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Stumbled across what might be (IMO) one of the best sketches of Sanguinius I've ever seen. The right balance of chiseled (as all Primarchs are) and "beautiful man."






Looks like he was almost based on Alexander Skarsgard

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which would be fitting since that actor plays one of the emininent badasses of our current times, Sgt. Brad "Iceman" Colbert


From this unreal series of sketches by concept artist Miguel Iglesias. Is it just me, or are they almost like sketches for a casting director? :huh.: All credit due to him. 




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They're all amazing, but I have to say the following really stood out to me:

4. Perturabo: the unkempt eye and the wild eyes just breathes a level of life into him unlike anything we've seen. Like he's too much of a (evil) genius playing in his lab to do anything basic like grooming

16. Horus: this might be my favorite of them all. Holy :cuss does he get the look right. It's almost Mona Lisa quality smile. You can totally see that smirk breaking into a charming grin just as much as you can see him making the same smirk as he watches foes immolating before him. With a literal twinkle in his eye and a knowing smirk. Amazing!


1. Lion El'Jonson: oh man is that a grizzled knight look! I like how it kind of makes him look the oldest...like the First would!

5. Khan: calm, cool, aloof, uncaring with a signature whole-face scar. Perfect!

14. Mortarion: looks straight out of central casting, like how a show would actually portray him (instead of a permanent breather on his face)


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Stumbled across what might be (IMO) one of the best sketches of Sanguinius I've ever seen. The right balance of chiseled (as all Primarchs are) and "beautiful man."






Looks like he was almost based on Alexander Skarsgard

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which would be fitting since that actor plays one of the emininent badasses of our current times, Sgt. Brad "Iceman" Colbert


From this unreal series of sketches by concept artist Miguel Iglesias. Is it just me, or are they almost like sketches for a casting director? :huh.: All credit due to him.




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They're all amazing, but I have to say the following really stood out to me:

4. Perturabo: the unkempt eye and the wild eyes just breathes a level of life into him unlike anything we've seen. Like he's too much of a (evil) genius playing in his lab to do anything basic like grooming

16. Horus: this might be my favorite of them all. Holy :cuss does he get the look right. It's almost Mona Lisa quality smile. You can totally see that smirk breaking into a charming grin just as much as you can see him making the same smirk as he watches foes immolating before him. With a literal twinkle in his eye and a knowing smirk. Amazing!


1. Lion El'Jonson: oh man is that a grizzled knight look! I like how it kind of makes him look the oldest...like the First would!

5. Khan: calm, cool, aloof, uncaring with a signature whole-face scar. Perfect!

14. Mortarion: looks straight out of central casting, like how a show would actually portray him (instead of a permanent breather on his face)


These look great, but it kind of turns into "the many faces of Mark Strong" towards the end. Horus in particular.

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Father Sanguinius looks very nice indeed!
I'm not a fan of those scars all across the Primarchs faces cause fluff-wise, they should have extraordinary healing capabilities. I agree to Khan's scarring as it looks OK in light of Chogoris's tribal customs.

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Having scars doesn't contradict having extraordinary healing capabilities. It just means the wounds were this severe. ^^

Also the wounds on Sanguinius face in that artwork are clearly fresh so they aren't exactly scars. ;)

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Just you're regular old battle. We civilians tend to forget (or just not know) just how dusty, smoky, muddy, bloody, and just plain dirty battles tend to be. Visibility typically goes to :cuss as soon as the first shots are fired (smokeless powder be :cuss -ed). Knicks, scrapes, scratches, broken digits, sprained ankles, all that sort of stuff is quite common just from the battlescape itself, before you even engage with the foe.


And don't forget explosions. Explosions cause havoc. Shrapnel goes everywhere, often on scales that you don't even notice. Splinters and flecks can hit a person without them even realizing it until it's all over.


Take good ol' William Wallace (aka Mel Gibson in Braveheart)...he looks quite messed up after a battle that he pretty much kicked major :cuss in and I don't think he took a single hit from the enemy:





TL; DR: it's extremely rare for anyone to walk away from any scale fight without a single scratch on them.  Yea, you're a primarch, but you're also wrestling Titans....

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Today (Yesterday actually), I spent doing a rush job painting a razorback and striping and repainting my Mephisiton. Then I spent some time decaling up the razorback and some other troops for a Tourny this coming weekend. Gonna run this one by the seat of my pants, as I wasn't sure I could do it until the almost the last minute. so I'm only going to have one game of practice with the list I'm bringing. But its all painted and decaled, so that's a good start.

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First Melee Scout Painted in a Baal Desert Camo Scheme. Got 14 more to do.


