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About this blog

A blog detailing all my ups and downs, from my xenos hordes to my loyalists in blue...and I guess the others in between!


From WIP to completed projects, I'll share it all, in an attempt to explain the method in my madness.

Entries in this blog

Painting the Rest of Leviathan...

Well, it's been a while since I blogged last...too long in fact. I was only supposed to have a short break while I finished my Bladeguard and Assault Intercessors (and Bladeguard Ancient, and Captain...). They didn't end up being done till late November time as other things piled up.   Here's how they turned out:   This led to me finally starting the Marine half of the Leviathan box (I think I said before I wanted it done before New Year...That didn't happen


ZeroWolf in Ultramarines

Leviathan Eve

Well, as I type this, it's June 23rd, so for me, it's Leviathan Eve (I'm not jealous at all of those who got their boxes today at all...).   My prep work is complete, I've got storage boxes started, I've got rattlecan primer ready to go and my colour scheme is sorted. ... What's that? I completed my Tyranid scheme weeks ago? Have I been slacking since then?    Well, since I put that first blog post up featuring my parasite of motrex I did what all good hobbyists sho


ZeroWolf in Ultramarines

Rite of War

Here is my first attempt at a little snippet of fanfiction, along with accompanying pictures...I apologise for the quality!       "Brother Gregorius," the Chaplain said, his voice as full of gravel as the ruined battlefield he walked on. The sounds of battle did nothing to muffle his voice. The space marine walking a step behind him didn't speak, as a Judicar, he'd taken a vow of silence, instead he nodded solemnly. He knew what was about to be asked of him, and he hefted his execution


ZeroWolf in Ultramarines

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