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Sons of Dorn,

The Eye of Terror has opened yet again. Tzeentch's daemonic legions, the treacherous Thousand Sons, and even their twisted Daemon-Primarch Magnus, have emerged from the Warp and are causing untold destruction to the worlds around Cadia. The Imperial Fists and their successors, stalwart defenders of the Imperium and its people, the Emperor's Praetorians, must push back this tide of horrors and liberate as many Imperial worlds as they can.

Round up your neophytes, fire up your forges, arm your battle-brothers!

The time of ending is near and the sons of Dorn shall not be found wanting...

Start: Wednesday 1st March
End: Friday 31st March @ 23:59 GMT/UTC

How it works:

1) You look at your collection and pick at least one model to paint. The selected models can be assembled, undercoated and/or basecoated with their main colour. No more. If unsure, ask me. I reserve the right to disqualify models which do not stick to this rule.

2) Take a picture of these models, upload it to an online gallery (preferably B&C), and post it in this thread along with a vow stating the number of models to complete by the 31st March and any other details you deem to be relevant (be creative). Once you've made your vow, no changes to it can be made unless I approve those changes (so send me a PM if you need to change something).

3) Paint the models to at least a basic, three-colour standard within the given timeframe (no obligation to base the models but highly encouraged). The colour scheme must be either from the Imperial Fists Chapter/Legion, an official successor, a DIY successor, or the Deathwatch Chapter (but with one shoulder pad painted in the colours of a son of Dorn). No other Chapters shall be allowed.

4) Once finished, take the best pictures you possibly can, upload them, and post them here for all to see.

5) If you have completed your vow, make a second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth/seventh/eighth/ninth/etc vow and continue to bring glory to yourself!

6) Patiently wait the end of the event and the publication of the end results.

7) During the whole while, have fun!

Last but not least, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them here or to PM me!

Now, let us prepare for war and give Chaos a good kick in the teeth. devil.gif

Participation badge




Vow 1 [6]


Augustus b'Raass

Vow 1 [20]


Brother Captain Firelupus
Vow 1 [5]



Vow 1 [6]



Vow 1 [1] | Completed


Castellan Cynebald

Vow 1 [1] | Completed


Vow 1 [20]



Vow 1 [1] | Completed



Vow 1 [5] | Completed



Vow 1 [12]



Vow 1 [13]


High Marshal Behemond

Vow 1 [10] (Missing picture)


JAG Templar
Vow 1 [5]



Vow 1 [1] | Completed

Vow 2 [4] | Completed

Vow 3 [5] | Completed



Vow 1 [3]



Vow 1 [1]



Vow 1 [5] (Missing picture)


Marshal Mattias
Vow 1 [1]

Vow 1 [1]

Vow 1 [1]

Vow 1 [1] (Missing picture)



Vow 1 [5]


Semper Fortis
Vow 1 [1]



Vow 1 [5]


Vow 1 [3]


The Psycho

Vow 1 [1]



Vow 1 [1]


Total # participants: 27

Edited by Dosjetka
17/03 midday update
Just on the bases, I've painted a set of sector imperialis bases a while ago so I'd have them all done and out of the way. Can I use them for this challenge or will they need to be at the same painting stage as the model? Edited by Zopha

My vow has 4 components, Templar Brethren Squad (6 marines), Sternguard Squad (7 marines), Vanguard Squad (6 marines) and Sigismund, so 1 part per week with a little extra at the end! All primed grey and ready to go.


Unfortunately my Vanguard Squad is already short 1 marine  and is down to 6 due to a foul xenos plot involving a superglue spill!




I Tankus Wokus vow to paint a squadron of 3 Land Speeder Typhoons by 31st March 2017 for the Crimson Guard and for Dorn! (middle one looks like a Tempest but I have replaced the assault cannon with a heavy bolter and using it as the sergeant for the squad)



I Brother Captain Firelupus,

Captain of the 6th company of the Dorn’s Wolves chapter. Loyal sons of Dorn and inheritors of the VII legion do hereby pledge 5 neophytes newly inducted into the chapter to replace the losses of the Orge crusade.



Neophytes Squad







Nam Dorn, et pugno te.

Edited by Brother Captain Firelupus

i pauljam shall build and paint one (B@C) contemptor dreadnought, placing him into the ranks of the imperial fist legion and thence into glorious battle on or before Friday 31st March @ 23:59 GMT/UTC. This i vow, or may Rogal Dorn himself kick my ass with his primarch sized boot.


pics enclosed, nothing unexpected...

