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About this blog

A blog showing and showcasing the various models of my collection and pile of shame while I progressively paint/repaint/update them. 


Inc. WIP, completed projects and, I hope, the models in action back on table tops (after a gaming break other the past 3 editions).

Entries in this blog

30 Years of Hobby - Packing time

Hi Folks,   It is time to move, or rather prepare the moving. There are 7 days lefy before starting loading the truck. And I packed all the stuff I jealously want to keep for myself and, if possible in good shape.   But 30 years of Hobby is a big volume of stuff. And some models requuire very specific care if one want them to arrive at destination in a single piece. Past weeks have therefore be spent reinforcing boxes and tray, cutting foam spacers, revarnishing some mod


Bouargh in Edito

12 Months of Hobby - Kastelans

Hi Folks,   As a Feb 2025 entry for 12 MoH, I did a speed painting of some Kastelan robots.   "Speed" as I got them ready is something like 4 days or so. Truth is that these lads combine several key advantages or features to reach such a productivity: Big models are always faster to paint My scheme is simple and almost 3 colours only I have already painted something like 3 to 4k pts of AdMechs, so I am trained...   The main risk was to introduce

Another digression - This time about Drukharii

Hi Folks,   It will maybe be no surprise for you if you follow time to time my entries: I was planning including some Drukharii element to my old Aeldarii army in order to align an Ynnarii faction. I bought some stuff, made some test models (Archon) and even completetd some units  (Mandrakes, Incubis and Kabalites). More stuff is on top of the Pile-of-Shame, such as Scourges and the 2 Vehicles from the Patrol box, waiting to be painted.        Archon as Test Model


Bouargh in Edito

Volkus Scenery - Part 2

Hi folks.   It has been a while since I completed the first 2 buildings of the Volkus Sceney pack. I prepared these 2 repackaged quick fit buildings as my entry for january into 12 MoH 2025.   In general I am already owning 2 sets alike, which came with the Vertigus boxed set. It was 9th Ed., correct?     When I painted these, I set a more or less stadard PlastCrete colour scheme that I had oportunities to disclose in some early entries of this BLog s

"Heretic!" - Memories of an old Bat Rep Recreation

Hi Folks,   While chating in the Amicus Aedes forum, @TheArtilleryman raised a point about impact of time on army sizes, model counts and point values. The topic is large and may require an overview of arguments and opinions shared in the tread there:     One of the points raised is the one of recreating old WD Bat Reps and how we evaluate the impact of the various Editions and their evolutions on the posibility to recreate these in a satisfying way. From time to t


Bouargh in Edito

Digressing about Aeldarii Corsairs...

Hi Folks,   My Curiosity/Interest/Call-it-like-you-want has been activated some weeks ago when Valrak's runoured that the Eldar Corsairs could have a kind of extended release of new units forming a new xenos' faction. Incredulity was my first feeling. Indeed, my references, or at least what comes to my mind when Corsairs are mentionned, is the army list published in FW Imperial armour book vol.11: The Doom of Myrmeara.   Since that time, the Drukhari evolved in such a pr


Bouargh in Aeldarii

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 3

Hi Folks,   A third fantasy for the "What-if HH minis were introduced in the 40K SKitarii setting" game series. Thsi time with the Axiarch, a Secutarii leader that will probably prove to be of little to no use in most 40k era game setting.       It is still a Marshal but with some extra buff, it looks like more to a SM Captain in Terminator armour, so set him tentatively at 95 pts, as the SM Captain...   What do you think of this USO (Unidentif


Bouargh in House rules

12 Months of Hobby 2024 - a Closing Report

Hi Folks,   As year ends, I keep on going a summary of these 12 past months and their contribution to my Bitz box managment and Pile of Shame reduction. The 12 Months of Hobby Challenge is and has been a great incentive to keep on working on projects on a regular basis, without being too distracted by the "Last-in, First-out syndrom". It helps keeping the momentum on stuff left aside for too long.     Here is the summary:   January The year started o


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Mustering some Drukhari - How to get to 1k pts?

Hi Folks,   I have been giving a though on how to make my Drukhari Pile-of-Shame a playable force - with a 1000 pts target. My force has been gathered initially with an Ynnari only focus: getting that deep striking touch and late objective grabber tactics available to complete an Ynnari force that is mainly Guardian built.   For that I invested into a Combat Patrol box that gives a nice all round unt selection with cool deep striking vehicles. On this core I added 2 unit


Bouargh in Drukhari

Another look in the rear-mirror - a 2024 Hobby productivity report

Hi folks,   As year comes to an end, I spent some time having a look at this year productivity. In terms of hobby time and painted miniatures, it has been quite a busy and productive year. I did not realized until this very moment I started scrolling down back in time in my posts.   The list of milestones has been largely animated by the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge and the CtA2024. Let´s dive in.   What counts but does not count as: We are going


Bouargh in Beating the back-log

Kabalites for my Ynnari - Unless they ride on their own

Hi folks,   It has been a long time since posting anything there. End of yeqr has been complicated and full of work overload. And 2025 is going to start this a similar tumultous pattern, but this will be discused another time.   After a hiatus of 4 weeks, for flu and then for spending time painting dwarves for the World that Was, I finally resumed the painting of my Kabalite reinforcement for Ynnari. I did the bodies and I had left apart the heads and weapons + the final


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Crawling reinforcements inbound

Hi Folks,   After a small painting break due too flu (it hits hard this year...) I finally resumed some work that was on the bench since a few weeks.   Here comes some reinforcments for my Admech:   A Dragoon, reaching my number to 3 of these lads A third Dune crawler (and last)   The Dragoon will either reinforce the 2 other ones to go full hitting force, especially useful againts Superheavies and big knighty stuff, or be wandering on his own. 


