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About Dizzyeye01

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  1. My impression from this is that some of the easier way to do Avarice agents would be to just take Necromunda Delaque models and paint them orange (maybe with a head swap). And for elite agents use Firstborn or CSM models with some non-SM heads It's a good impression. I do actually have some CSM marines that I am using for some conversions involving Avarice that are based form some old renegades from rogue trader so expect to see them soonish.
  2. Hey mate, I'm the author behind FW Avarice and Firebreak and it's a good assumption to make there. Officially they are seen to use those colours but one thing I'll point out is there more clandestine method's. There's nothing to say that there are groups 'hired' by the world that bear their own colours. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have for them mate What kind of tech are they known for (beside the standard forge world stuff)? Do they have a symbol? Do they have Imperial Knights, and if so can you hire some of them? If you modeled figures from Avarice and was a bit of a converter how would you suggest converting them? If you painted figures from Avarice and was a bit good what would you suggest adding on to truly mark them as from Avarice, beside their main colours?* * If we go with the mentioned Blade Runner inspiration do I suggest that Pris style eye/face paint is very common among the forge worlds people and/or servitors --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Volnoscere is trully a son of the Emperor, but not a Primarch, instead he is one of the whisper-fabled women born children of the Emperor, one of the sensei... Sorry for the late reply mate, it's been a busy couple of days on my end . To answer your questions.... 1. One of the bigger pieces of tech that Avarice has a molopoly on is parts tied to the Throne Mechanicum. It is also said the Forge Tyrant and other officials within the world claim dominance using Logic Thrones which are in essence servers which can be used to direct commands to their subjects. Which leads onto 3. which I'll get to shortly. 2. In terms of symbols, it's similar to your standard bronze skull surrounded by a circle of cogs with one half being white and the other black. There are variations depending on the tech priest but for the most part that's what I've come up with so far. 3. Now, as for Imperial Houses. Due to their unique place with tech, Imperial Knights are connected in one way or the other, whether that's through he life debts they've made or other means. Avarice is the centre of a web of connections that tie the houses together so if one falls out of lie another could take care of them, in a manner of speaking. 4. In terms of converting/painting some Avaracians, the first thing I'd say at least is that you wouldn't expect them to be typical skitarii and such. They would very much keep their implants covered in order to gain the element of surprise. Just as an example, I kitbashed a group of rangers using a mix of the base skitarii (Back torso, helmet, backpack) mixed in with the scions box (Legs, front torso, arms, rifle). I'd use them as general mercs but in short there's a full variety of types in Avarice, you've got your heavy lifters etc. Everyone has a use and can be used. I do like the thought of using the pris paint style to cover the face a little so that could definitely work, especially with a combo of hoods too. Hopefully, that answers your questions mate. Now I'll just need to properly pull my thoughts together, no pressure
  3. Hey mate, I'm the author behind FW Avarice and Firebreak and it's a good assumption to make there. Officially they are seen to use those colours but one thing I'll point out is there more clandestine method's. There's nothing to say that there are groups 'hired' by the world that bear their own colours. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have for them mate
  4. Taking it one step further, why not have it be victims captured by the Word Bearers that have been 'blessed' by Nurgle. Then you really dirty them up with battle damage and rust showing how they've got the scraps of victory. The other approach would be Word Bearers who through fate were infected and their red is getting peeled back to a sickly grey underneath. It could be a different chapter from the WB compared to the main group. I'd name drop a few people who did similar things for their legions but their names escape me.
