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About this blog

A blog detailing all my ups and downs, from my xenos hordes to my loyalists in blue...and I guess the others in between!


From WIP to completed projects, I'll share it all, in an attempt to explain the method in my madness.

Entries in this blog

Building Leviathan: Day 1

As I type  its currently the 25th June. Yesterday at 9 in the morning, me and my oldest son took a trip to town and collected this: (the battleboards are just peeking out at the top there)   I had hoped to get stuck in with building but family life had other ideas!   So, late last night, I finally got to work.   The hardest part was choosing what to build first:   After some deliberation, I got to work on these two: It was sort of fit

Building Leviathan: Day 2

Day 2 of Leviathan building...Let's get to it.   I had a bit more time and more choice, so I decided to get the large, multi-tooth elephant muncher out of the way: The psychophage wasn't a bad build persay but there was some annoying parts. First off, the little legs/arms it has. Unlike the four bigger ones that lock in place, these two little ones don't and they got annoying when it came to putting it on its base as I had to keep adjusting it to make sure it was flat. Second

Building Leviathan: Day 3

So Day 3 of building Leviathan and what did I do today*   Well, I was through messing around...It was time for the Screamer Killer (oh, and I guess the Neurotyrant + drones)   The Neurotyrant was a smooth build and i was surprised by the detail that was just covered up by the 'armour', the designers really went to town on him.    The Screamer Killer on the other hand, seemed to have developed a case of gapitis. No matter how much I filed down the contact point

Building Leviathan: Day 4

Day 4 of building Leviathan and the end is in sight for the Tyranids.   I should point out that on average, I get about an hour and a half of free time a day, which isn't a lot for building a box of Leviathan's size!   However the building today was focused on the gaunts. My first task was to get the lsst sprue of Termagaunts done and dusted, bringing the total to a healthy 20. Needless to say, these will not be the last Termagaunts I'll ever build.   With them done

Building Leviathan: Day 5

Day 5 of building the Leviathan box and I finally reach an important milestone!   I started off by going back to the last Tyranid sprue (the one with the Neurogaunts and Barbgaunts) and started clipping off the Barbgaunts. This was a unit that had piqued my curiosity during the reveals, and their unique ability to slow down opponents (doubtful they would actually kill anything but luckily that isn't their primary function). Some of that enthusiasm was drained away by the build as sever

Building Leviathan: Day 6

Day 6 of building Leviathan and I inch closer to having the whole box built (for comparisons sake I did Indomitus over a period of months and I technically haven't completed AoS's Dominion yet...)   For (Thursday) I completed the Sternguard, and all of them were pretty straightforward with no issues, and I tackled these big boys: Not going to lie, these Terminators went together like a dream. No seams, no awkward fitting parts, just perfection. I'm looking forward to paintin

Building Leviathan: The Final Day

With a crestfallen heart, I must announce that we've come to the end of this little Building Leviathan series. I mean, It's hard to continue something when it's all built!   Today, all I had to do, was 10 Infernus Marines and 1 Dreadnought...   First up: These went togethed easy enough, though I did wonder about why GW designed them to go together as they did. Like the one Marine where you put the pieces together verticality. Still after an hour or so, I had the fu
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