Dosjetka Posted August 5, 2016 Share Posted August 5, 2016 (edited) IMPERIAL FISTS EXPANSION IV Are you are loyal Son of Dorn who has models to paint but no motivation? Are you part of the Emperor's finest and wish to beat the snot out of those cowardly Iron Warriors who hide behind their walls with their so-called "big guns"? If this sounds like you, welcome to the fourth edition of the Imperial Fists Expansion!An event that started out very small with only a handful of Frater joining in the fun which has now grown in size and popularity among the Sons of Dorn here on the B&C. Last year we managed to have twenty-five participants with twelve of them emerging as victors over the forces of Chaos that had spilled forth from the Eye of Terror.This year shall be a little different though; indeed the Iron Warriors have seen us muster for painting war and have started gathering their own forces to try and challenge us. This is why I turn to you now, brothers and sisters, children of Rogal Dorn, to join the fight and to give the Iron Warriors and their miserable allies a beating they shall remember until the End of Time.Rise, Sons of Dorn! Mankind calls and we shall answer! Raise shields and stand firm! Blood shall be spilt and glory shall be had! Rise, in the name of Dorn and the Emperor! OUTLINE The Imperial Fists Expansion (IFE) is an event open to all Sons of Dorn, whether in the disant past of M30/M31 or in the dark future of the 41st Millennium, with the aim of getting your unpainted models out of boxes and onto the painting table! You will have four months to paint as many models/points as possible. Since we are competing against the Iron Warriors, the aim shall be to paint more points than they have in the same time frame. While you will only be able to vow Codex-legal units, there will be one small exception that I will cover later on for people who just want to paint a one-off model to test out a colour scheme, join in the fun without committing to paint too much, or both! Reward-wise, there shall be two types: personal rewards shall be in the shape of signature banners for each and every person who completes their vow(s) in the given time and if we beat the Chaos side (which we will ), I shall craft a victory banner for us to proudly display as the winning team. For those of you who are new to this, you might want to check out last year's event to get a feel of what it shall be like (ie. heaps of fun). For the veterans... welcome back, battle-scarred Astartes! RULES The rules for this event are simple:1. TEAMSYou pick a side between the Imperial Fists and their successors or the Iron Warriors and their splinter groups. If you are reading this, the choice is already made. Welcome to the winning team, Frater.2. VOWSEvery participant on either side must make at least one (1) and up to a maximum of seven (7) vows. Each of these vows must have at least one (1) and up to four (4) Codex-legal units. There is no limit on points.To be accepted, the vow must be posted either in this thread (for the Sons of Dorn) or the Iron Without thread (for the Sons of Perturabo) using the following format (minor variations accepted): Quote I, [insert name here], vow on the honour of [insert Chapter/Legion name here] to fully paint at least [unit name, wargear, and quantity] from [source (ie. book, dataslate, etc)], and worth [total points value] by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.Ave Imperator! It is crucial to note the following things:If you fail to complete one vow, then all previous vows are considered void and do not count towards the final points total; You must start work on your vow after having submitted it. Miniatures that are entered into the challenge must be unpainted, undercoated, or in the very early stages of painting. If you are unsure whether or not your models qualify for entry, please ask. A vow must be completed before another is made. Also, once submitted, a vow cannot be modified in any shape or form so think before you pledge! 