  5. You'll want to read Ruinstorm by David Annandale. It all but confirms the origins of the Sanguinor.
  6. I know I barely post anything at all nowadays but here's my two cents at least. I see where you're coming from in terms of the journey meaning more than the end however both parts need to be meaningful in order for the Liber to work. Nobody will argue how important the Librarium was, I used to read the articles a lot when I was just starting off 40k and they really inspired me to work on my own stories even if I've been very prone to jump to different ideas. As Argent mentions, we have the Tabula but it's definitely pale in comparison. The Librarium was clear and easy to find with it's own search engine and such. The Tabula? It's a topic. That's pretty much it. Sure it's at the top of the Space Marine section but it isn't even in the Liber. It only covers power armoured units and is outdated in the forces we now allow within the Liber. That's not even mentioning the download section proposed by Tyler in 2018. At the start, there was two entries to show a guideline of what to aim for. Looking at the section for background fluff today? There is now only two additions made not including the Mark of the Liber. Now, we have the Liber Showcase and while it's certainly an improvement on the past examples, it doesn't feel as recognized or as celebrated as before. As Ace mentions, lore has been more of a shifting point with the inclusion of Primaris however that hasn't stopped people from doing their own thing. There's nothing to stop people from writing their chapter before the Fall of Cadia. The galaxy is a big place and whether you want the news to affect your system or story i entirely your choice. Yes, the Silent King has come back from unknown space but how does that affect my chapter from the other side of the galaxy? Yes, we know from our perspective but does x chapter? Would x regiment know or even care if they're embattled by orks? They're the bigger threat after all because they can see them. It could be seen as a bigger threat in the universe that has brought change to the macro view but the micro? I'd argue that's the layer we focus on. In short, yes the game has changed a lot during the years however that doesn't change the ending should be considered worthwhile.
  7. Greetings fellow brothers of Caliban. Recently, I've been looking into any possible indications of what Luthers' heraldry would have looked like before his time as the Dark Oracle. So far, the only notable pieces I've seen is that he's had the dark angels icon on his chest like in the picture below: Outside of this, I've also found this piece here which seems to me like his left shoulder pad was in bone similar to the Deathwing: Has there been anything else which has hinted or shown what he appeared like? I haven't read the HH books in a long time and not having the latest black book from forge world I don't know if there's any new references there. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  8. So *scratches head* things haven't exactly gone to plan. I see now it's been a month or so when the first challenge ended and my original plans have truly gone out the window. Things have been chaotic outside of the norm let alone touched the warband I had been planning to work on. That is no excuse for the Iron Gauntlet though so I'm submitting myself for penitence in order to make up for my failures. I have recently gone back to an old DIY chapter of mine and begun working on some guys however I leave it up to you guys the sentence so to speak in order to reaffirm my commitment to the Iron Gauntlet.
  9. Thanks for the responses guys. I should have an update coming along soon for these guys which will hopefully add some nice flavoring to whats here so far Aha! I thought those seemed very similar to my bone dragon friends in Destiny, Oh Writer Mine. But I love the concept behind this of them being akin to Djinn/Ahamkara in their wish-giving for the benefiit of the Ascendant Eyes only. Reminds me of what happened to the Seekers of Truth when they began to hear all the lies humanity utters after an ill-advised wish from Chapter Master Herodicus and became the Scourged. So how much do the wearing of bones affect the Chaos Marines? Do they whisper to them and could lead to high-risks of madness if lacking in mental fortitude? Cambrius Guilty as charged. I will admit Destiny is a great source of inspiration As for the effect of the bones on the warband, Mithras is making use of them in two ways. The first and more obvious effect is that the bones do help with their small wishes. The second and more subtle effect is that he uses it as a test to see who is worthy to be within the warband. Those who are weak-willed will lose themselves and have to be put down. Those of stronger will can hold onto their sanity but the bones will also feed off their host and will generally try to provoke actions. Another side effect is that instead of just going insane, the bones manage to actually possess their host and take over, gifting them some time in power however the body can only last so long. If the warband thinks someone has become possessed then they are taken away and chained up with the others before getting used as shock attack troops. So, in brief, Mithras uses the bones not only to augment the warband but also use it to cull the herd and make sure that he remains top dog.
  10. Just reading over your notes mate and I had a thought come to mind when it comes to the Knight's of Lupus and their demise or should I say, supposed demise. What if Segimer had personally commanded the attack on the Knights of Lupus' base of operations and "exterminated" the order when in actual fact he used the opportunity to smuggle any survivors into his ranks like with Nazi scientists during WWII due to the knowledge they had on the beasts. He would then use the order to secretly further his own projects which would see their fruition when the legion turns traitor. Just some food for thought.
  11. One thing that came to mind reading through the article was the motives of the Fangs weren't covered at least to me. Have you given it much thought about what the Fangs are fighting towards and how? Are they merely trying to survive? Are they seeking to undo the work of their ancient allies with the Dark Angels? Have they worked alongside the Black Legion? I know you've mentioned them fighting in the Pandorax campaign so does this mean they are allies at least? You've definetely got some nice pieces nestled away in here, just some food for thought.
