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About this blog

I'm trying to get more regular in my hobby work instead of the usual swings of feast and famine. I'm moving to a blog here instead of separate topics in armies (Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, and Works in progress), as wells as topics (Games, Displays, and Painting). Anyway, I'm not saying it's realistic for me to do 1 hour every night, but something like this is important. Small, incremental improvements. Day by day. Kaizen. Better painting. Better displays. Better gameplay. 

Entries in this blog

Rogal Dorn #2

Dorn #2 of 3. Getting a little bit done. Here's the squad. I've not quite worked out the regiment organization. I'm using 13 for division(?) markings. Vehicle numbers are consecutive, so this is 1st platoon, tank 2 & 3. (stowage - value gear details on Ebay, some left-overs from 1/35 models; Tarp - VMS modelling paper & solution, Ammo belt - Armorcast white metal, Meltas - tiny panzer on Etsy, tank commanders - forgeworld, and a very old pewter commander pre-dating krieg (finally used hi

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in Painting

Lord Solar in a Weekend: Bringing the Hobby Back

Lord Solar: Yes, I know. It's been done. We've all seen 100's of conversions of Lord Solar. Leave me alone. I felt the hobby inspiration. I had to go with it.    Construction - building off of my previous display boards. Base: went to mdf round 80mm base. This is no time for the slanted standard GW base. Shape: two half circles of cork, with styrene wrapped around the half-circle shape. The MDF base allowed me to glue the styrene to the flat edge. No water effects thi

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2024

Leman Russ Exterminator Conversion, Brick Wall Experiment #1

Exterminator Leman Russ The last time I had an exterminator painted, I think it had pewter barrels (3rd ed?). But, the index exterminator rules are at least interesting for the first time in an age. It's 'withering hail' rule means that if this main gun hits, for the rest of the phase the rest of my army gets another pip of AP against the unit that was hit. And, since the main gun has 'twin linked' it's likely to actually score hits. Still, with vehicle toughness systemically improving this

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in WIP

40k Team Tournament Recap

Ok, finally closing out the Adepticon 2023 catch-up   Game 1. Win v. Wolves I thought they had us in the early turns. It was clear they cross a lot of table quickly. Should we leave the sentinels forward and give the enemy the extra move, or just pull them out? I think it'd be helpful to pause on decisions and go through outcomes in practice games. here my thinking was that I wanted early pressure on the objectives. I also wanted to divert them to get some shooting in where

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Rogue Trader Tourney Recap

Game 1 Loss to Sisters with a Knight Great opponent coming into this with no recent games. A good learning game to start the day and get on my feet. That said it was a total rout. With more time he'd have wiped me off the board. At the outset terrain placement is a big problem. Thank the emperor I didn't bring a baneblade. Movement was hugely constricted. Obscuring created weird avenues of sight.  Challenge. Learning when to reserve is a key weakness for me. I continue to have a bad m

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Magnetized Bases, Trench Reference - Muddy fun

Magnetizing Carry Cases.  During transport at Adepticon my sentinels had to go in a box as they were too tall, and their antenna broke off. All of them. Time to make up some more carry cases. For many years now I've used plastic tubs lined with 26ga steel to carry my magnetized models. I use hot glue to set the metal in place. Though this worked fine on smaller plastic totes, I don't think the hold is good enough for a larger tote - too much weight. I think some kind of construction a

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Apr 10 2023 WIP - Dorn, Uniform, Servo-Skull

Rogal Dorn #1. Casting Defect Texture. Previously I laid down the Tamiya putty texture, and added some brass handles. I lost my metal files somewhere... so the flame cuts still need re-working. Using various files, sandpaper, and a hobby knife creates a varied texture. This is too uniform. I'll either re-work it, or hit it hard on Rogal Dorn #2. In law, legal briefs are never done, just due. Just the same in Hobby, there's always more to do--but, I need an army ready for 10th edition upcom

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Making the Uniform of the Death Korps of Krieg 143rd Siege Artillery Reg.