3. VICTORYOnce the event is over and the dust has settled, a number of things shall happen.Firstly, for all of those who have successfully completed all of their vows, there shall be a signature banner celebrating their personal success and the upkeep of their promise. Wear it with pride as you continue your activities on the Bolter & Chainsword!Secondly, Lord Thorn and I shall have the wonderful task of going through all of the vows and do the tally of successful vows to determine which of the two teams is the winner. The winning team will receive a special signature badge to celebrate victory over their rivals. DEADLINES FIRST VOW START DATE: Saturday 20th August 2016PAINTING START DATE: Saturday 27th August 2016FIRST VOW DEADLINE: Saturday 17th September 2016, at 18:00 GMTPAINTING END DATE: Saturday 3rd December 2016, at 18:00 GMTAll deadlines shall be strictly observed. Make sure you give yourself enough time to post your vows and then complete them to avoid any disappointment! There shall be no exceptions! LEGAL UNITS Each vow must be made up of at least one unit from the latest Codex: Space Marines, Imperial Armour Vol 2 - War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes, the Angels of Death supplement, or the relevant Forge World Horus Heresy books and dataslates. These can be mixed and matched but their source must be clear. If you have any doubts, please ask.There is one exception to this rule for the people who just want to join in for a bit of fun without painting masses of models:You can vow a single, infantry-sized model (in power armour and variants or Terminator armour) of your choice as your first vow. No other units can be pledged in this first vow and you can only make such a vow once during the whole event. Whatever the wargear choice, model in game terms, etc. this entry will always have a fixed value of 50 points. This is to give people the opportunity to model and paint a one-off model of their choice while also allowing them to contribute to the overall effort. DeathwatchThe question has come up a couple of times whether Dornian Deathwatch members are allowed or not. While you cannot use the units in Codex: Deathwatch, most of them have equivalents in Codex: Space Marines so if you'd like to paint up a unit in Deathwatch colours which is made up 100% of Imperial Fists and/or successors, feel free to do so! IMPORTANT:It goes without saying that all models must represent a member of the Imperial Fists Chapter/Legion or one of their many successors.It also goes without saying that all vowed models must respect WYSIWYG as much as possible. Last but not least, your models must be anywhere between a 'still-in-box' state to assembled and basecoated with the main colour to be accepted. If unsure, please ask in the General Banter thread or PM me. TROPHIES Since we are doing this event in tandem with the Iron Warriors B&C community, Lord Thørn and I have decided to introduce the concept of trophies. Trophies are a way to add detail to your models while also giving you a small points bonus for the overall points score. The given bonus will be a +10% point increase (rounding down) for the trophy'd unit when we do the totals at the end of the event. To be eligible, at least 50% of the unit's models need to have a trophy. For example, in the case of a Dreadnought unit made up of one Dreadnought, you only need to add a single element to the Dreadnought's base (a split helmet) for it to be considered trophy'd. However in a five-man Tactical Squad, three of the five models need to have a trophy for the unit to be considered trophy'd. In the case of a ten-man Squad, at least five models must have a trophy.A trophy can be one of the following (non-exhaustive list):The helmet of a fallen warrior; A banner that has been cast down; The burning remains of armour/a vehicle; Etc It goes without saying that these trophies must represent the opposing team (in our case, Iron Warriors) and must immediately recognisable as such. BANNERS 300 x 100 px 33 x 100 px IMPORTANT STUFF Out-of-competiton vowsThere could be cases that what people want to build/paint cannot be reconciled with the rules posted above. For example, some might want to do crazy conversions or scratch builds; others might want to paint miniatures from other gaming systems, such as Epic, BFG, etc; some might miss the deadline for joining in; or some want to paint models which aren't included within the allowed Codecies and books. It’s also a possibility that some cases people might want to paint miniatures from the rival team (HERESY! ). With that in mind, out-of-competition vows are allowed and can be added to the Rules & Vow thread (this one) but shall not be counted towards the team totals at the end of the event! You are expected to finish your vow(s) however so make sure you get them done by the deadline! If unsure...I could put whole list of other things here but most of that is common sense. However, if you have any questions concerning anything that might be unclear or not mentioned in the post above, please do not hesitate to ask by posting or by sending me a PM! The most important rule of allHave fun! Ave Imperator! Edited March 13, 2017 by Brother Tyler Tags edited Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted August 5, 2016 Share Posted August 5, 2016 (edited) · Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given :::incoming transmission::: :::source - ENCRYPTED <vermillion-Θ-3>::: :::decrypting::: :::decrypting::: :::decrypting::: :::processing::: :::inload begins::: Legion Command. Your message is received. Storm Battalion assets are inbound to the muster. We know our duty. For Dorn and the Emperor. :::inload ends::: Edited August 5, 2016 by The Psycho Link to comment