  12. Ooo, 40k Djinn! Looking forward to seeing more about these Sons of Magnus. Thanks mate. The Djinn and other similar ideas like the Ahamkara from Destiny have always been interesting ideas to me so considering the tale of the sons of Magnus it makes sense to me at least that something like this could exist and be chased around, especially when they could potentially solve the Rubric of Ahriman.
  13. Looks like you've got a decent skeleton to work off of. The one thing that caught my eye was the relationship between your chapter and the order here and how that could possibility be built upon. Maybe the Order was sent to protect pilgrims officially however the route was close to the area which the Emperors' Blades operate, meaning that the Order could watch the chapter in case they turned traitor. Think of it like a contingency/political move by the ecclesiarchy. Then after some time, a greater threat comes up with the Emperors' Blades moving in to intercept but also request aid from the Order of the Sacred Scroll. The Ecclesiarchy demand the Order stays to protect the Pilgrims but the order decides that the threat is the bigger problem and help the chapter. The threat is dealt with but the Chapter has suffered fairly heavy casualties due to the war. Cementing the relationship between the two chapters, the Order allows the Chapter to take recruits from the Shrine World. This in turn weakens the Orders relations with the Ecclesiarchy but builds in the strong bonds with the Chapter. Hopefully that makes some sense. Feel free to use whatever bits you feel like are useful. Good luck on the path
  14. The Ascendant Eyes Notes: Originate from the Cult of Knowledge/Corvidae, Order of Blindness, 9th Fellowship Specialized on intelligence operations, assassinations etc. More sinister threat compared to big marching armies, consider devils deal. Goes to isolated imperial outposts, offers aid from threat then starts taking from them Overview Let me share with you the terrible wonders I have come to know… - Magister Mithras the Bonewhisperer, Bringer of Wishes [Placeholder] Origins/History To fight the abyss, one must know it… - Inquisitor Felecia, Ordo Hereticus Mithras fought in the Great Crusade in the 9th Fellowship, rising up the ranks due to keen mind and psychic prowess Eventually gains command of a Circle (Company) and is sent to aid Word Bearers 47th Company alongside House Dorian During tenure with Word Bearers, gain allies in Captain Uhr and discover tales of the Tanin, ancient creatures that roamed the X sector and is said to gift wishes Circle is called back to Prospero before they can launch expedition to x space. Burning Of Prospero happens Mithras then left with the remains of his circle, attacking/corrupting worlds that had been conquered by the Space WOlves in an act of vengeance and sorrow He was joined Ahrimans’ Cabal and helped perform the Rubric, being exiled with many other sorcerers and afterwards, remained a part of the Brotherhood of Dust Mithras then began building his network of spies and allies, using the skills he learned in the Great Crusade to locate the Tanin and discover their powers. Mithras went dark after Amons’ death at Ahrimans’ hand, angered by his mentors’ loss since he was far away SIDEBAR: The Tanin were once a proud ancient race of xenos who Tzeentch cursed. Gave them the power to make wishes but only at the behest of others so would have to twist peoples wishes in order to benefit themselves. Even death could not escape the curse as their souls were attached to their bones. Only utter annihilation could save them. Those who lived on became parasites, siphoning users from what wishes they make. Reunites with Uhr, now a diabolist, and raid the Tanin, slaughtering them with their own magic and using their bones to boost their own potential. Mithras now leads the Cabal in the hunt for more artifacts, using his network to bring them in and also bring down the Imperium he tried to protect Beliefs Lorgar and Magnus, they are not so different. Both seek to find the answers to the universe. Both seek to bring enlightenment to the galaxy. The only difference is the paths they walk. - Diabolist Uhr Cabal now seeks to show the Imperium the sorrow he felt when Prospero fell SIDEBAR: Echoes of Sorrow is a cult formed by Mithras to draw in unfortunate souls from Imperial Society, promising rebirth, strength and evolution in a dark galaxy. Group spreads cult across the gaalxy but also tries to forge daemon weapons and armour of their own. Promising psychics are taken from the ranks and file from cults and trained into the Ascendant Eyes’ ambassadors Heavy mistrust of Magnus and Ahriman due to previous actions though -------------------------------------------- So, I'll be adding more to these guys when I'm in the mood for this but any points or questions are always welcome
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