10 Year badge today?! Well then.   Making the Mask The Russian GP-5 is a great start. I watched 'Iron warrior's' youtube video and that talked me into making a foam face section with the GP-5 parts. He apparently had followed from Janovich on Etsy and youtube. So, I ordered some 5mil foam and got to work. I'd never done any work with this flexible foam; it's all new. Iron warrior also has a downloadable stencil you can buy to just cut out the mask section. This is very handy. I ha

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 7 - The Ritual Site; Campaign Streamers, & Operations Order

I'm going to have to set this up in the basement tonight to get better pics...   WORK IN PROGRESS PICS So, the initial considerations were (1) truck space; (2) tournament imposed (convention center space) limit to 12x structural 3x5' bases; (3) man portability; and (4) entering the technical display category. We figured we wouldn't get a structural display spot as they are limited, and really couldn't transport it anyway, so we'd just go in the 3x2 category. So, I set about making

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

April 2023 WIP - Creed, Dorn, & Kasrkins

10th Ed. Blues Well, I can wait and paint nothing. Or, I can cast a wide net, hoping something, anything, I paint is actually usable in the new rules. Well, the old malcador infernus will keep coming out to play until she's relegated to legends... but for the most part I think I want fundamentals ready for June 2023: Commander, Infantry, heavy weapons, special weapons, vox, leman russes, etc. I mean the other option is to sit and paint nothing, wait for a meta to emerge and race to catch it

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 6 - Forging the Narrative

Narrative Army List. I wanted an actual story to accompany the board. Getting the lore to match up to my armies is more difficult than one would think. Why is Agrippina supplying this? Why is Krieg part of this mission? Anyway, the basic narrative is that Angron is being summoned on Armageddon. I've got the whole thing written out, but in short - 10's of thousands sacrificed in blood daily. Full Divisions are going mad and in open rebellion. Thousands of psykers mind's have exploded (the cl

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 5 - Adepticon Showcase, After Action Review

Showcase. We made it two years running! So, after games 1-3, we got the invite to set up from 8:30-11:30PM in the corridor to the event hall with the other displays. It's great to talk with hobbyists over techniques and all their current projects. Notably, the lighting is much dimmer than in the convention hall for the team tournament. So, flame effects show much better.  I wore the Krieg uniform for quite a while, but eventually it was just too hot and I’d been on my feet since

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 4 - Spotlights, Sandbags, and 143rd Siege Reg. Uniform

Krieg Display Board 2023. Spotlights. This year I wanted spotlights. The forgeworld version are long OOP, and when they show up on ebay every other year they're about $50+. Zinge makes great spotlights. However, I also need a stand for the spotlight. Kromlech makes a great heavy weapon base with a tri-pod. It's a bit too tall for my liking, but it'll work. I chose to put it on a 65mm base because I wanted to hook up electrical. I gave it a quick zenithal with the airbrush on Castellan

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 3 - More 40k Zeppelin Construction

Warhammer 40k Zeppelin... So, the Rob Hawkins blog entry from 2013 (appropriately entitled "Oh the Humanity") really remains the key inspiration.    Length You can see it's actually fairly big. It's also then a pain to transport on it's own. Lots of fiddly bits on the bottom. Unfortunately I also wanted double heavy stubber emplacements on the top, matching old WW1 artwork. This doesn't really work for transport. It needs to lay on one side. And though it does stand upright..

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 pt 2 - Building a Defense Line and Trenches

Krieg Diorama 2023 Ok, still catching up to where we are presently. So, back to the making of the board itself.    Constraints/limitations.  Space. Firstly, space is an issue. I'll need to transport this by vehicle. My truck only fits so much. I have to drive 7 hours to Adepticon. It's cramped. I have a truck bed, but March does not have pleasant weather in Minnesota/Wisconsin/Illinois.  Rules. Second, the rules of the tournament only allow certain sizes. I suppose ea

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 1 - Making a 40k Zeppelin

Death Korps of Krieg Display Board 2023 - Adepticon and Beyond.  So, I'm catching up from work these past two months. 100+ hours in, but never finished. Anyway, step one, I'm building a blimp display board this year. Last year was great. I got a lot of really great feedback at Adepticon and on B&C. People were really kind. But, the question is how to improve it? The problem with going to a new army is that I have to paint a new army, and make a new display, and learn all the rules. Huge

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

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