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Consolidating my Ynnari - A Drukhari test model

Hi folks,   As part of my Asuryani force, Ynnari oriented, I had marked on my list the addition of deepstriking units under the form of a Drukhari combat patrol plus other stuff. I've already painted the Incubus as part of the CtA24. Comes the time of the Kabalites.   I have hesitated quite a long time before choosing a colour. I finally decided myself for an Akhelian green. It is close to a teal colour that can traditionally be associated to the dark kins. Their alliege


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Volkus Scenery - Part 1.2

Hi folks.   Why Part 1.2?  No, you did not miss anything; it is just ythat, as the first building was painted as part of the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, this blog entry is not really Volkus Part 1. But starting at Part 2 directly woulmd have looked odd. And as Part 1.2 is an intringuing title... It might boost the reader counter!   As all the Volkus pieces or terrain this one is no exception to the rule: low to zero custom assembly. It is somehow a very different desig


Bouargh in Beating the back-log

12 Months of Hobby - November Pledge Completion

Hi Folks,   The week has been a productive one and I finally managed to complete all the pledged items and even a little bit more.   The 2 henchmen could have been enlisted in a éh painting challenge as they were sorted out very fast.     The enlisted Volkus building has also been painted fast. Getting a painrt scheme already well established makes things faster: benefits of being trained upstream I guess. The scheme remains the same as the one I used


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

12 Months of Hobby - November Progress

Hi Folks,   As first progress report for this months entries on mine in 12MoH, here come the Castellax Automatas.   Of course they cannot be fielded as such in 40k setting, but they will be very decent proxies for Phosphor blasters' tooled-up Kastellans. And the model is rather gorgeous, although less bulky than the 40k one...   Building has been rather easy even if long. indeed these chaps are set in numerous bitz. the cut might eventually have been made less


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

A never ending story

Hi folks,   I just spent the past week hobbying on something different. It has been a very long time I did not spend time on stuff not 40k or HH related; so I decided to dig up some old dwarves I had untouched since the release of the battle for skull pass. A while indeed. And while I tried to jsutify this change arguing that I had almost cleaned down my 40k Pile of Shame, I did a little mental recap.   Gosh it looks like this is a never ending story, with waiting list recomp


Bouargh in Beating the back-log

How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 5

Hi folks,   As a fith act in this series, here is today's addition: a Goliath truck to be used qs q Tqurox proxy. Becquse remember thqt I am not starting a GSC army... But is there someone that really believing this?   In CtA23, year ago so, I painted some kit bashed Scions from old plastic scouts. These lads deserves a vehicle to go at heart of the fight. and if it comes with some fire power, better. A Taurox fits the role but... I had this Goliath Truck from the Patrol box,


Bouargh in Not GSC

How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 4

Hi folks,   As a fourth act in this series that I left aside for a while, here are some progresses to be shared: the kit bashed HW teams have been painted.   As previously ibntroduced in the second part of this serie ( or was it the first one?), using a single kit of ooP Cadian HW plus GSC cultists and extra crew members from the GOliath kit allows reaching 18 footsloggers and puting in service 3 types of HW. In my case; ML; Autocannon and mortars. I like the vibe of the last


Bouargh in Not GSC

Mystery bases

Hi folks.   A very short contribution this time with some Work-in-Progress shared here. Let's see if you can guess what these bases are for:     There are some serious clues that can be found in the colour schemes (if you compare with some previous works of mine in this Blog or in my Galleries). Some clues may be not that recent for sure... But sometimes lack of update for past projects is a clue in itself...   Some recent posts in the forum may also set t


Bouargh in Beating the back-log

Mission aborded...

Hi Folks,   While the 100th post in this BLog was coming closer, I started wondering what form it could take. After all 100 as a round number is looking like a milestone that deserves something special. Or close. Usual suspects for that kind of autoconggratulation session can be: A look in the back mirror - the Blog that was and main previous entries. Come´on, it is so common (undetected attempt to humour) A look forward - what will come next. Let´s be frank: I have a


Bouargh in Milestone

The Emperor protects...

Hi folks,   As a tribute for this Orktober 2024, my contribution is of a single grot. But such a Grot! An imperial Grot, with all the glory associated to His status.     OK, not this one, yet the colour scheme is a great source of inspiration, even if green skin does not match with green jacket. But the Napoleon Grot of mine, gift from an Ebay bitz store (I probably spent too much that time. Again), deserved being close of the historical figure.   Cr


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Mandrakes done

Hi folks,   I completed my mandrakes tiday, putting final snow touch to their base and correcting some clown noses caused by miscontrol of white paint for hairs.   My inspiration was this illustration:     It is slightly different from the usual paint job of GW; mainly as hexfire is blue and not greenish. I found it more convenient and more adapted to bring a common point in terms of colours with the swirling soul wave of my Yncarne. All these models are


Bouargh in Aeldarii

On the workbench - Some models for October pledge

Hi folks,   Here are some of the stuff that has been slowly but surely been accumulated on my workbench.   I am usually with 2 or 3 projects at the time, in order to get enough variety in order to avoid being bored. changing model, colour pallet and universe helps me keeping the momentum, whle too much batch painting leads to need for disconnection. Whwn I was painting only SW during lock-down, I spent months with The Fang as main colour. When this happens you need a break so


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Ynnari fun facts... and painted Yvraine

Hi folks,   As I had time to waste while some minis were drying, I spent some time reading fluff, something that I did not do for at least 10 years.   Just to give you a small idea, I left if long time before the opening of the great rift the Imperium Nihilus and the Primaris stuff. Whatever one can think about the “event” and the story moving further (I won´t enter in another controversy for something that is and will stay. Like it or no), one positive move as far as I am co


Bouargh in Aeldarii

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