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About this blog

A blog showing and showcasing the various models of my collection and pile of shame while I progressively paint/repaint/update them. 


Inc. WIP, completed projects and, I hope, the models in action back on table tops (after a gaming break other the past 3 editions).

Entries in this blog

Digressing about Aeldarii Corsairs...

Hi Folks,   My Curiosity/Interest/Call-it-like-you-want has been activated some weeks ago when Valrak's runoured that the Eldar Corsairs could have a kind of extended release of new units forming a new xenos' faction. Incredulity was my first feeling. Indeed, my references, or at least what comes to my mind when Corsairs are mentionned, is the army list published in FW Imperial armour book vol.11: The Doom of Myrmeara.   Since that time, the Drukhari evolved in such a pr


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Consolidating my Ynnari - A Drukhari test model

Hi folks,   As part of my Asuryani force, Ynnari oriented, I had marked on my list the addition of deepstriking units under the form of a Drukhari combat patrol plus other stuff. I've already painted the Incubus as part of the CtA24. Comes the time of the Kabalites.   I have hesitated quite a long time before choosing a colour. I finally decided myself for an Akhelian green. It is close to a teal colour that can traditionally be associated to the dark kins. Their alliege


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Mandrakes done

Hi folks,   I completed my mandrakes tiday, putting final snow touch to their base and correcting some clown noses caused by miscontrol of white paint for hairs.   My inspiration was this illustration:     It is slightly different from the usual paint job of GW; mainly as hexfire is blue and not greenish. I found it more convenient and more adapted to bring a common point in terms of colours with the swirling soul wave of my Yncarne. All these models are


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Ynnari fun facts... and painted Yvraine

Hi folks,   As I had time to waste while some minis were drying, I spent some time reading fluff, something that I did not do for at least 10 years.   Just to give you a small idea, I left if long time before the opening of the great rift the Imperium Nihilus and the Primaris stuff. Whatever one can think about the “event” and the story moving further (I won´t enter in another controversy for something that is and will stay. Like it or no), one positive move as far as I am co


Bouargh in Aeldarii

A Vypers' nest

Hi folks,   The Vyper has been a very emblematic Eldar (a.k.a. Aeldarii) vehicle for a long time now. 1996, as per the date marked on the sprue of the one I assembled and painted recently. My 3rd one. While reading through some recent rumours related topics, the theme of the Vyper has been evoked. More precisely the need for a redesign/revisit of the venerable model. Nice topic. I do like wishlisting too.   Yet, is it a topic really? It does not really matter how st


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Why play Ynnari?

Hi Folks.   There are as much reasons to choose and play an army than players. Or maybe not that much but a least a serious amount. So I will not pretend listing them all or even pretending covering the main ones. I will instead stick to a selfish and auto-centered exercise on why did I choose to build up an Ynnari force. I am not really an Eldar guy. I liked them and even started gathering an army in 96. I bought and stored some models, essentially after recovering some guar


Bouargh in Aeldarii

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