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JeffTibbetts last won the day on November 19 2015

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About JeffTibbetts

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  • Location
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
  • Interests
    Old school 40K. I started with RT back in the day. I also play Dark Heresy and have played and ran Rogue Trader RPG with my group. Plus, I'm an Apple fanboy so feel free to start flamewars with me over Android. ;)
  • Faction
    Eagle Eyes

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  • Armies played
    Space Marines, Adeptus Mechanicus

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  1. Wow. Crazy to hear about that cat incident, but I'm glad to see some solid paint progress. That green glow really is working out well, and even the blue looks better/more intense. I understand a bit more weathering might tone it down but it's looking very nice right now.
  2. Seeing those leg plates with paint on them fills me with all kinds of feels. They look so, so good. I mean seriously, the best 3D-printed parts I've seen apart from GW masters bar none. The fact you're achieving these results ON YOUR OWN, IN YOUR OWN SHOP is beyond incredible. On a personal level, I'm also just enjoying seeing your personal projects get some attention. They're looking great!
  3. Where are you getting these printed? I need some bone-colored decals for my Angels Eradicant some day. I got some white decals for the Eagle Eyes, of course. I'm pretty happy with them but I don't want to work with that company anymore... Looking for an alternative.
  4. Insane finish quality on the final pieces. That's so great to see. Any misgivings folks may have had about 3D-printing and all the 'stair-stepping' that comes should be well and truly put to sleep. And on another note, those 'striders look so dang cool I can't even...
  5. Something just occurred to me... Whilst the pistol arm is cool as all get-out, there's a part of me that's kind of sad you gave the hard-wired pilot something else to do. I like the idea of them as a slave with just one job, and I'm concerned that the added shooty ability will go to his head. The Adeptus Mechanicus has done an excellent job of keeping him in his place, and here you go putting lofty ideas into his mind. You truly are an agent of darkness.
  6. Those buzz-saw arms are inspired. I love how I can even tell how they 'work' just by looking at them, with the drive motor on the inside. The extra bits are also fantastic as a nudge from the original design, but nothing so crazy that you can't tell where it came from. I'm mightily impressed, and that's saying something since your stuff generally impresses me anyway.
  7. Well that's just, like, amazing. I want a bunch of real makers' plates for Kal'Koplos now. I'll attach them to my laser, my car(s), fridge, dishwasher, toaster, TV, PS4... It would be kind of funny to make a Terra version, M2, so it's accurate for everything created this millennia.
  8. I sure hope that bling is an Ad Mech logo... or a maker’s plate!
  9. I actually like the idea of vehicle accessory kits in general. Stowage and pouches, maybe even armor patches (we could model or own battle damage peeking out from beneath) and gas cans, etc. In fact, I would love to see things like scatter terrain packs as well. It would be VERY difficult to infringe on IP in this case. I do think some terrain projects are a safe and profitable option. I was thinking about the dread legs, and I know there's demand for alternative methods of locomotion. Treads. Spider-legs a la the Onager, etc. Maybe even a hover option if you could make it look brutal and beefy enough. Or even something resembling Repulsor plates. Maybe Iron Hands players would dig those.
  10. That would be great. I've done a running dreadnaught and it was a massive pain.
  11. Woah. That's WEIRD looking. I can't wait to see more but you're dead right about the surface quality. I can't wait to see what it looks like when you can dial in the sharpness.
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