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About this blog

A blog showing and showcasing the various models of my collection and pile of shame while I progressively paint/repaint/update them. 


Inc. WIP, completed projects and, I hope, the models in action back on table tops (after a gaming break other the past 3 editions).

Entries in this blog

AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Like a painter in the wind

Since all the plans for this week end have been affected by the Ciaran storm, what can I do nbut stay at home and wait for the wind to fall? Which leaves some time for painting some stuff.   The prep for the Kataphron ended with the track units assemblied and wainting for their first dry brushing (boltgun metal on tracks). But the bases are done. The sad aspect of these bases is that I clipped some skulls from CSM bitz in order to use them as scenic alements, but I completly forgot usi


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Painting my AdMech Combat Patrol - Planning stage and first moves

Now that my Patrol box has been delivered, it is time to plan for the painting.   There are 4 units to be scheduled and designed, and I will start by the one that will be painted last: Skitarii. Why would I keep it for the last may you ask? Well, mainly because I wish I could have an eye on the AdMech Codex before closing my choices. I do not necesary expect changes but it might be that the Battle line units undergo some adjustments vs. the Index. Afterall, I did not expect any ch


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

! Breaking news ! - Delivery completed (at least, it took a while)

Since the day I passed my order on the website of a FLGS, a lot of water has flown from the mountains to the sea. Let´s do the maths yourself: Order passed on July 24th and AdMech Patrol Box received on September 26th (last Tuesday). What went wrong would you ask?   First we might need a small step back in time, just to reset the context: I did not want this Patrol box. Not really. Not as much as I wanted the Extermination Maniple left on shelves of the e-FLGS. But the discount on


Bouargh in Edito

40k Pile of Shame Updated - Where has everything gone???

My journey through my 40k Pile of Shame has been a years long travel, and it looks like it reaches to an end. Well, in reality it is likely to be a endless trip as some new projects still can join the frey and postpone this day of celebration AND mourning where I will be left without anything to Paint/Assemble/convert and/or slash... (I am btw still waiting for my AdMech Patrol since July 24th...)   If we step back a little bit a few years ago, everything was resumed with the Lock-down


Bouargh in Milestone

Kataphrons completed

After a few days away I finally completed the final steps of assembly of my 2 Kataphons´ Units from my Extermination Maniple - one Destroyer and one Breacher.   The Breachers scheme is finally not as convincing as I initially thought. Getting armour plates reds and tracks grey makes that the visual impact of the armour is a little bit too present I feel. On the other hand they are quite in synthony with the rest of the army, especially the Priests and Robots, but I do feel lak there is


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Going back to my New Year / New Army Project (sort of)

While summer was passing by, I spent most of my time painting for the Call to Arm 2023 Challenge, tooking the opportunity of it to repaint oldies, paint Aeldarii left in a box for almost 20 years and an even older Squat trike.   Spent the summer painting, AND waiting for delivery of some ordered goods for my Admech Army. First an ooP Extermination Maniple, left forgotten in a remote FLGS. This box was supposed to be completed by a Combat Patrol; but it never showed off. It is still lis

Call to Arms 2023 - Closing pictures

As the Call to Arms 2023 Challenge is getting close to its end, I will share here some family portraits of my contributions.   In the Xenos Stronghold - running for Aeldari Forum - A Saim Hann War Host.         Except the Wraithlord (Edit) and the red WS that have been painted prior to the Challenge but that I cannot leave away from their amtes, all the models have been painted in 2 distinct vows. Special note of the converted Venom, that is enlisted


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms 2023 - Countdown is now over!

I am quite satisfied having been able to close my third vow in the Imperium Stronghold before the bbell toll of Sept. 30th.   Here bellow are my last 2 pieces of enlisted units and scenery: - a barricade made of sand bags - an outpost made from proxy Munitorum container (Rescued from a old (broken) toy found in the attic of Grandpa and Grandma)     With some views of the outpost:     I still have some of these plastic sandbags, but I w


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms 2023 - Countdown to Sept 30

A small and short update as the sand from the glasshour is slowly but surely flowing down.   As of today, Sept 25th, all the Skitarii are painted, based and ready to be dispatched in their new units. Indeed this batch of 10 was meant to legalize my previous Rangers so that they may fit the new Index rules. To be understood as being closer to legality than they used to be in the past (No more pair of Transurannic arquebus in a single unit of 10, I am afraid).   So I painted 2


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms - Week 12 Progress Report

This week progress report  will be the last one before the conclusive date of the Challenge. I am on the way of closing my third vow, even if the tick tocking of the count down is still present.    Todays' issue was getting short of primer. By chance some other comitments led me close to a DIY store where I took the first can I found. It is enough to get the 2 remaining pieces of scenery painted. While it dries, I will focus on the Skitarii. So next (and last) week will probably be a q


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms - On the road toward a third Vow

As a third vow in the Call to Arm 2023 Challenge - Imperium Stronghold, I pledge the following stuff for the Adeptus MEchanicus Sub Forum: - Cawl - 10 pts - 2 Kastellns - 2 x 3 pts - Their Datasmith - 5 pts - 1 unit of Skitarii - 10 x 1 pt - 2 Pieces of scenery/small scrap type - 2 x 2 pts -1 Piece of Scenery/Munitorum Container type - 4 pts   Total: 39 pts     It´s a lot for just 2 weeks left, but I will try it. Pure Glutony.  I c


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms - Imperium Stronghold Vow 2 complete

My second vow for the Imperium Stronghold is now completed. I was missing the kit bashed Scion Unit, based on various Scouts kits plus some SW, Scions and Skitarii bitz.  It complete the other enlisted stuff shown in my previous Blog entry and painted last WE - see here:       With some close-ins for 3 of these:   The latter has been done by repositioning a scout from the Speeder model.    


