Marshal Reinhard Posted January 15, 2019 Share Posted January 15, 2019 (edited) Well, I havent really posted any new plog updates or pictures here in quite a long while now. I think my old crusade thread is languishing somewhere past 20 pages back? I, for the longest time, couldn't really square Primaris so I went on a Templar hiatus (though I did distract myself with something else for a while...) Even now I have my misgivings with Primaris, lore and what not, put perhaps mainly I absolutely cannot jive with the idea of mixing them with classic marines, even just a little bit. But I do actually really like most of the new models, as I've stated elsewhere multiple times, this is what I feel marines should always have looked like. I also feel they have great potential and I'm fairly eagerly awaiting wave 2. But I am getting ahead of myself; I figured that rather than update the old thread, I would create a new one so my Primaris Templar can have their own thread and get a fresh start. I'll eventually develop them into their own crusade proper, though I'm going to keep their numbers more in check this time, which is probably for the better. The thread is a bit anachronistic in that I'll periodically update this first post with the newest additions and adjustments. So without further ado, my Primaris Templar Plog: Crusade Command - Marshals: My favourite is the one on the left, the others' cloaks feels a bit tame in comparison to it. Was a bit apprenhesive about cutting away the Gravis Marshal's hood, but it worked for the best I think. Head's a bit rare so it makes him feel a little unique. Crusade Command - Reclusiam Two converted Chaplains and a stock primaris one. First one is converted from the Primaris Librarian, while the second one is Grimaldus himself, coverted to Primaris size which I comissioned Eberious to do for me. Crusade Command - Apothecary, Emperor's Champion, Chapter Ancient: Very Fun models to paint. The Champion is a conversion I comissioned Eberious to do for me. Crusade Command - Castellans Castellans. Castellans everywhere. Seriously, I got too much command. Swordbrethren (Veteran Sergeants): 30th Anniversary Veteran Sergeant, Store Birthday Veteran Sergeant Jovan and the ETB sergeant with some selected added bits. Very fun models to paint. Intercessors with bolt rifles: Most of these are from Dark Imperium, some good firing poses there that you can't replicate with the Intercessor kit. In total I have 3 squads of intercessors each with one type of bolt rifle. Intercessors with auto bolt rifles: Think the remainder of the DI intercessors are here, with new arms from the regular kit. Chainsword from the Blood Angels Primaris upgrade sprue. Intercessors with stalker bolt rifles: All regular Intercessor kit models. Aggressors with flamestorm gauntlets: Aggressors with stormbolt gauntlets: Inceptors with Assault bolters: Inceptors with Plasma Exterminators: Surpressors: Hellblasters with Plasma Incinerators: Like with the intercessors I have one squad with each Incinerator type, but only half squads, as I felt more was too much. Hellblasters with Heavy Plasma Incinerators: Hellblasters with Assault Plasma Incinerators: Repulsor with Las-Ripper: Repulsor with Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon: Repulsor Executioner with Heavy Laser Destroyer: And that's it for now. Barring any new releases, this is about as large as I'm willing to let the crusade grow. Thanks for looking and the Emperor protects! Edited October 29, 2021 by Reinhard Brother Chaplain Ryld, Father Mehman, noigrim and 36 others 39 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sword Brother Adelard Posted January 15, 2019 Share Posted January 15, 2019 I love the Apothecary model, it's such a good Templaresque model. Champion Rawne and Apocalypton 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 15, 2019 Share Posted January 15, 2019 Well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CommodusXIII Posted January 15, 2019 Share Posted January 15, 2019 First marshal is probably the more finished of the two. Notable exceptions to this are the obvious missing crosses on the quadrant shields. Wish I hadn't used my old Forgeworld templar transfer sheets with such reckless abandon so that I might have had a black cross or two left to use now.  There are a few sources for tiny black crosses for this kind of application. The Imperial Fists transfer sheet from Forge World includes crosses of different sizes. I'm also experimenting with cross transfers from Armorcast. They're much smaller.  For reference:   The cross at the top is from the Forge World sheet (line 14), and the crosses flanking the banner are from Armorcast. Father Mehman, BitsHammer, Ahistorian and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trignama Posted January 15, 2019 Share Posted January 15, 2019 Took me a while too, but Primaris are finally growing on me as well. That repulsor is a beast on the table top, having fly makes it really fun too haha. Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 I am so happy to see you posting again. Â I do share some of your same misgivings, but at the end of the day, the Primaris look really, really good and it's hard to not get attracted to them as an army. Â I opted to go a different route (i.e. IF) with my Primaris, but one never really knows what the future will bring. Â Play on good sir and let us see what else you have. :) Â BTW, what is supposed to be coming in Wave 2? Trignama and BLACK BLÅ’ FLY 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Vespasian Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 I am with you on Primaris looking like SM should have always looked. These are some great models already, excited to see more. That powerfist captain really does look great. I have to go to some store birthday this year Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted January 16, 2019 Author Share Posted January 16, 2019 (edited) I am so happy to see you posting again. Â I do share some of your same misgivings, but at the end of the day, the Primaris look really, really good and it's hard to not get attracted to them as an army. Â I opted to go a different route (i.e. IF) with my Primaris, but one never really knows what the future will bring. Â Play on good sir and let us see what else you have. Â BTW, what is supposed to be coming in Wave 2? Â Thanks! Â As for what we expect to see in wave 2, we don't really know. We know its been stated to be just the tip of the iceberg so far, so I'm hoping they'll round them out to be a force that can stand on their own. I do suspect that the recent flamer bit in the rumour engine was a Primaris one, but that's not a lot to go on. The recent IF upgrade sprue, also made it a lot more likely that we might see an actual BT Primaris upgrade down the line. Finally the Primaris'd version of Calgar, finally convinced me that Primaris really is the way forward that GW intends to take with marines, and as such, I do hope that they will make Primaris of Helbrech & company sooner rather than later. Prefferably they wont make us wait too long for wave 2, but I wouldn't be too surprised if we saw something at the end of this Vigilus counter, (unless that's gonna be all black legion and other chaos) But GW has really plowed through nearly all the other codices since 8th, so I'm expecting them to return to C:SM with a vengeance in good time. Â We'll have to see what will come Edited January 16, 2019 by Reinhard BLACK BLÅ’ FLY and Honda 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted January 16, 2019 Author Share Posted January 16, 2019 My hell blasters. Tried taking pictures with my real camera, but the lighting's crap, so not sure it's any better. Will try again tomorrow when there's some light BitsHammer, Kontakt, Honda and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 Your Hellblasters look good, but shouldn't they have fixed bayonets and prepared to engage in close combat, like anyone worthy to join the Black Templars? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted January 16, 2019 Author Share Posted January 16, 2019 Primaris needs some proper close combat alternatives in general. The only option right now, Reivers, feel way more Raven guard than they do Templar. Sete and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 (edited) Time to make boltstorm and flame chainfists for the Primaris Aggressors! Use the chainblade to cut open enemy armor, the attached bolter/flamer to shred/burn the vulnerable innards behind it. Give the Aggressor SGT a storm shield and a "hammer of light"- a las-talon with a thunder hammer head fitted to its specially reinforced barrel- so he can suppress fire from enemies to cowardly to face him in close combat. (I think the las-talon is only useful as infantry weapons. Why halve a lascannon's range to double its rate-of-fire, when Marine vehicles are easily capable of mounting a twin lascannon in the las-talon's place?) Edited January 16, 2019 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted January 16, 2019 Author Share Posted January 16, 2019 Well, we'll have to wait and see what wave 2 brings. I do like your suggestion, but I'm gonna take it slow and wait out what we get. We really need a proper chainsword unit. If we get nothing i might convert a few intercessors and have them be counts as reivers as they'd be mechanically identical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 This looks and sounds great! I'll be looking forward to more posts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SWORD BROTHER RYAN Posted January 