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About this blog

rather than struggle to keep my projects in a few places and so a can share progress on all the random stuff together may as well blog. hopefully this works better and puushes me to do better/ more. may well be sporadic but hey if it works it works. 

Entries in this blog

Master of possession wip updated... greenstuff

So i got green stuff started. Some parts im very happy with others not so much. The backpack id want to swap for a more ornate one... may have the one... somewhere but placeholder. The staff i think is perfect. Happy with cables too. Prob should have done gs work pre assembly. Would have liked to bulk arms but think easily look wrong. Leg armour... i dont think will look right til paintedthe horns beside helm arnt great and need shaped a bit when hardened. If they dont look right will see if i c

Iron Warrior Characters

Been  while since last blog post. Recently I have been trying to give myself a few more character options even though I'm fairly happy with how my iron warriors list looked on the table top. I've seen more and more online about master of executions being a great pick and how they can stack in a unit, so I figured to make one. Ive had an old metal bile body siting for a while planning to build some form of iron warriors medic however as no option in codex i figured he can be a good base for a MOE
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