Hidden Content


Edited by paulJam

I, Marshal Mattias of the Black Templars, heed the call of our Brothers in arms. When the Renascibilitas Crusade was in need, the Fists were there with supplies and good will, with nought asked for in return. Now, we make good on our oaths.


For the first of my vows, I pledge to paint a Reclusiarch of the Black Templars - may his ZEAL drive us on to greater feats!

I will complete this by March 31st, by Dorn and by Sigismund.






(The theme of these vows will be 'Stuff I could only make with bits I got from Dosjetka' ;) )

Edited by Marshal Mattias

I, Semper Fortis, rise to the challenge of Walls Fail, Fists Do Not and vow to complete one Legion Techmarine on or before 31 March 2017 at 2359 Zulu. Success will bring eternal glory to Dorn and to the Emperor. Failure is not an option.

And there would be a picture of said paint-less techmarine uploaded if I wasn't still without power after last night's storm. Will post as soon as the power company works their way up my mountain.

@paulJam, almost spit coffee on the dog when I read your oath. Dog is still staying clear of me.

Edited to add before pics


Edited by Semper Fortis
  On 3/2/2017 at 1:57 AM, Semper Fortis said:

@paulJam, almost spit coffee on the dog when I read your oath. Dog is still staying clear of me.

i need a lot of motivation when it comes to painting yellow....

think something similar will catch on for the ETL vow ?   :)

I, Rashbold, heed the call of the Sons of Dorn.

For my vows, I pledge to paint a Reclusiarch of the White Templars.

I will complete this by March 31st, for Dorn and the Emperor.


[uPDATE: FAILED - I could not escape the Iron Cage of Perturabo]



Edited by Rashbold
  On 3/1/2017 at 10:22 PM, Marshal Mattias said:

I, Marshal Mattias of the Black Templars, heed the call of our Brothers in arms. When the Renascibilitas Crusade was in need, the Fists were there with supplies and good will, with nought asked for in return. Now, we make good on our oaths.

For the first of my vows, I pledge to paint a Reclusiarch of the Black Templars - may his ZEAL drive us on to greater feats!

I will complete this by March 31st, by Dorn and by Sigismund.


(The theme of these vows will be 'Stuff I could only make with bits I got from Dosjetka' msn-wink.gif )

OMG that chaplains pose is awesomely hilarious! He's all like "Who needs to aim? I kill that guy over there without even looking!" :lol: EPIC

+ Participants list updated to this point. +

  On 3/1/2017 at 5:05 PM, AndrewChristlieb said:

(Was there a default vow? I didn't see one).

Nope. It is up to people to come up with whatever wording they think is suitable for their vow. Makes a nice (though not permanent) change , I think. thumbsup.gif

  On 3/1/2017 at 6:35 PM, Zopha said:

Just on the bases, I've painted a set of sector imperialis bases a while ago so I'd have them all done and out of the way. Can I use them for this challenge or will they need to be at the same painting stage as the model?

Bases are not taken into consideration in this event so you're good to go!

  On 3/1/2017 at 10:22 PM, Marshal Mattias said:

(The theme of these vows will be 'Stuff I could only make with bits I got from Dosjetka' msn-wink.gif )

I can't even remember what I sent you... sweat.gif

  On 3/2/2017 at 6:33 AM, lionofjudah said:

Update on the Hurscarl... satin varnish applied and ready for weatherin

Did I miss it or have you not made a vow, brother?

And last but not least...

To all: Welcome! Thank you for signing up, may Dorn shield your mind against distraction, temptation, and procrastination, and may the Emperor guide your brushes! thumbsup.gif

Edited by Dosjetka
I Vow to complete to at least GW's old tournament standard by March 31st a chaplain and 5 man crusade squad with Sword Brother from The Acadian Crusade of the Black Templars.  




For Sigismund! For Dorn! For the Emperor!

I, CaptnRussia, as an initiate of the Black Templars and brother to the stalwart Imperial Fists do hereby pledge an oath to have painted a Marshal (Chapter Master) equipped with storm shield, combimelta, artificer armor, and relic blade in contribution to our continuing efforts against the Ruinous Forces. May our efforts drive back our enemies and win honor and glory for us all!




  Reveal hidden contents


Alright, I'm in!

I, Augustus b'Raass, vow on the honour of the Emperor, Dorn and my humble self to paint one ten-man squad of Assault Marines with two flamers and a veteran sergeant armed with an eviscerator and meltabombs, and a ten-man squad of Devastators with four Grav-Cannons and grav amps, for a total of 460 points during this event. Should I fail, I swear to wear a hair shirt for at least 30 minutes on April Fools.

