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Cpt. Bannockburn

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Cpt. Bannockburn last won the day on July 29 2017

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About Cpt. Bannockburn

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  • Location
    Somewhere far beyond sanity
  • Faction
    Dark Angels | Legio Tempestus

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    DA 5th Company / Deathwing || Legio Tempestus (AT)

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  1. Over a year ago you saw the tank "finished" in the last post. Finished meant, of course, tabletop ready. Since then I didn't have a lot of motivation to play and hence didn't really continue. But lately I've been inspired to use some techniques from historical tank modellers, and so I picked it back up. First, I added some camo netting around the barrel and on parts of the hull: Then I added chipping, rust zones, and rain streaks: And today I declared it finished after adding more details, mud effects and speckling, as well as oil and grime in some places:
  2. He's an ork in disguise. You know, the bosses are always bigger.
  3. Great to hear of your progress. You will also need the Space Marines Codex, as well as the free basic rules (available here). Furthermore, there are several helpful downloads available to clarify some points as well es errata: https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/ If this is primarily a Crusade project, you might also need Pariah Nexus or Tyrannic War, but I'm not super sure about that. These rules might also be available somewhere for free by now.
  4. A Redemptor Dreadnought should fit just fine into that force, adding up to exactly 995 points if I'm not mistaken. If you want to go beyond that, Another DW squad, or a dedicated close combat terminator squad, and a delivery vehicle, such as an LRC should get you close to 1500 points, and stay thematically sound. Alternatively, you could also add 2-3 characters instead of another squad.
  5. I believe there should be a special big sword in the addons sprue that can be used to denote the Knight Master. I'd go with the assault cannon instead of plasma. Plasma looks cool, but that's about it. The AC has devastating wounds, which is pretty useful against everything. Don't forget building the watchers. Every squad needs their little friend. Yep. It's power level through the back door and pretty annoying, but that's how it is now.
  6. They should also have the Inner Circle rule, IIRC, which is a reduction in damage they take. Which, in survival terms, is huge together with the additional wound. Unfortunately they're also overpriced for what they can do, so they're pretty lackluster overall.
  7. Well, a Land Raider is pretty tough now, and it also has transport capacity in a pinch to protect survivors or ferry tacticals from A to B. You just gotta figure out what to drop :-) Hope you have fun with your friends!
  8. Glad to hear you getting back in the saddle! A couple of things I can see being problematic against your opponents big nasties: You lack anti-tank weaponry. The multi-melta is, at best, a character killer now, as it can't even reliably damage a Rhino. I would suggest getting something with a bunch of lascannons, such as a predator or two. The terminators, especially the shooty variant, are better off starting on the table. They are worth a lot of points, they're very tough (especially if you mix in the odd storm shield bearer), and the shooty component is not to be scoffed at. You may want to think about upping the size to 10 guys, making a command squad out of them, or both, and treat them as an anchor for your force, but they are not very mobile overall, so that might not fit your vision. Also, such a squad would be 495 of your 1000 points, so it's a considerable investment. There's also a question which kind of detachment you want to play. The Unforgiven detachment is the one that's fluffier, but its ability is (in my opinion) rather meh, but the access to the connected stratagems is nice. The Gladius task force is very good for mobility, however. Keeping these points in mind, I'd suggest something like this: - Terminator Librarian with Storm Bolter - Jump Pack Chaplain with Plasma Pistol and Heavenfall Blade - Tactical Squad with Plas/Las; Power Fist & Plasma Pistol - Assault Squad with 3 Plasma Pistols (2 normal, 1 Sergeant), Power Fist - Predator Annihilator with 2 additional Lascannons, Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter - Deathwing Command Squad (for access to the Apothecary to make them even tougher), with Watcher in the Dark, 2 x Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, 2 x Power Fist & Storm Bolter, 1 x Chain Fist & Storm Bolter, 1 x Assault Cannon & Power Fist, 1 x Cyclone Missile Launcher & Power Fist This gives you the aforementioned immovable brick, that can be surprisingly mobile advancing with +1 due to the champion (provided you use the Unforgiven task force with the Fire Discipline stratagem to give their weapons Assault). IF you lose models from this brick, you can fire back with Grim Retribution, and can revive with the apothecary. You will probably struggle against the Tau Hammerheads and Stormsurge, though, as they are absolutely beastly at the moment.
  9. Basically the same way I did the Bladeguard and the Lion's armour: - Light grey primer - Black Templar Contrast - Edge highlights with first (Dark Reaper Lion) Thunderhawk Blue, then Fenrisian grey - 4:1 Contrast medium : DA Green - Edge highlights with 2:1:1 Sons of Horus Green : Rakarth Flesh : Krieg Khaki - Edge highlights with 2:2:2:1 Sons of Horus Green : Rakarth Flesh : Krieg Khaki : White For the tank, instead I did: - Black primer - Airbrush Corvus Black - Airbrush Dark Reaper - Airbrush highlights Thunderhawk Blue - Edge Highlights with Fenrisian Grey - Airbrush tint with similarly thinned DA Green Contrast I finished the oil dot filter today, next step will be gloss coat, decals, oil recess wash, then highlights as above, just sponged on instead. My Crusade force, @1380pts. I may need to power through and get the Techmarine to battle ready until Saturday. The Lion is now finished, barring the power sword which I'm still undecided on.
  10. Today's update: metal. That makes the tank technically battle ready, but I hope I can manage some more for Saturday's Crusade intro game. Not quite done yet, but all the steel is undercoated at least. I may do some more red today, too.
  11. Since the Lion is nearing completion, I edge highlighted the hover tank in a marathon session, and tinted it green. Not that visible in the current light, but you get the idea.
  12. It just seemed too busy overall. I put them on 25mm bases and will paint them at a later date, and probably build a small diorama in a forest setting.
  13. Almost done, the rest, apart from the sword, is detail work, such as metallic highlights, weathering, and basing. First time I tried NMM on the cloak embroidery, and I think it turned out okay.
  14. He's tabletop ready now, the rest is mostly detail work. Still need to decide on what to do with the sword.
  15. Tonk. First time airbrushing something this big other than priming / basecoating. I think it turned out pretty good. It'll get a sharper edge highlight all around, and then the green tint.
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