Soldier of Dorn Posted August 7, 2016 Share Posted August 7, 2016 · Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given On 8/6/2016 at 11:17 PM, Disruptor_fe404 said: Badass! I mean, I'm behind schedule on my ETL vow, but badass nonetheless! What's the timeframe been for previous IFEs? Expansion I was held from 7 March 2012 until 31 June 2012, Expansion II was held from 22 September 2012 until 29 December 2012, and Expansion III was held from 15 September 2015 to 15 December 2015, so about three months. Link to comment
Dosjetka Posted August 16, 2016 Author Share Posted August 16, 2016 · Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given As the Imperial Fists and their successors prepare for war, reports of an old foe surging forward to meet them head-on emerge. As the fires of the Forge burn bright and hot, as the Chapter Serfs repair and sanctify their masters' wargear, as mighty warships maneuver into position among the growing fleet, the Chapter Master and his senior officers try to ascertain the veracity of these claims and source more details as to the exact nature of this enemy. If the prognostication is revealed to be true, the Sons of Dorn will have to fight hard indeed... Contact in D-18... Link to comment
Soldier of Dorn Posted August 16, 2016 Share Posted August 16, 2016 · Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Can't wait for this to come! It'll be part of my penance for my abysmal failure in the ETL (even if I did vow for foul Chaos :P) Also, I'll just drop this here, y'know, if someone needs some extra inspiration or something. Stand Your Ground O Sons of Dorn Stand your ground O Sons of Dorn, And brace against the storm. This night of battle is nearly done O come expectant morn. The ashes rose on Terra's face, her beauty fore'er scarred. The treachery of a beloved son Had worn away her skin. Bombardments rained on that day And thunder broke the skies. But from the Wall a war-cry rose, And rallied against our foes. O stand your ground ye Sons of Dorn, And brace against the storm. This night of battle is nearly done We soon shall see the morn. The stalwart VII, the mighty Fists, The unflinching Sons of Dorn. They met the fury armed with shield And matched it with their own. Bolter crack'd and chainblade rung Against such adamant will And the only sound that was heard from the line, Was the song of the Sons of Dorn. O stand your ground all Sons of Dorn, And brace against the storm. This night of battle is nearly done For we shall bring the morn. For fifty days and fifty nights, They stood against the tide. Against daemon, man, and Space Marine They always did survive. And in the end they brought the day Against the unholy ones. The traitors were routed, the victory was won, And with it He ascended To the glorious Golden Throne. We stood our ground, we Sons of Dorn, Upon us broke the storm. The night of Horus is broken Our armor brings the morn. Link to comment
Soldier of Dorn Posted August 17, 2016 Share Posted August 17, 2016 · Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Aboard the great battle barge, the Shield-Commandant views the hololithic data-stream carefully. This newest piece of information received from Legion Command has him worried. The enemy has been engaged by the advance forces of the muster, but intelligence on the enemy is limited. Nevertheless, he is an Imperial Fist, the men under his command the same, and they will persevere. Turning away from the projector, he looks upon his gathered brothers- soldiers all, boltgun and chainblade clasped to their breasts, awaiting his command. The men of the Line form the bulk of the force in power armor, armed with bolters: the elite of them forming Master Sergeant Slade's Grenadier corps. Behind them, indomitable in their mighty Terminator armor, stand Donovan's Wallbreakers, with their towering Dreadnoughts in support, and in the shadows lurk the Seekers, those grim killers of the battalion. This is not the whole of the battalion, of course, but all those who could were summoned to this meeting. As befits any soldier of the Burden, none refused the call. Clearing his throat, in a sonorous baritone, he spoke. "Brothers. Darkness gathers, and we have been called to stand against. We have never failed in our duty before, and we shall never do so - ours is the burden. So we learn - the first lesson we are taught. We know this from our father himself, from his faithfulness to the Emperor. We have been called to this campaign, and we shall hold true to our name - we shall be the Storm. Walls shall fall because we stand, and we can ask for nothing more. So we fulfill our duty once more, in peace and in war, in sorrow and jubilation, and until our ashes rest with the bones of our brothers in the citadels of old Earth. We march." Link to comment