<photo snip>


Oh snap! I've been running "midnight camo" (black primer) scouts for a while now since I've been searching for a Baalite desert color scheme I like. What paints did you use for yours?


p.s. love the George Carlin flame-thrower quote in your profile

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 Got my first post-ETL game in against a frenemy who runs Black Templars. I haven't played since early July, so it was as much a get-the-lead-out type game as well as wanting to including as many of the ETL-painted units that I could.


Brought the following:


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Blood Angels Brigade 2000pts




-jump pack

-lightning claws x 2



-jump pack

-thunder hammer

-storm shield



-jump pack

-thunder hammer

-storm bolter


The Sanguinor



Scouts x 5

-CQC + pistol x 4

-Sgt chainsword + bolter


Scouts x 5

-CQC + pistol x 4

-Sgt chainsword + bolter


Intercessors x 5

-bolt rifles x 4

-Sgt power sword + bolt rifle


Intercessors x 5

-bolt rifles x 4

-Sgt power sword + bolt rifle


Intercessors x 5

-bolt rifles x 4

-Sgt power sword + bolt rifle


Intercessors x 5

-bolt rifles x 4

-Sgt power sword + bolt rifle



Company Ancient

-jump pack

-storm bolter


Company Veterans x 2

-jump packs

-chainsword x 2

-Sgt chainsword x 2


Sanguinary Guard x 7

-power fist + angelus boltgun x 7



Assault Marine x 5

-bolt pistol + chainsword x 2

-inferno pistol + chainsword x 2

-Sgt. inferno pistol + power sword


Assault Marine x 5

-bolt pistol + chainsword x 2

-inferno pistol + chainsword x 2

-Sgt. inferno pistol + power sword


Attack Bike

-heavy bolter



Devastators x 5

-lascannon x 2

-heavy bolter x 1

-bolter x 1

-Sgt bolter

-armorium cherub


Devastators x 5

-lascannon x 2

-heavy bolter x 1

-bolter x 1

-Sgt bolter

-armorium cherub


Devastators x 5

-lascannon x 2

-heavy bolter x 1

-bolter x 1

-Sgt bolter

-armorium cherub



The Sanguinor

WLT: Fearless 6" bubble



Veritas Vitae on Lieutenant

Angel's Wing on LC Capt

Standard of Sacrifice on Company Ancient



went up against the following:


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Black Templars 2000pts






Emperor's Champion


Crusaders x 10

-power sword x 2

-melta gun x 2


Crusaders x 10

-power sword x 2

-melta gun x 2


Crusaders x 10

-power sword x 2

-Chainsword x 8




-twin multi-melta

-twin lascannons

-hurricane bolters x 2




-storm bolter x 2

-hunter-killer missile



-storm bolter x 2

-hunter-killer missile




Captain (upgraded to Chapter Master)

-jump pack

-Teeth of Terra

-storm shield



-jump pack

-power axe

-storm bolter



Intercessor x 10

-aux grenade launcher


Intercessor x 10

-aux grenade launcher


Intercessor x 10

-aux grenade launcher


Short version:

We played 2 missions together: the Eternal War kill points one + Tactical Escalation


It was a dance of the Intercessors, with both of our units playing stay-out-of-line-of-sight of each other. I played quite defensively and craftily (I thought) countered his Stormraven only for him to use it to kill 5/7 Sang Guard. He was up 10-3 for most of the game and it was looking grim. I am not used to playing defensive, but I felt I had to keep my "battle line" of Intercessors as much together since his 30 intercessors with full re-rolls had the advantage in that match up unless I could get into melee.


The game was looking pretty grim until he tried to go for the kill and moved all 4 of his HQ up to support a Crusader blob and Intercessor squad going for the kill on 2x of my Intercessor squads peeking out. I had five objective cards that had to do with killing enemy characters/units in CQC, plus the kill points for doing so. My opponent basically forgot about my jump pack units hiding and I pounced, slaying all 4 of his characters for a combined 12 VP in a single turn, with no successful roll to go past Turn 5.


Blood Angels (barely) win: 21-19



  • Intercessors in cover are VERY durable (no surprise)
  • Melee vs melee: just like a boxing match, it doesn't matter who can hit harder, but who has the better footwork and endurance. BA have the advantage with the former, if you can maintain good positioning
  • Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever give up. Make Sanguinius proud!
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First Melee Scout Painted in a Baal Desert Camo Scheme. Got 14 more to do.


<photo snip>


Oh snap! I've been running "midnight camo" (black primer) scouts for a while now since I've been searching for a Baalite desert color scheme I like. What paints did you use for yours?



Karak Stone Base >Zamesi Desert and Mournfang Brown Camo Patches> Seraphim Sepia and Reikland Fleshshade> Couple of dots of Tau Light Ochre.

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