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About this blog

A blog showing and showcasing the various models of my collection and pile of shame while I progressively paint/repaint/update them. 


Inc. WIP, completed projects and, I hope, the models in action back on table tops (after a gaming break other the past 3 editions).

Entries in this blog

Thinking about expanding the Host - Part 2

As introduced in my previous BLog entry, I am thinking into expending my Saim Hann host but I still don´t know which way I will follow. Among the ways I foresee there are the extentions of my battleline units (see Part I) and/or getting more Jetbikes.   So, let´s dive into Jetbikes now. As previously the comparison will be based on the units of both Aeladri and Dark kins nits. I will exclude the Shinning Spears though, as I alredy get one of those and do not really foresee ge


Bouargh in 10th Edition

Thinking about expanding the Host - Part 1

I am thinking into expending my Saim Hann host but I still don´t know which way I will follow. There are different stuff that I like in the Eldars, all tastes together: Character and aesthetic of their infantery, especially the Core Jet bikes Versatility and cross bridging that goes with the various subfactions that can be combined (Craftworlds, Corsairs, Harlies and even Dark kins through the Ynnari option)          Now that I reach a point wher


Bouargh in 10th Edition

Appearances are deceiving...

I have been a little bit surprised, as most, with the way point values for the Datasheet of the indexes were set. Especially in respect of cost managment of the options. Or rather in respect of the total lack of cost managment of the options. I already stated in other places of B&C that in my opinion, the whole design (from profiles to poitn values) would be te result of a series of probabilities to suceed vs. an average profile defined a rating reference. of course this is theory as th


Bouargh in 10th Edition

The cost of 10th - What I will have to spend to legalize my armies

The release of the Indexes has introduced some changes in unit composition and minimums. Some of the armies I gathered in the past will have to go through a good face lifting in order to be able to be fielded under the new unit canons.   I am no affected for the big Space Wolves faction of mine - sure a lot of stuff is probably not as it should be per the Index but I bet I have more than enough to rebalance and equilibrate some legal squads without necessity of investing again.


Bouargh in 10th Edition

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