Dosjetka Posted August 17, 2016 Author Share Posted August 17, 2016 · Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given It looks like we have found our foe, brothers... Raise shields and stand firm, in the name of Dorn and the Emperor! Link to comment
Soldier of Dorn Posted August 17, 2016 Share Posted August 17, 2016 (edited) · Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given Hidden by Dosjetka, September 30, 2016 - No reason given I've been feeling somewhat... inspired over the past couple days, so this morning I posted this in our opponents' thread. On 8/17/2016 at 5:25 PM, The Psycho said: "Warsmiths of the IV Legion." So the broad-spectrum transmission begins, addressing the many lords and commanders of the legion of Perturabo. Across the gathering fleet of Iron, in command chambers and personal sanctums, the hololithic image of one of their most hated foes speaks these words. The Imperial Fist is clad in simple armor, but minor things attest to his rank: the cross upon his shoulder, the markings of Shield-Commandant on his breast, the mere fact he addresses them now. "Warsmiths of the IV Legion. I know your bitterness at us, I saw it in the furnace of this war we are embroiled in. I do not understand it, but I know it - your hatred, your thirst for vengeance, your bitterness. It is a hatred that has festered for too long, and I wonder, where did it originate? In the Great Crusade, or even earlier - perhaps even since Roma? Whatever the case might be, you have hated us, and that hatred has killed too many of my men and brothers to simply let it slide. I am not a man given in to sanguine humors, so believe me when I say this is not a quest for vengeance, it is not an act made in wrath. No. It is an act of retribution, one of justice. As at Phall, we shall stand once more against your heresy and your perversion, but we shall finish the blow this time. Your Legion will fall, your fortifications put to the torch. Your walls will fall because I, a son of Dorn, stand against them. This is the duty I have undertaken, my oath of moment. One thing you should remember, my cousins, and that my brothers and I will show you in the coming war: Iron corrodes." +++ All in good nature of course For Dorn and the Emperor! Edited August 17, 2016 by The Psycho Link to comment
Dosjetka Posted August 20, 2016 Author Share Posted August 20, 2016 (edited) PARTICIPANTS Imperial Fists Expansion IV Vows Frater Chapter/Legion Vow # Value Pledge Complete Aeternas Imperial Fists I 230 pts Link Link Andrew ChristliebBlack TemplarsI130 ptsLinkLink Celestial LionsII255 ptsLinkLink III260 ptsLinkLink Black TemplarsIV260 ptsLinkLink Augustus b'RaassImperial FistsI55 ptsLinkLink II375 ptsLinkLink III182 ptsLinkLink IV285 ptsLinkLink V300 ptsLinkLink VI145 ptsLinkLink VII85 ptsLinkLink Brother CalliusImperial FistsI462 ptsLinkLink Brother CambriusVanquishersI260 ptsLinkLink Brother CarnImperial FistsI805 ptsLinkLink Imperial FistsII270 ptsLinkLink BrotherJimImperial FistsI489 ptsLinkLink Brother Sgt KartrMailled FistsI395 ptsLinkLink Brother SPInterdictorsI295 ptsLinkLink Canadian_F_HBlack TemplarsI280 ptsLinkLink Disruptor_fe404SentinelsI130 ptsLinkLink DosjetkaImperial FistsI130 ptsLinkLink FirepowerBlack TemplarsI230 ptsLinkLink Gaius AtticusCrimson FistsI255 ptsLinkLink GastosRhorImperial FistsIN/ALinkLink HalandaarImperial FistsI140 ptsLinkLink HellebrasImperial FistsI140 ptsLinkLink HomemadeWermsBlack TemplarsI215 ptsLinkLink JAG TemplarBlack TemplarsI320 ptsLinkLink jimbo13Imperial FistsI130 ptsLinkLink II182 ptsLinkLink KisadaImperial FistsI165 ptsLinkLink Black TemplarsII145 ptsLinkLink Imperial FistsIII160 ptsLinkLink KontaktBlack TemplarsI1'040 ptsLinkLink LachdannanImperial FistsI290 ptsLinkLink LionofJudahImperial FistsI185 ptsLinkLink LippyBlack TemplarsI195 ptsLinkLink II280 ptsLinkLink III130 ptsLinkLink IV240 ptsLinkLink Marshal MattiasBlack TemplarsI330 ptsLinkLink Marshal_RoujakisBlack