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My word, it's been a while since I last posted models on here. It's good to be back!


I've had a lot of Heresy stuff for a while now, and never really got around to painting it. Assembling it, sure, but not painting with the exception of 10 Cataphractii Terminators to get a feel for the scheme. With a day off today I figured why not, I'll put some time in and finish something that's been on my desk for a while, so I picked one of the Leviathans I have waiting for paint, and here he is (still drying in places) -




Apologies for the slapdash picture - I have a mini pop-up photo studio in the post which should increase the quality of future pictures. No need for flash and so on. This guy's arms are magnetized so I can swap them out with his friends. I have a full Talon of these guys even though at that points they'll likely never ever see a game together!


Edit 11/01/17 - Retook a better picture using the lightbox, much better!


In the pipeline I have, roughly -

2 Scimitar Jetbikes

Whirlwind Scorpius




Nearly all of that is assembled and in dire need of paint so I'll be using this plog as a means to actually motivate myself to paint as I don't really game currently. Ideally I'd want some Quad Mortars and Medusas, but the above is already far more than enough to actually get finished before I really consider getting more.


What I've managed to complete so far -

44 Marines

2 Deimos Rhinos

Original Rhino


3 Graviton Rapiers with crew

3 Leviathan Dreadnoughts

'Telemon' Dreadnought

3 Contemptor Dreadnoughts

2 Deredeo Dreadnoughts

An Iron Circle Domitar

1 Scimitar Jetbike

10 Cataphractii Terminators

5 Tartaros Terminators

4 Mk I Terminators



Forge Lord / Techmarine


The leader himself, Pretty Rambo


Primaris Marines

Sorceror on Disk of Tzeentch

Chaos Lord with jump pack

Sorceror with jump pack

Dark Apostle

14 Beserkers

Redemptor Dreadnought


Any comments are more then welcome, and here's to hoping you enjoy this Iron Warrior hokey cokey!

Impressive. I have to wonder why the Dreadnought gummed up his siege drill by using it against flesh-and-blood targets, which would likely reduce its efficiency when it's used against armor and fortifications. Is he trying to emulate the Night Lords?

Cheers guys! The gore is clearly because he used it on some armour, but it turns out there were crew inside.


Not too much managed today as it was a work day, but I managed to get basecoats on the other 2 Leviathans, 5 marines and at least the bodies of 2 Contemptors. One Levi and the 5 marines also got the first prelim wash.





Sweet. Look forward to following along.



Remind me what is the name of the GW Metallic base spray favoured by the sons of purturbo? I have a small IW warband I need to do myself... was it lead Belcher?

I've been priming black for coverage then using light coats of lead belcher. Seems to be working alright and I've not noticed any real loss of detail.


Managed to finish up the first 5 marines, though no mini photo booth yet -



Slowly but surely getting there! I've also got a pair of rapier chassis basecoated, so it's a toss up between working on those next or the next Levi.

Damn those look nice. I want to go for something like it but a tad more hazard stripes (tho idk if I can manage them at all yet) and definitly a little dirtier.


Oh... and mine won't be as well painted... lol

Oh don't think my personal taste for filth and my vague imagining of how many hazard stripes they need as any kind of criticism.


Everything in this thread so far is splendiferous and inspirational.

Yeah, those are fair points about the icons, another wash just in the eyes, nose and mouth should sort them out.


As for a true scale marine hiding in the back, yeah he is! I'd originally planned to make a bunch then ended up using the legs for actual terminators, but with a spare set I put him together.


I actually bought some Tartaros Termies from the Prospero set to see how they worked out, but in the end made them as Terminators too! 24 terminators may be slightly overkill, but at least some of the cataphractii will become Siege Tyrants as soon as I source more metal cyclones (since they're a bit smaller than the plastic ones and are a better fit size-wise).

Can never have enough terminators... I've got over a dozen indomitus for my blood angels (1 old metal chaplain, the old plastic 5 man squad and the 12 space hulk guys) and about 2 dozen for my black templars (the 12 being converted from space hulk, 10 converted from dark angels, and the recent plastic terminator captain...) plus the DV dark angels, and 10 BoP tartaros I don't yet know what to do with ... and now that I'm doing iron warriors I HAVE to get cataphractii terminators because they just look so right for the IV legion, even in the 41st millenium.


Ironically the mark 3 and cataphractii seam very iron warrior and the tartaros and mk4 seem more or bearer but were not decided as such in boxes... ah well...

Cheers for the support guys! Gotta love those hazard stripes.


Speaking of which, it was a work day so not much time to paint but I did manage one model, this guy -




Annoyingly I only have 4 of this figure so not quite a full unit but eventually! Eventually there'll be a 5th.



Had more time today to get the next Levi done, minus arms. The little photo setup arrived and it's nice and convenient but even with the reflected light the underside of a model isn't particularly well lit. As such I took 2 shots, without and with flash -


Without flash -



With flash -



The camera focus wasn't the best, but it's better than the shots I had before. May try the darker background next time.


The next 2 arms, another grinder and a cyclonic melta, are both basecoated and washed so only really need highlights, shading and details so with luck I'll have them finished later today, since it's now early morning!

Hey, thanks! Fantastic to get a comment from you, I've followed your blog for a long time and you post recreating the Mk 1 for a chaos lord is what prompted me to dig them out ages ago and acquire the third and fourth!


I've not been idle, as I've (just about) finished the 5 Tartaros Termies and put together a character. Overall termie shot with my favourite pose and hazard details -






The character came about as I wanted one that wasn't just Kurtha from BaC, so carved his chest out and carved down the back of an Iron Hands breacher, as well as removing the head. I'm quite pleased with how he came out. I have no idea what pistol/gun would be appropriate as the go-to these days, so the pistol hand is magnetised.




The Tartaros power sword was longer than the Mk III, so I used that blade on the marine hand's hilt. I have another 10 marines almost at the halfway-done point too, so once this character and they are done I'll almost actually have a minimum army completed!


Edit: Gave the plasma on the termies more highlights and depth -



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