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Hobby progress and musings covering the Order of the Penitent Saint and WAAAGH! Tortoof, as well as whatever other 40k projects I pick up.

Entries in this blog

The Competitive Pivot

To avoid burying the lede, the TL;DR is that I'm switching to Necrons.   -----   Every game of 10th that I have played has been with Orks. I've managed to track every game since my third in the (excellent) Tabletop Battles app. You can see my stats below:     As you can see, I've now played thirty games of 10th. And while I have a lot of thoughts about the edition in general, this post is about my experiences playing Orks, and my plans for the foreseeable


toaae in Competitive

Tournament AAR: Smite Club Open 2023

Record: 3-3 (WLLWWL) Placing: 36th (out of 88)   Summary I had a phenomenal weekend, with six awesome opponents, four fun games, and a free raffle prize that means I profited off this tournament. Despite the location being an hour drive from my house, I loved it and will 100% be a permanent future attendee. A special shout out to the Smite Club people who put on this event; it ran so smooth, the terrain was excellent, the information before and during the event was so clear.


toaae in Competitive

Tournament Briefing: Smite Club Open

Location: Legacy Sport Complex, Mesa, AZ BCP Link: Smite Club Open 2023 40k Major Format: Rules lock September 2nd; PRE-DATASLATE 6-game major GT Battle-ready required Player Placed Terrain Missions: 1: Search and Destroy, Chilling Rain, Take and Hold 2: Sweeping Engagement, Scrambler Fields, The Ritual 3: Search and Destroy, Hidden Supplies, Priority Target 4: Hammer and Anvil, Hidden Supplies, Take and Ho


toaae in Competitive

Tournament AAR: IO RTT 8/19

Record: 3-0 (WWW) Placing: #2 (out of 23)   Summary In twenty years, I have never won three games in a day. While I missed first place by ten points (274 vs 264), this is still, easily, my best placing at a tournament, ever. A number of things broke my way and I won't deny being very, very lucky, but I also don't care. I'm over the moon. I went undefeated!   But, for the sake of continuing to improve, here are those fortunate breaks: Terrain was very favorable


toaae in Competitive

Tournament Briefing: Imperial Outpost 8/19

Location: Imperial Outpost in Glendale, AZ BCP Link: First Contact at Imperial Outpost 2: Second Contact Format: 3-game Rogue Trader Tournament No painting requirements, no points for painting in score battleforged points awarded to all players Player placed terrain GW terrain layout #3 TO-chosen Leviathan missions   List: Comp v2.1 Beastboss (Warlord) Beastboss on Squigasaur (w/ Headwhoppa's Killchoppa) Kaptin Badrukk


toaae in Competitive

Tournament AAR: Gamer's Guild RTT 8/12

Record: 1-2 (LWL) Placing: #13 (out of 21)   Summary My opponents were two Orks and an Imperial Knight, in that order. I split with the Orks and dropped the IK game. The major takeaways for me are that I need to work on "Player-Placed Terrain" and deployment. Ignoring my win, I think I did not place my terrain well enough to protect my most important units and/or allow me to get out onto objectives early. Against the first Ork player, I fell behind on primary early, which was


toaae in Competitive

Pre-RTT briefing (Gamer's Guild 8/12)

Location: Gamer's Guild in Tempe, AZ (website) Format: 3-game Rogue Trader Tournament No painting requirements; all players get the 10 points for battleforged Player placed terrain   List: Comp v2.0 Beastboss Beastboss on Squigasaur (w/ Headwhoppa's Killchoppa) Kaptin Badrukk Mozrog Skragbad Warboss (w/ Follow Me, Ladz) 2x 10 Beast Snagga Boyz 10 Boyz 10 Flash Gitz 3x 11 Gretchin 10 Nobz


toaae in Competitive

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