TemplarsI260 ptsLinkLink mccaptainImperial FistsI145 ptsLinkLink II145 ptsLinkLink MelmothSteel GuardI50 ptsLinkLink mithrilforgeImperial FistsI120 ptsLinkLink notran11Imperial FistsI250 ptsLinkLink NovemberIXNovember WarriorsI660 ptsLinkLink nusphigorCrimson FistsI165 ptsLinkLink OctothorpeBlack TemplarsI360 ptsLinkLink paulJamImperial FistsI160 ptsLinkLink Pearson73Gordian SonsI140 ptsLinkLink PeterHImperial FistsI180 ptsLinkLink PineamineSubjugatorsI50 ptsLinkLink Pyroclast91Imperial FistsI270 ptsLinkLink Scion of FerrusScions of Ferrus-N/ALinkLink SCOTT_FRANCISBlack Templars-N/ALinkLink Black TemplarsI125 ptsLinkLink Black TemplarsII187 ptsLinkLink SeteKnights of DornI150 ptsLinkLink ShVagYeRImperial FistsI88 ptsLinkLink SonofCarnelianCrimson LordsI50 ptsLinkLink TheOneTrueZonBlack TemplarsI340 ptsLinkLink The PsychoImperial FistsI666 ptsLinkLink tvihBlack Templars/Crimson FistsI675 ptsLinkLink II540 ptsLinkLink III560 ptsLinkLink TOTAL VOWED [/td]17'196 pts TOTAL COMPLETED 11'585 pts COMPLETION RATE [td=Value]67.37% Note: List sorted in alphabetical order. Total number of participants: 47 (2 OOC) Edited December 5, 2016 by Dosjetka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 20, 2016 Author Share Posted August 20, 2016 (edited) I, Dosjetka, Overseer of the Phalanx, Captain of the Imperial Fists, vow on the honour of my Chapter to fully paint a five-man Tactical Squad with a plasma gun and combi-plasma and a Rhino worth 130 points from Codex: Space Marines by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow. Failure is not an option.Raise the storm, brothers! Ave Imperator! Edited October 3, 2016 by Dosjetka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hellebras Posted August 20, 2016 Share Posted August 20, 2016 (edited) I, Hellebras, vow on the honour of the Imperial Fists to fully paint at least one five-man Assault Squad with an eviscerator, 2 flamers, and a Veteran Sergeant with a power fist from Codex: Space Marines, and worth 140 points by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and His on Terra! Ave Imperator! Edited August 21, 2016 by Hellebras Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted August 20, 2016 Share Posted August 20, 2016 :::incoming transmission::: :::source - ENCRYPTED <vermillion-Θ-3>::: :::decrypting::: :::decrypting::: :::decrypting::: :::processing::: :::inload begins::: Legion Command: Storm Battalion support elements immediately inbound. Full TO&E due no later than 2200 PST//Terran Sidereel. In the name of Dorn, let the heavens shake and mountains crumble, for his Sons are come upon our enemies. :::inload ends::: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kisada Posted August 20, 2016 Share Posted August 20, 2016 What does it mean by the first vow deadline date? Is that the day you need to finish painting your first vow? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted August 20, 2016 Share Posted August 20, 2016 I, NovemberIX, vow on the honour of the November Warriors to fully paint at least one +][REDACTED][+ to be revealed after September 17 from IA:2, and worth a minimum of 540 points by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honor to Dorn, the IX, and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms. Chronos Bellum! Tempus Belli Per Novem!This post will be edited after September 17 with the proper information after some xenos scum are stamped out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 20, 2016 Author Share Posted August 20, 2016 On 8/20/2016 at 9:16 PM, Kisada said: What does it mean by the first vow deadline date? Is that the day you need to finish painting your first vow? No, that's the deadline by which you must submit your first vow. Past that date, only people who have already vowed and completed their vow can make another (up to the limit). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kisada Posted August 20, 2016 Share Posted August 20, 2016 Ah thanks. This is perfect timing. I was just getting back into the game and have some heresy Imperial Fists I wanted to do. I have 2 marines with the basecoat/shade yellow done and 1 with some of the other colors done. Can they count towards a 10man unit vow if I stop painting them and work on putting the rest of the squad together? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 20, 2016 Author Share Posted August 20, 2016 Since only three models are past the basecoat stage, I'll say the unit is valid for vowing. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kisada Posted August 20, 2016 Share Posted August 20, 2016 (edited) I, Kisada, Knight Templar, loyal son of Dorn, vow on the honor of the VIIth Legion to provide one fully equipped and painted ten-man Legion Tactical Squad with bolters, a legion vexilla, and led by a sergeant in artificer armor wielding a power fist and melta bomb worth 165 points from the Horus Heresy- Legiones Astartes Army List by Satuday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honor to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms. Start Picture Reveal hidden contents Edited August 24, 2016 by Kisada Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Carnelian Posted August 20, 2016 Share Posted August 20, 2016 I, SonofCarnelian, Chapter Master of the Crimson Lords, Sovereign of Carnelian, vow on the honour of my Chapter to fully paint a single model worth 50 points from Codex: Space Marines by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow. Failure is not an option. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted August 21, 2016 Share Posted August 21, 2016 (edited) BLOODIED BUT UNBOWED Terra: The Trenches, during the Siege Trooper Aaran ran through the trenches, boltgun clenched in his fist, golden yellow armor splattered with mud. Ducking as an explosion sounded somewhere nearby, throwing up many tons of earth, he took cover next to a wall as the bombardment continued. A chain of detonations sounded as close by a munitions depot was hit. Scrambling, Aaran hurried through the trenches, searching for surviving 284-BTN troops. Before he could, he was found by the enemy. A unit of Seekers, gunmetal armor marked by the chevrons of their Legion, came upon him, armed with vicious-looking combi-plasmas. Circling around him like a pack of hyenas, they laughed as they conversed in the guttural Olympian crypto-cant dialect adopted by members of the IV, discussing what to do with their newfound prey. Aaran didn't understand the words, but he understood their meaning well enough: he was going to die. Fitting, he supposed. He was born here, on hallowed Terra, recruited by the VII Legion to crusade among the stars, and though he had expected to die out there, it was grimly appropriate that he would die here, in the place of his birth, alongside the rest of his unit. His bones would join those of the first Imperial Fists, interred within the foundations of the Imperium's first fortresses and citadels. As the Iron Warriors closed in on him, vicious combat blades drawn so to draw out his death painfully and hatefully, Trooper Aaran closed his eyes and subtly moved his hand to the pin of a grenade at his belt. He was a son of Dorn to the end, and he would end his days with the stubbornness and stoicism so noted among his line. He would not bend so low as to let them see his agony. He would deny them this final victory. Because of this, he did not notice the blue glow coalescing behind the IV Legion soldiers. The Iron Warriors were too blinded by their hatred of the VII Legionnaire to let anything distract them from their kill. As Aaran awaited his end, he heard the heavy thump of an Illiastus-pattern assault cannon and Olympian voices screaming out orders in response. A heavy whine filled the air: that of a multi-melta cycling up to charge, and then a low explosion. Aaran's armor was hit by shards of bone and silvered power armor, flesh and gore making a softer sound as impacted against his wargear and the ground around. Opening his eyes, he watched as a group of Fists in massive Cataphractii armor tore through the Seekers, chainfists rending flesh and flamer weapons burning everything, all the while a towering Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought supported them, whirring siege drill pulverizing as the enemy was atomized by its multi-melta. He stood frozen: this must be what mortals spoke of when they talked of transhuman dread: he'd seen Terminators before, both in parade form and in battle, but never up close. The Wallbreaker Elite of the Storm Battalion were only deployed to particular sections of the battlefield, where the situation was dire enough to warrant their attention, and Aaran had only ever seen them from a distance. Here, up close, the Terminators fought with a fearful viciousness and brutality unrivaled by any other save perhaps for the most zealous of the Legion: the Templar Brethren of the First Captain, Warden Rahn's command, and perhaps a few others. It was over in seconds: the Iron Warriors lay dead, slain to a man. Chainfists whirring down, the Terminators strode towards Aaran, the Contemptor standing watch over them all, a sentinel protecting his charges. Many of them wore no helmet, including the leader apparent. Though he