17, 2019 Share Posted January 17, 2019 You have made all your Primarus look stunning, even if they're technically WIP. I look forward to seeing more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted February 3, 2019 Author Share Posted February 3, 2019 A squad of inceptors joins the fray. And an intercessor from Dark Imperium with more on the way, as I figured the Sword Brother needed a squad... I filed off the blank pads and fitted on some BT ones, so he'll fit right in with the other intercessors too. I really need to shape up my picture taking game though. Lighting is always a mess and they end up blurry far too often. BitsHammer, Kontakt, librisrouge and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 3, 2019 Share Posted February 3, 2019 Great paint jobs. The Intercessor is well-posed, and looks like he KNOWS how to aim and shoot- more than can be said for TOO MANY models I see on Games Workshop's own websites! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted February 3, 2019 Share Posted February 3, 2019 Great looking Intercessor. That pose was one of the things that first sold me on the Primaris. I just love how that pose looks. Nice addition, adding "Templars" on the side plate of the bolter.  You're on a roll. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bolvar Posted February 3, 2019 Share Posted February 3, 2019 One of the best highlights I've ever seen, great job Reinhard! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kontakt Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 The longer bolt rifles feel like they should have a bayonet option. Is that a decal on the rifle? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted February 4, 2019 Author Share Posted February 4, 2019 yes, one of the last 'templars' transfers i had from my old FW sheet. If smurfs can add "ultra" to their rifles, I figured I could have templars on mine, and it just barely fit. There's one more smooth rifle, think I'll add a templar cross to that one Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted February 21, 2019 Author Share Posted February 21, 2019 Well more stuff, but once again, all of it is WIP. As per the previous pattern, its typically mostly the highlights... I'm pretty lazy with those it seems. Feels like i havent done a dread in ages. Obviously less finished closer to the ground, feet, rocks, shell casings. Also, the old brass was giving me trouble, so its left them in their current state... Gonna tackle 'em once I feel up to it. Marines from Dark Imperium. Since i was giving them new shoulder pads, I figured I might as well change some arms too to add more variety, using some leftovers from the intercessor kits. These actually look pretty much done, though there's some highlights here and there... (of course) Same as before, but with the 30th anniversary swordbrother. He's got a squad now, with 2 more DI intercessors yet to be done. ' DI Inceptors... these seriously don't pop as much, sloppy highlighting is to blame. They feel pretty flat compared to the last three, but there's just so many edges on these to do... Agressors... the two in the back are the most obvious WIP of anything in this update post, though the Sargeant too needs the every present problem of his highlights to be addressed. Like the Inceptors, these got a lot of edges too on them. Have a few more other things to work on, but this is pretty close to what I want to get for Primaris pending any new releases. Thanks for looking! Firepower, Bjorn Firewalker, Apocalypton and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 21, 2019 Share Posted February 21, 2019 Well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted February 21, 2019 Share Posted February 21, 2019 Loving your army so far! It amazes me that even when colour schemes are established everyone has their own take. Good job Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted March 2, 2019 Author Share Posted March 2, 2019 (edited) Small update. Aggressors complete, along with another fatty (who needs some clean up still I see) Was a bit uncertain at first wether I wanted to give him an unhelmeted option or not, but decided to finally brave it. Flesh heads have long been the bane of my (painting) existence. Also removed the hood he has. With Inceptors and Aggressors I could se the hoods serviing some practical use, but with the Marshal, the visual association towards a witch's cowl became too much so it had to go. Also think the decision to go with a flesh head to try and personalize him somewhat (using a fairly rare flesh head at that) also played into the decision. Thanks for looking. Edited March 2, 2019 by Reinhard templargdt, BitsHammer, Ahistorian and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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