Here's a collection of WiP shots taken of each marine in both squads:

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Assault Squad

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Veteran sergeant (Eviscarator) - Targus Vor - Race Bannon


Battle Brother - Gregaras "Ironheart" Basqess - Vazzy


Weapon Specialist (Flamer) - Pyrese Tor - Eldrick Shadowblade


Battle Brother - Lyran Roth - Dosjetka


Battle Brother - Arios Taal - Pearson73


Vexillarius - Scaffir Smidte - Scion of Ferrus (with fluff)


Battle Brother - TO BE NAMED


Weapon Specialist (Flamer) - TO BE NAMED


Battle Brother - Serje Pantimion - Black_out


Battle Brother - Jorug Stael - hushrong


Devastator Squad

Hidden Content

Veteran Tech-sergeant - Sigfrid Erlach - TheReaper17

This guys will get the auspex of borther Brontis, below. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm going to make a custom Signum for him.


Vexillarius -


Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -


Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -


Battle Brother -Alfric Brontis - vharing

THis guy will get sergeant Erlach's left arm, with the knife.


Comms Specialist - Matthias Fisch - SalvationOfReason (with fluff)


Vexillarius -


Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -


Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -


Battle Brother -


As you see, except for two, these guys have all been named by fellow frater. My entire Imperial Fists army in fact has been named by frater from the B&C, which to me is an inspiration and motivation, and a way to show thanks for that to everyone in the B&C that shares their thoughts and ideas here on the forum.

Now, two of the assault squad (a flamer weapon specialist and a sword brother) and eight of the devastator squad (all except the sergeant and vexilarius) remain unnamed. And where better to get names for Imperial Fists than in an event dedicated to our favourite chapter/legion?

So please, if anyone wants to claim a brother, all you have to do is comment in this thread or in my WiP with a claim on a specific marine, and a name, and I'll induct it in this list (and in this master list).

As for naming conventions, here's my thoughts on that:

Hidden Content

The Imperial Fists are quite obviously based on Prussian culture, and as such I´m shooting for mostly Prussian-Germanic sounding names. That doesn´t mean that they all have to be that way - far from it: The Imperial Fists recruit from many worlds, and so their names should reflect that. It´s why there´s a sergeant Zol´Tara and a Techmarine called Torias Khation in the army. I actually try to stay away from purely modern sounding Germanic names. So if you like to name a dude in my army (welcome to it - to me it's very inspiring and motivational, and I am very grateful to the more than 60 frater who have done so up to now) please think about what 30 millennia (my Fists are situated in 32K, the time of the The Beast Arises novel series) will do to given and family names. 38,000 years of mispronounciations, misspellings, evolving consonants and vowel shifts will turn a name like Janus Brand into Dumes Blin, and Volkert Schmidt into Vocki Spud.

Here's the open slots:

XIV Assault Squad

Weapon Specialist (Flamer) -

XII Devastator Squad

Vexillarius -

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -
Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -
Battle Brother -

Vexillarius -

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -
Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -
Battle Brother -


And good luck to all participating frater thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png

(I'll edit the pictures for the devastators in when I complete them.)

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

I vow to paint my squad of scouts


Walls fail fists do not pledge

Hey figured I would add the updates to this post:

Walls fail fists do not pledge 1 submission 2

Walls fail fists do not pledge 1 submission 1

I'm not sure if my time zone screwed me over or not but I uploaded as soon as I could, so I hope i'm not too late, any way bad pics I know but I think you can still tell the difference from the first pic.

3/31 1:23 Pm PST

Edited by Silas7
  On 3/2/2017 at 11:06 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:


As you see, except for two, these guys have all been named by fellow frater. My entire Imperial Fists army in fact has been named by frater from the B&C, which to me is an inspiration and motivation, and a way to show thanks for that to everyone in the B&C that shares their thoughts and ideas here on the forum.


Now, two of the assault squad (a flamer weapon specialist and a sword brother) and eight of the devastator squad (all except the sergeant and vexilarius) remain unnamed. And where better to get names for Imperial Fists than in an event dedicated to our favourite chapter/legion?


So please, if anyone wants to claim a brother, all you have to do is comment in this thread or in my WiP with a claim on a specific marine, and a name, and I'll induct it in this list (and in this master list).




That is such a cool idea.


The sword brother of XIV Assault Squad is hereby named Tolbe Mendell.


In the spirit of brotherhood, I'd be honoured if you'd name my marine. (he is in MkII armour in my photo upthread)


He is the sergeant of I squad, VII Company, Imperial Fists.




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