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About this blog

A blog detailing all my ups and downs, from my xenos hordes to my loyalists in blue...and I guess the others in between!


From WIP to completed projects, I'll share it all, in an attempt to explain the method in my madness.

Entries in this blog

First of Many

Greetings! As the blurb says, I'll be talking about all aspects of my hobbying and every army I enjoy for 40k, but for the first blog post...I think its only fair to talk about my first 40k love.   We all had one after all, that first army that caught our attention, and maybe you still have it in your collection.   For me though, it was all about the Tyranids.   So, way back in the mists of time (2001 to be exact) a very young me wanders into a GW store on my o

Call to Arms: Week 9

I wanted to show you a completed vow this week. I wanted to show you my swarm as it stood at the moment but alas, I can't.   Why not?   I ran out of Valhallan Blizzard!   So, guess those pictures will be up next week.   However, I'm pleased to say that all the bases are now Ice Blue!   Termagaunts and Rippers     Neurogaunts   At least I got something done.   Non-nid related though, I've gone b


ZeroWolf in Hive Fleet Boreidas

Call to Arms: Week 8

Well I did it.   Last Saturday, I posted this picture of the Screamer Killer:   Then, a few days later...     And now...     The Screamer-Killer was the model I was most looking forward to painting on the Tyranids side of Leviathan. I was a little nervous, as while the others had painted up well (see the attached gallery), this guy was bigger. I've also had some trouble recently with my drybrushing, in that I wasn't getting cons


ZeroWolf in Hive Fleet Boreidas

Call to Arms: Week 6

Week 6 of Call to Arms has come and gone, and if my maths is correct, this is the half way point!   This week I technically didn't get that much painting done, but I finished stuff, like these Von Ryan's Leapers: I tried to have a transition going on with the top most scything talons, and it sort of worked, well, worked enough that I set about trying it again on this fella: Can't see it at this angle but I darkened (with extra layers of Leviathan purple) the point


ZeroWolf in Hive Fleet Boreidas

Call to Arms: Week 4

Week 4 has come and gone, so what did I do? Paint gaunts.   It took one session to complete the 1st batch (of 5 Termagaunts and 1 Barbagaunt) from where I left them last week: So with reckless abandon, I started the next batch straight away   There was nothing new that happened with the 2nd batch other than deciding to do two Barbagaunts now instead of later. I spent a lot of time going around and fixing mistakes where I found them, trying to eradicate white g

Call to Arms: Week 3

Another week gone, another week bites the dust! You get the idea...   In some sense, I didn't get too much done, but in another, I got a bit done!   From my last blog post, I started the week by continuing with the Neurogaunts and Ripper Swarms:   At this point, all their base colours were done, which meant time for fun with drybrushing! Here, I pressed ahead with the Ripper swarm and got them finished. The Neurogaunts also had their flesh drybrushe

Call to Arms: Week 2

Week 2 as come and gone! While I'm aware that this blog is going up later than it should, I'm still covering the same time scale, and I'll promise to do better next week!   Anyhow...   When I left it last time, I'd done the task of covering every flesh with Ork Flesh (and knocking it over in the process) while also starting on the neuroloids. I promised a Neurotyrant afterwards, and here we go: The aethermatic blue came to the rescue again and I also put colours on

Call to Arms: Week 1

Last week, like many of the people here, I embarked on the Call to Arms forum event, (perhaps foolishly) vowing to paint the Tyranid half of the Leviathan box. This is 47 miniatures in 3 months...easy right?   Let's see how I got on...   The painting started on Saturday night as I drybrushed all the models with White Scar, this didn't take too long and I was set up to move to stage 2 of my process, the green flesh.   I use Ork Flesh Contrast paint here: T
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