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms - Week 11 Progress Report

If you are following the Hi-Los of my AdMech minis order, you will remember that, anticipating a larger delay than the one already registered, I started a second Vow with a contingency plan. Until part of my order appeared. So I am a little bit in the middle of a No-Mans´ Land now: trying to speed up the painting process of what is currently WIP in order to be able, eventually, to enlist a third vow with this new material, freshly received...    From my second Vow, the current status i


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

! Breaking news ! - Delivery completed (or almost)

After waiting during some 44* days of anxiety, my order has been delivered ! Hurrah !  (Can you hear angels and sailors singing? Either for joy or booze)   Well, in fact the FLGS decided to stop waiting for the pending item to be sent from GW warehouse to his store and proceeded to a partial shipment. So, my epic and entusiatic tone should be eventually lowered as only 50% of my order is now at home**.   But what a 50%! a Whole Extermination Maniple forgotten since Januar


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Call to arms - Week 10 Progress Report

As a matter of fact, we are rather going to talk of resuming activity rather than progressing at anything. After a 2 weeks break, mainly because I was hoping receiving some purchases of mine (which by the way did not showed off yet...), it is time to activate a contingency plan. There are only 3 and a half weeks left and it would be too short (far too short) to pretend painting a whole AdMech extermination maniple... At least at my current rythm and considering my availability for hobby stu


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

While waiting for the Delivery...

I feel like a little bit purposeless as my next bunch of fresh material for 40k will be delivered in afew days. I still have some stuff left in a box, some more ooP Rhino chassis tanks, but It would be repainting them. I could off course shift to WFB which is clearly my next big challenge as my Pile of shame is huge here. Or anticipate on Epic reboot and paint my old (very old) 6 mm scale armies.   But I do not want to embark on something too different like 6 mm and I am a little bit f


Bouargh in Bitz Box Management

Call to Arms 2023 - Week 7 Progress Report

As a progress report for this week, I report my first vow in the Imperium Stronghold is now completed: 2 Rhinos, one with Spaced Armour 1 converted Razorback, using shield from ooP Sororitas Immolator 1 proxy Predator Baal     That´s all for this week.   As I am waiting for some AdMech miniatures, probably at beginning of next week, I will potentially field another vow in the Imperium Stronghold.  While I  am waiting I will see if I ca


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

How I changed my mind about Balance Dataslate

Disclaimer: This is a personal and obviously biased point of view. I am addicted to GW products and Lore. But I am convinced that there are game design issues, a recurring pattern of “failing by design” approach in 40k rules, almost independently from the editions concerned. When did it start? For my when 7th Ed hit the ground… Feel free to comment, to add arguments in order to make me change my mind (you will see that this is a starting point of this Blog entry – how I (partially) changed my mi


Bouargh in Edito

Call to Arms 2023 - Week 6 Progress Report

After completing my 3 vows in the Xenos´ Stronghold, it is time to focus on some more Imperium related stuff. As I still experience some delivery delays for the miniatures ordered to increase my Adeptus Mechanicus Force (my New Year/New Army Project), I went to see why I could recover from my crates of long forgotten minis... Let´s see what I found:   - Lots of WFB minis - out of scope - Few Fantasy Ral Partha minis - out of scope too - 6 Spore mines - if only I had found the


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Vroom vroOOom Squats !!!

This one was not on the rooster of mine.   Yet, because of an unexpected event (need to find a cardbox to ship a sold item on Wallapop),  I encountered a small platic bag, full of lead and white metal scrap. Among these scraps, an SCT! By SCT I meant a  never assemblied Squat Guild Trike.   So, here is my third vow: assemble, paint and base this piece of hobby´s history. I guess it will be enlisted for the Leagues of Votann.     The molding is quite detail


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Week 5 Progress report

Today´s progress report deals with the based Warlock Conclave (of last week) and the 10 Storm Guardians.       The converted Skyrunner Farseer is something like 50% painted, leaving me very very (very) close of completing this second vow. Ideally, I´d like to be able to close it this week, It will leave time for enlisting more stuff in the Challenge, but it will not be any kind of new vow for Xenos. I ran out of Xenos to be painted atm   - 10 Storm Gu


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Thinking about expanding the Host - Part 2

As introduced in my previous BLog entry, I am thinking into expending my Saim Hann host but I still don´t know which way I will follow. Among the ways I foresee there are the extentions of my battleline units (see Part I) and/or getting more Jetbikes.   So, let´s dive into Jetbikes now. As previously the comparison will be based on the units of both Aeladri and Dark kins nits. I will exclude the Shinning Spears though, as I alredy get one of those and do not really foresee ge


Bouargh in 10th Edition

Thinking about expanding the Host - Part 1

I am thinking into expending my Saim Hann host but I still don´t know which way I will follow. There are different stuff that I like in the Eldars, all tastes together: Character and aesthetic of their infantery, especially the Core Jet bikes Versatility and cross bridging that goes with the various subfactions that can be combined (Craftworlds, Corsairs, Harlies and even Dark kins through the Ynnari option)          Now that I reach a point wher


Bouargh in 10th Edition

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Progress and Warlocks

This WE overall progress for my second Vow is reflecting important progress - weathe rhas been bad so I had time to kill...:   - 10 Storm Guardians - 10 pts - on-going - 10 Dire Avengers - 10 pts - done - 1 Skyrunner Farseer - 5 pts  - 2 Vypers - 6 pts - done - 1 Falcon - 6 pts - done - 2 Warlocks - 10 pts - done - 1 Autarch - 5 pts - done - 3 Shining spears - 6pts - Full repaint job - done - 1 converted Venom - 3pts to be placed into the list of


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

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