wore no markings noting him as a sergeant, the way he signaled the men of the unit to fan out and patrol left little doubt that he acted in that capacity. When he spoke, he spoke with a voice low even for one of the Legiones Astartes. Identification. Though there were few tonal identifiers to indicate it, there was little doubt that this was not a question, but an order. "Trooper Aaran, LA-7299317, 3 Tactical, Company A 284 Storm Battalion. Captain Huss' command." And where is your unit, soldier? "Dead or lost, sir. The Fourth fell upon us, and those few of us who survived the initial ambush were scattered. The Iron Warriors sent out hunting parties, like the ones here, so I have no doubt that they took out many of us. The Warriors may not always be the most efficient in war, but they are always effective in their task. I am certain many of my section died as a result. Thus, as far as I know, I am the last of 3 Tactical." I see. That is... unfortunate. Turning away, the Terminator addressed his squad. Moran, Fischbach, double check the bodies. We can't afford to let our enemy to come back and bite us in the back. Rawles, you take point. We're moving out. The venerable Justici can cover us. "Sir?" Aaran had never questioned a superior officer before. There was a first time for everything. Trooper. "Where are you going, sergeant?" Firstly, never call me Sergeant. I am Wallbreaker Lysander, and I am squad second of Wallbreaker-1. Sergeant Marvex is required... elsewhere. As for where we are going, we are going to do what every man of the battalion is trained to do. We are going to go perform our duty. In this case, this means acting as the living bastion of the 284th, rallying the surviving troops in this sector. That is why you will be coming with us. We're the reinforcements, soldier. We're the reinforcements. As the nine Terminator armored figures strode over the muddy battlefield, accompanied by the monolithic form of the Contemptor amidst the smoke and flame, Aaran followed them. A single Marine of the Line, armored in battered Mk IV Maximus plate, lonely among these godly masters of War, armed with nothing but a bolter. He shouldn't have mattered, not by himself, he was alone, the last survivor of his squad, a single Angel of Death. But every army starts with a single soldier. +++ I, The Psycho, Shield-Commandant of the 284th, Soldier of the VII Legion, vow by the name of my Primarch Dorn to fully paint a nine-man Legion Terminator Squad with combi-weapons, chainfists, teleport transponders, and an assault cannon; and a Contemptor Dreadnought with chainfist, heavy flamer, and multi-melta worth 666 points from the Legion Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bear the burden of this duty to my Legion, and reinforce their ranks against our enemies the Iron Warriors. I will not fail. Edited August 26, 2016 by The Psycho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 21, 2016 Author Share Posted August 21, 2016 + List updated. + Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 21, 2016 Author Share Posted August 21, 2016 Great to see already six participants! I look forward to seeing more pledge their vows to the Sons of Dorn over the coming weeks. No need for aggressive recruitment tactics but if you spot someone who might be interested in joining, feel free to mention the Expansion! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulJam Posted August 21, 2016 Share Posted August 21, 2016 (edited) I paulJam, vow on the honour of Imperial Fist to fully paint one ten man tactical squad consisting of one sergeant, seven battle brothers with bolters, one brother with a heavy bolter, and another armed with a melta gun. These will be sources from codex astartes trained individuals, and worth 160 points by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.Ave Imperator! first vow prepaint... first paint... Edited September 10, 2016 by paulJam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hellebras Posted August 21, 2016 Share Posted August 21, 2016 I'm a bit new to the B&C-style painting vows; do we just attach the starting pictures to the vow posts? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 21, 2016 Author Share Posted August 21, 2016 You can attach them to vow posts but posting them here or posting them in the WIP subforum in the Forge and linking them here also works. :) So long as you have posted starting pics and I can find them without too much trouble, you don't have to worry too much about where you post them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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