunder hammer, storm shield, a pair of lightning claws- 250

10x tactical marines (1 squad) - Power sword, flamer, missile launcher (with flakk missiles) - 185

1x Asmodai (count as) - 140


for a total of 575 points.


from Codex: Dark Angels by August 1st. Success will bring glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame til years end.




EDIT: added wargear to list. I think the points are correct.

I, Master Avoghai, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete

5 Deathwing Knights,

1 Landspeeder Vengeance with assault cannon

1 Librarian with teleporting field

1 company Master with bolter flamer and monster-killer blade of Caliban


from the Dark Angels Codex

to a total value [635pts] on or before August 1st.




Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels and the Lion and failure will doom me

to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

I, Proteous Maxiumus Decidous Vernatious Meridioius Poopinious Fartious (Parent's maiden names) , answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux III and vow to complete;

5 Deathwing Knights: 235 Points.

(really wanted to do bikes too but for now let me put up the termie WIP.)



so it begins...


I Aradiel answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one 10 man deathwing squad (with 1 assault cannon, 1 heavy flamer,1 chainfist, 1 pair of lightning claws and 1 thunder hammer/storm shield) from Codex Dark Angels of total value of 480 points on or before August 1st.
Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


For the Emperor and the Lion.




vow completed



I, Erren, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

Librarian +space marine bike

Deathwing Terminator Squad +chainfist, +assault cannon, +1 additional terminator

Deathwing Terminator Squad +chainfist, +assault cannon

from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 619 on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end



I RedMoon answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete


6 Ravenwing black knights with grenade launcher and huntmaster

6 Ravenwing black knights with grenade launcher and huntmaster

6 ravenwing command with ravenwing banner, apothicary, grenade launcher


for a total of 669 points on or before august 1st. completion will bring great glory to the Sons of the Lion and failure will bring great shame and i must bear the mark till years end.

I Chaplain Lucifer answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

Librarian on bike

5 Deathwing knights

5 Deathwing terminators with 1Assault cannon and chainfist

5 scouts with sniper rifles and missile launcher


for a total of 640 points on or before august 1st. completion will bring great glory to the Sons of the Lion and failure will bring great shame and i must bear the mark till years end.

I Larhendiel answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:


Librarian in terminator armour with power axe
Librarian on bike with power field generator
Techmarine (conversion) with servo harness on bike
7 Black Knights with aphothecary

for a total of 628 points  before August 1st. completion will
bring glory to the Sons of the Lion and failure will bring dishonour and i will bear the mark till years end.



  On 4/30/2014 at 4:44 PM, Grotsmasha said:

Check out Arizonajirt's vow @ 10,991pts, that's given the AoD forum a crazy potential lead......


The problem is as he has vowed it as a complete list he has to complete everything.

If he misses just one model all the points are lost...


We are the First Legion, Sons of the Lion.


We know no fear

  On 4/30/2014 at 1:48 PM, Prot said:

I, Proteous Maxiumus Decidous Vernatious Meridioius Poopinious Fartious (Parent's maiden names) , answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux III and vow to complete;

5 Deathwing Knights: 235 Points.

(really wanted to do bikes too but for now let me put up the termie WIP.)



Where are those deathwing knights bases from?

I pbenner answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the models listed below from the Dark Angels Codex of total value 2215pts on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end


(5) Librarians in Terminator Armor (475)

(10) Interrogator-Chaplains in Terminator Armor w/Combi-Weapon (1460)

(2) Interrogator-Chaplains in Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter (280)





I, Ancient Cerroneth, Venerable Dreadnought of Painting, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux III and vow to complete;

An Assault Squadron with, a Veteran Sergeant with a power maul and melta bomb, and two flamers for 130 pts.




An Interrogator Chaplain with jump pack and plasma pistol for130 pts.




A Mortis pattern Dreadnought with twin linked auto cannons for 125 pts.




A squadron of Deathwing Knights with a Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven for 245 pts.




A Librarian with Force Staff, Terminator armor, and Storm bolter for 95 pts.




A Command squadron with a Company Champion, An Apothecary, A Standard of Devastation and 2 combi-flamers for 215 pts.




A Company Master with Artificer Armor, Combi-plasma, The Monster Slayer of Caliban, and the Shroud of Heroes for 205 pts.




for a total of 1145 pts.

I, Carthage, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete


1 Interigator Chaplin in TDA 140

1 Librarian in TDA 95

1 Tac Squad with Plasma Cannon, Melta Gun and Power Fist 190

1 Dred with Multimelta 100




for a total of 525 points  before August 1st. completion will
bring glory to the Sons of the Lion and failure will bring dishonour and i will bear the mark till years end.


A fantastic Gathering of Angels! 


The Angles of Death forum is really trying to impress us with the large vows but this is not really a concern - even if completed! What we should be more vigilant about is the Black Templars portion of the forum - they come in strong and they are many - at this stage anyway... 


So the answer to this threat is not to try and counter the giga-vows but to build up our participants numbers! 


Good to see you Lucifer - Inner Circle leads from the front! :tu:





I, Spaced Hulk, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete:

Talyn, Chapter Master of the Sword Bearers (counts as Azrael) = 215 pts


Company Master, with two plasma pistols, melta bombs, jump pack & Shroud of Heroes = 190 pts


Company Master, with Monster Slayer Sword of Caliban, power axe & artificer armour = 170 pts


Librarian, with force staff & jump pack = 80 pts


Tactical Squad: 10 marines, all armed with boltguns = 140 pts


Assault Squad, consisting of 5 marines: 2x plasma pistol & chainsword, 2x bolt pistol & chainsword, srg with power fist & plasma pistol = 155 pts


Praetorian Bodyguard (counts as Command Squad), consisting of:

- veteran with 2x power sword

- veteran with meltagun & power sword

- veteran with combi-flamer & power sword

- veteran with plasma pistol & power sword

- veteran with power fist & power sword = 250 pts


For a total of 1200 pts from Codex: Dark Angels by August 1st. Success will bring glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame til years end.



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