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About this blog

A blog showing and showcasing the various models of my collection and pile of shame while I progressively paint/repaint/update them. 


Inc. WIP, completed projects and, I hope, the models in action back on table tops (after a gaming break other the past 3 editions).

Entries in this blog

Colour scheme test for tiny Marines - "It´s not the yellow Sir, it´s the scale too..."

Disclaimer:    It is common statment that painting yellow is dificult. Rhodes´Academy videos then try to convince us that it is not the case and that Contrast paints make wonders.  I am still undecided about that. In fact, I am facing some serious autoquestionning while looking at my latest paint job on tiny marines. I tried Imeprial Fist Yellow to go toward , guess what, an Imperial Fists´ 6 mm force.  I will not pretend calling them Imperial Fists anymore as it might be


Bouargh in EPIC 2nd Ed

What´s hidden underneath my Pile of Shame? Tiny Marines!

I dunnot plan playing the resurected version of EPIC set in the HH. I must focus, Or at least it is one of my aims. Largely influenced by my wife´s "encouragments", but this is another story.   I dunnot plan playing the resurected version of EPIC set in the HH, but it does not mean that the 6mm scale, a.k.a. EPIC, is totaly unknown from me. Deep bellow my pile of shame, in the tailing end of the scoring board structuring priorities of what shall be painted, lie some small boxes on


Bouargh in EPIC 2nd Ed

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